CharNER: Character-Level Named Entity Recognition (original) (raw)
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TLR at BSNLP2019: A Multilingual Named Entity Recognition System
Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Balto-Slavic Natural Language Processing
This paper presents our participation at the shared task on multilingual named entity recognition at BSNLP2019. Our strategy is based on a standard neural architecture for sequence labeling. In particular, we use a mixed model which combines multilingualcontextual and language-specific embeddings. Our only submitted run is based on a voting schema using multiple models, one for each of the four languages of the task (Bulgarian, Czech, Polish, and Russian) and another for English. Results for named entity recognition are encouraging for all languages, varying from 60% to 83% in terms of Strict and Relaxed metrics, respectively.
Named Entity Recognition generally requires large amount of tagged corpus to build a high performing system. The representation has always been a bottleneck in NERs success. The NER subtask by IECSIL had enough data for algorithms to learn semantic representation as well as apply deep learning models. The current work uses a subword aware word representation for generating representations. These embeddings are further used with a bidirectional LSTM for building an NER system. The system performed well for all the Indian languages and stood among top three submissions.
Named Entity Recognition with Character-Level Models
We discuss two named-entity recognition models which use characters and character ¤ -grams either exclusively or as an important part of their data representation. The first model is a character-level HMM with minimal context information, and the second model is a maximum-entropy conditional markov model with substantially richer context features. Our best model achieves an overall F¥ of 86.07% on the English test data (92.31% on the development data). This number represents a 25% error reduction over the same model without word-internal (substring) features. 85.44 90.09 80.95 76.40 89.66 More Sequence £
A Morpho-Syntactically Informed LSTM-CRF Model for Named Entity Recognition
We propose a morphologically informed model for named entity recognition, which is based on LSTM-CRF architecture and combines word embeddings, Bi-LSTM character embeddings, part-ofspeech (POS) tags, and morphological information. While previous work has focused on learning from raw word input, using word and character embeddings only, we show that for morphologically rich languages, such as Bulgarian, access to POS information contributes more to the performance gains than the detailed morphological information. Thus, we show that named entity recognition needs only coarse-grained POS tags, but at the same time it can benefit from simultaneously using some POS information of different granularity. Our evaluation results over a standard dataset show sizeable improvements over the state-of-the-art for Bulgarian NER.
Named Entity Recognition with Stack Residual LSTM and Trainable Bias Decoding
Recurrent Neural Network models are the state-of-the-art for Named Entity Recognition (NER). We present two innovations to improve the performance of these models. The first innovation is the introduction of residual connections between the Stacked Recurrent Neural Network model to address the degradation problem of deep neural networks. The second innovation is a bias decoding mechanism that allows the trained system to adapt to non-differentiable and externally computed objectives, such as the entity-based F-measure. Our work improves the state-of-the-art results for both Spanish and English languages on the standard train/development/test split of the CoNLL 2003 Shared Task NER dataset.
Constrained Decoding for Computationally Efficient Named Entity Recognition Taggers
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020
Current state-of-the-art models for named entity recognition (NER) are neural models with a conditional random field (CRF) as the final layer. Entities are represented as per-token labels with a special structure in order to decode them into spans. Current work eschews prior knowledge of how the span encoding scheme works and relies on the CRF learning which transitions are illegal and which are not to facilitate global coherence. We find that by constraining the output to suppress illegal transitions we can train a tagger with a cross-entropy loss twice as fast as a CRF with differences in F1 that are statistically insignificant, effectively eliminating the need for a CRF. We analyze the dynamics of tag co-occurrence to explain when these constraints are most effective and provide open source implementations of our tagger in both PyTorch and TensorFlow.
GermEval 2014 Named Entity Recognition Shared Task: Companion Paper
This paper describes the GermEval 2014 Named Entity Recognition (NER) Shared Task workshop at KONVENS. It provides background information on the motivation of this task, the data-set, the evaluation method, and an overview of the participating systems, followed by a discussion of their results. In contrast to previous NER tasks, the GermEval 2014 edition uses an extended tagset to account for derivatives of names and tokens that contain name parts. Further, nested named entities had to be predicted, i.e. names that contain other names. The eleven participating teams employed a wide range of techniques in their systems. The most successful systems used state-of-theart machine learning methods, combined with some knowledge-based features in hybrid systems.
FlexNER: A Flexible LSTM-CNN Stack Framework for Named Entity Recognition
Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing, 2019
Named entity recognition (NER) is a foundational technology for information extraction. This paper presents a flexible NER framework 6 compatible with different languages and domains. Inspired by the idea of distant supervision (DS), this paper enhances the representation by increasing the entity-context diversity without relying on external resources. We choose different layer stacks and sub-network combinations to construct the bilateral networks. This strategy can generally improve model performance on different datasets. We conduct experiments on five languages, such as English, German, Spanish, Dutch and Chinese, and biomedical fields, such as identifying the chemicals and gene/protein terms from scientific works. Experimental results demonstrate the good performance of this framework.
Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS), 2019 Federated Conference on, 2022
paper reports on the evaluation of Deep Learning (DL) transformer architecture models for Named-Entity Recognition (NER) on ten low-resourced South African (SA) languages. In addition, these DL transformer models were compared to other Neural Network and Machine Learning (ML) NER models. The findings show that transformer models substantially improve performance when applying discrete finetuning parameters per language. Furthermore, fine-tuned transformer models outperform other neural network and machine learning models on NER with the low-resourced SA languages. For example, the transformer models obtained the highest F-scores for six of the ten SA languages and the highest average F-score surpassing the Conditional Random Fields ML model. Practical implications include developing high-performance NER capability with less effort and resource costs, potentially improving downstream NLP tasks such as Machine Translation (MT). Therefore, the application of DL transformer architecture models for NLP NER sequence tagging tasks on low-resourced SA languages is viable. Additional research could evaluate the more recent transformer architecture models on other Natural Language Processing tasks and applications, such as Phrase chunking, MT, and Part-of-Speech tagging.
Dependency-Guided LSTM-CRF for Named Entity Recognition
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP), 2019
Dependency tree structures capture longdistance and syntactic relationships between words in a sentence. The syntactic relations (e.g., nominal subject, object) can potentially infer the existence of certain named entities. In addition, the performance of a named entity recognizer could benefit from the longdistance dependencies between the words in dependency trees. In this work, we propose a simple yet effective dependency-guided LSTM-CRF model to encode the complete dependency trees and capture the above properties for the task of named entity recognition (NER). The data statistics show strong correlations between the entity types and dependency relations. We conduct extensive experiments on several standard datasets and demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model in improving NER and achieving state-of-theart performance. Our analysis reveals that the significant improvements mainly result from the dependency relations and long-distance interactions provided by dependency trees.