An Investigation towards Effectiveness of Present State of Biometric-Based Authentication System (original) (raw)
Biometrics is a technique by which an individual's identity can be authenticated by applying the physical or behavioral trait. Physical traits, like fingerprints, face, iris etc. are based on physical characteristics which are generally inherent and stable. Behavioral traits, like voice, signature or keystroke dynamics etc. on the other hand, is a quantifiable characteristic. That is obtained over time and is subject to deliberate alteration. Unimodal biometric systems developed for each of these biometric features may not always meets the required performance. The methods are analyzed to integrate the various features together to acquire a multi-modal biometric system. The recent research reveals that multi-modal biometric system is more effective in authentication. The objective of this paper is to highlight the importance of the use of multimodal biometrics in the area of secure person authentication. This study provides a different perception to use biometrics as a highest level of network security with the fusion of multiple biometric modalities.
Multimodal biometric system: A review
International Journal of Research in Advanced Engineering and Technology , 2018
The procedure by which a person's identity can be authenticated by applying the physical or behavioral trait is called Biometric. Physical traits, similar to fingerprints, face, iris and so on depend on physical characteristics which are by and large inborn and stable. Behavioral traits, similar to voice, signature or keystroke and so on then again, is a quantifiable characteristic. That is acquired after some time and is liable to think change. Unimodal biometric systems created for each of these biometric features may not generally meet the required performance. The techniques are broke down to incorporate the different features together to obtain a multimodal biometric system. The current research uncovers that multimodal biometric system is more viable in authentication. The goal of this paper is to highlight the significance of the utilization of multimodal biometrics in the area of secure individual confirmation. This paper gives an alternate discernment to utilize biometrics as a largest amount of system security with the combination of numerous biometric modalities.
Comparative Analysis of Multimodal Biometric System
Networked environment provides legion of resources but also causing uncertainties due to crimes like computer hacking, illegal access of ATM and cell phone, security is the prime requirement. To overcome this barrier, biometric techniques are used as authentication technique to prevent unauthorized access. Biometric system kind of a method to scrutinize exclusive physical or behavioural traits to determine individual's identity. In this study ,providing the review comparison multimodal biometric system which provide additional accuracy as compared to unimodal biometric systems. The system of concern takes the input either from single or multiple sources and verifies it against the historical information stored within the dataset. This technology uses more than one biometric identifier to compare the identity of the individual. Thus, the system uses three technologies i.e. face, mimic along voice and if any one of this technology is not able to identify, the system scan still use...
Unimodal & Multimodal Biometric Recognition Techniques A Survey
Biometric recognition refers to an automatic recognition of individuals based on a feature vector(s) derived from their physiological and/or behavioral characteristic. Biometric recognition systems should provide a reliable personal recognition schemes to either confirm or determine the identity of an individual. These features are used to provide an authentication for computer based security systems. Applications of such a system include computer systems security, secure electronic banking, mobile phones, credit cards, secure access to buildings, health and social services. By using biometrics a person could be identified based on "who she/he is" rather than "what she/he has" (card, token, key) or "what she/he knows" (password, PIN). In this paper, a brief overview of biometric methods, both unimodal and multimodal and their advantages and disadvantages, will be presented.
Automated Biometric Verification: A Survey on Multimodal Biometrics
In the world of computer science & Information Technology security is essential and important issue. Identification and Authentication Techniques plays an important role while dealing with security and integrity. The human physical characteristics like fingerprints, face, hand geometry, voice and iris are known as biometrics. These features are used to provide an authentication for computer based security systems. Biometric verification refers to an automatic verification of a person based on some specific biometric features derived from his/her physiological and/or behavioral characteristics. Biometrics is the science and technology of measuring and analyzing biological data of human body, extracting a feature set from the acquired data, and comparing this set against to the template set in the database. The future in biometrics seems to belong to the multimodal biometrics (a biometric system using more than one biometric feature) as a Unimodal biometric system (biometric system using single biometric feature) has to contend with a number of problems. In this paper, a survey of some of the multimodal biometrics is conducted.
