" Holy Father, Benchmark of All Fatherhood " A Congregational Prayer for 18 June 2017 (original) (raw)

Our Father as Salvation Historic Prayer (1).docx

Using the lens of Metropolitan Anthony Bloom's "Living Prayer", I seek to provide an accessible exposition into the various touch-points of salvation history contained within the Lord’s prayer.

Please pray for the recently deceased


As our Lenten season closes, and following the wonderful celebrations of Easter, it is time once again to focus on the other important aspects of parish life. One of the things we are working on at this time is handling certain staffing needs. Just two months ago, our Director of Hispanic Ministry accepted a job in San Antonio working in Catholic radio. We have received several applications for the position and hope to be able to make an announcement of a new hire soon. The Hispanic Ministry director is responsible for developing and supervising the Spanish language and Hispanic Culture programs in the parish. He or she serves to be my main assistant in maintaining and developing the ministries for the Spanish language segment of the population and for representing the pastoral offices in the administration of those areas.

Daily Prayer

Words That Matter, 2019

and spirits of Antichrist. These are all bound in me, my family and church family. I bind all curses that have been spoken against us. I bind the power of negative words and curses, and I bind and render useless all prayers not inspired by the Holy Spirit. I bless those who curse me and pray blessings on those who despitefully use me. I confess that I am a child of God, that I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I am God"s property. I confess the Holy Spirit guides and leads me. I do hear God"s voice as Jesus said in John 10:27. I can discern between what is righteous and wicked. I have authority over Satan and demons through Christ. I declare Satan is under my feet. I bind Satan from my family, my mind, my body, my home, my church and my finances. I confess I am healed and whole, I flourish, I am stable, fruitful, full of peace, patience and love. Whatever I set my hands to shall prosper, for God supplies my every need. God, I pray for the ministries You have for me to be revealed and matured. Anoint me for all You have called me to do for You. I call forth divine appointments, open doors of opportunity, God ordained encounters, ministry opportunities and ministry positions. I will use my life and God given abilities for Your glory and honor, O Lord. I claim a fence of protection around myself, spouse and children day and night, I ask You, God, in the name of Jesus, to dispatch angels to surround me, my spouse and my children today and to put them throughout my home, cars and properties. I ask that angels protect my home from any intrusion and to protect me and my family from any harmful demonic, physical or mental attacks. And lastly, I declare by faith that revival is sweeping through me and my family, my church family and nation. I will allow it to bring about the necessary changes in me. I am open to correction, repentance, obedience and brokenness and a deeper walk with God. I deeply desire a more powerful prayer life and a greater intimacy with the Lord and a burden for the lost. I pray this prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen.

For the sake of the call- in pursuit of building Beloved community…--By Seth Naicker---1

the blessed provocations of Mercy Amba Odudoye, Howard Thurman, Curtiss Paul DeYoung, Karen McKinney, Steve Biko and Mary-Anne Plaatjies-van Huffel"For the sake of the call: in pursuit of building Beloved community." - by Seth Naicker In this reflection, I am drawing on the voices of theologians and practitioners who have impacted my thinking and practise. The following message is from our late and beloved mentor Rev. Dr. Mary Ann Plaatjies: “Still hospitalized from 9 April- the Dr have purchased medicine from Overseas- seeing that I am resistant to antibiotics and the medicine is not registered as scheduled A that they are currently using on me. May the Lord bless the medicine. Ms Plaatjies Van Huffel.” May 1, 2020. This was the last message I got from Ma Plaatjies before she passed on the 19th of May, 2020. However earlier on, Ma Plaatjies joined in with us as we responded to President Cyril Ramaphosa's call for a national day of prayer. I requested Ma Plaatjies to write a prayer and from her hospital bed she sent the following on the 26th of March, 2020: “Prof. Mary Anne Plaatjies, lecturer, University Stellenbosch, former moderator of URCSA, President of the Word Council of Churches. Compassionate Lord, You suffered and died for us; You understand suffering. Compassionate God, give us faith to seek you in times of trouble. O Lord, we come to you in this time of global crisis to ask for your protection against the pandemic that has affected thousands of people worldwide. We pray for the sick to be healed, the anxious to be calmed and that the disease itself be contained. God of compassion, we claim your promises in your Word as we pray for those who are ill or are suffering loss and long for your healing touching in our congregation, community, South Africa, Africa, the World. We pray for our political leaders who are responsible for decisions about fighting the virus. Learn us to adhere to these regulations issued by the government. Father, we seek your wisdom daily. Hear our prayer. God you are our refuge and strength, an ever-present even during the time of lock down. With you we shall overcome . Amen.” We read Ma Plaatjies’ prayer in our online service that we conducted during covid19 while Merrishia and I were co-pastoring at Via Christi URCSA in Lenasia. Ma Plaatjies was supportive of Merrishia and I and our team ministry. It was Rev. Dr. Mary-Anne Plaatjies- van Huffel who guided and urged us on toward the Uniting Reformed Church of Southern Africa, she believed we could find our home and be of service to God and people in and through the URCSA. Prof. Plaatjies- van Huffel was excited for us and the call that we received to serve at Via Christi Community Church that was formerly served by Rev. Dr. Gerrie Lubbe, a close friend of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and also a friend and mentor to Merrishia and I. It was our great honor to know Prof. Plaatjies aka Ma Plaatjies who we cherished as a friend and a beloved coworker for Jesus Christ. It was a God inspired moment to have her compose a prayer which I believe was her last published words. From her hospital bed she shared a prayer for our Country, our Africa and our World- from her hospital bed she was aware of God working in and through us to serve, love and bear witness for the pursuit of building Beloved Community. This paper draws in the blessed provocations of Mercy Amba Odudoye, Howard Thurman, Curtiss Paul DeYoung, Karen McKinney, Steve Biko and Mary-Anne Plaatjies-van Huffel: • a neighborliness spirituality of care and respect, from Oduduye, • being rocked to our foundations, from Thurman • joining with the marginalized, from DeYoung • emancipatory bias, from McKinney • we are people and not just appendages (a thing added) to white society, from Biko • a correlation between liturgy (lex orandi), theology (lex credendi) and life (lex vivendi), from Plaatjies-van Huffel. Seth Naicker sethnaicker@gmail.com 0027 79 482 7445

Liturgical Gratitude to God

Religions, 2022

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