"Mimarlık ve Müşterekleşme Pratikleri", Ege Mimarlik Dergisi, Sivil Mimarlik Inisiyatifleri Dosyasi, 2017, Editor Yard.Doc.Dr.Ebru Yilmaz (original) (raw)
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Metropolises, with their common vivacious, mostly chaotic and random characteristics, although including differencies, are in a going-on growth in the whole world. In the cities where the perpetual change and transformation of the components is inevitable, there have always been opportunities to create creative millieu in different qualifications for different actors. Institutions of a living city have always been shaed by its dwellers and create new spaces. Istanbul, embodying all these characteristics and presenting numerous potentials, has been an important laboratory for both architectural practices and architectural design studios. Within this context, informal education activities, which are practices outside of the formal educational programs applied in architecture schools are becoming more important and Istanbul has been an important tool in these activities. Although the design studio, which is the core of architecture education, has formally been the locus for design education , informal education approach has gained more and more acceptance in the world. Informal education, which is the education outside the confines of curricula, as opposed to formal education, includes the acquisition of knowledge and skills through experience, reading, social contact, etc. these informal education activities, which can be exampled as design workshops or competitions, are mostly composed of brief but intensive group meetings and usually facilitated by representatives of different disciplines. From this point of view, on the purpose of making a contribution to informal education activities on architectural education , IAPS-CS Network organized a series of activities entitled " The Future Is Not What It Is Used To Be in Istanbul as a Palimpsest City " , within the scope of Istanbul 2nd Design Biennial Academic Program. The activities were a continuation of the activities that are realized within the academy program of the previous biennial. IAPS-CS Network Activities that continued during the biennial, have composed of interrelated steps such as design workshops, article anthology, student competition, exhibition / colloquium / symposium and publication. The aim of these activities is to bring together the undergraduate and graduate students and young researchers and theoretical works with different levels of architectural design education and also to provide a wide range discussion milieu by organizing such an activity on the part of an independent network. At the end of the all steps, to provide a discussion milieu including all the participants is one of the most important methodological steps of the activities. Within this context, the aim of this paper is firstly to discuss the importance of informal educational activities in architectural design education within the scope of 'Culture and Space Meetings' and following this, another aim is to bring on discussions of the palimsest character of Istanbul. The aim of the contextual structure of these activities is to focus on interaction between architecture and culture by using culture and space concepts in architectural education and to provoke students to question multi-layered city Istanbul.
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Arredamento Mimarlık, 2024
Ali Kural ve Deniz Çalış tarafından tasarlanan ve 2022 senesinde inşaatı tamamlanan Beyazıt Meydanı Kentsel Tasarım Projesi, İstanbul'un en önemli ve eski kamusal alanlarından biri olup; bu makale -projeye ait çeşitli mimari çizim ve fotoğraflarla birlikte- kentsel sit alanı olarak kabul edilmiş olan bu kamusal açık alanın, ICOMOS kriterleri ve Valetta ilkeleri kapsamında çok katmanlı soyut ve somut kentsel mirasla kurduğu ilişkiyi irdelemektedir./ Beyazıt Square Urban Design Project - an urban heritage site with its multi-layered history, designed by Ali Kural and Deniz Çalış and completed in 2022, is one of the most important and oldest public spaces in Istanbul. This article - together with various architectural drawings and photographs of the project – discusses the design of the public open space within the scope of ICOMOS criterias and Valletta principles.