Review on Multimodal Biometric
—A biometric ,system has been the important affordable and more reliable system .A biometrics identification system is refers to the automatic recognition of individual person based on their characteristics. Early authentication method like which can be stolen or shared by with other person. Biometric has two modals ,unimodals and multimodals .Inunimodol system , it has disadvantages due to lack of its non –versality and unacuptable error rate .To overcome these unimodal issues multimodals is better approach for combining two or more features of person like for sirisdetetmines a authentication (i.e. identification and verification) this paper that characterstics ,types and biometrics ,fusion levels and research areas etc.
Advanced Authentication Scheme using Multimodal Biometric Scheme
International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research, 2013
Fingerprint recognition has attracted various researchers and achieved great success. But, fingerprint alone may not be able to meet the increasing demand of high accuracy in today's biometric system. The purpose of our paper is to inspect whether the integration of palmprint and fingerprint biometric can achieve performance that may not be possible using a single biometric technology. Pre-processing is done for fingerprint and palmprint images separately in order to remove any noise. The next step is feature extraction. Minutiae algorithm is used for fingerprint feature extraction and Local Binary pattern for palmprint. Wavelet fusion is applied in order to fuse the extracted features and Support Vector Machine is used for matching. The main highlight of the project is multimodal biometrics which will give a better security and accuracy comparing to unimodel system.
Multimodal Biometric Authentication System: Challenges and Solutions
Global journal of computer science and technology, 2011
Biometric technologies are automated methods for measuring and analyzing biological data, extracting a feature set from acquired data and comparing this set against to the templates set in the database. Unimodal biometric system have variety of problems such as noisy data, spool attacks etc. Multimodal biometrics refers the combination of two or more biometric modalities in a single identification. Most biometric verification systems are done based on knowledge base and token based identification these are prone to fraud. Biometric authentication employs unique combinations of measurable physical characteristics-fingerprint, facial features , iris of the eye, voice print and so on-that cannot be readily imitated or forged by others. This paper discuss the various scenarios that are possible in multi model biometric system , the level of fusion that are plausible and the integration strategic that can be adopted to consolidate information. Fusion methods include processing biometric madalitics sequential until an acceptable match is obtained.
Biometric Authentication Using Fused Multimodal Biometric
Procedia Computer Science, 2016
Biometrics are basically based on the expansion of pattern recognition systems. At present, electronic or optical sensors like cameras and scanning devices are used to capture images, recordings or measurements of a person's 'unique' characteristics. These technologies are being utilized across a range of applications like security, prevention of cyber crime and border control, public aid/social benefits, customs, immigration, passport and healthcare identity verification, as well as commercial enterprises use. Most biometric systems that are typically use a single biometric trait to establish identity have some challenges like Noise in sensed data which increases False Acceptance Rate (FAR) of the system, Non-universality which reduces Genuine Acceptance Rate (GAR). Hence the security afforded by the biometric system mitigates its benefits. In this paper, we propose a Fused Multimodal systems which also have several advantages over unibiometric systems such as, enhanced verification accuracy, larger feature space to accommodate more subjects and higher security against spoofing. The proposed enhanced multimodal authentication system is based on feature extraction(using fingerprint, retina and fingervein) and key generation (using RSA). The experimental evaluation implemented using MATLAB 2014, illustrates the significance improvement in the performance of multimodal biometrics with RSA have GAR of 95.3% and FAR of 0.01%.
Biometrics is the science and technology of measuring and analyzing biological data of human body, extracting a feature set from the acquired data, and comparing this set against to the template set in the database. Experimental studies show that Unimodal biometric systems had many disadvantages regarding performance and accuracy. Multimodal biometric systems perform better than unimodal biometric systems and are popular even more complex also. We examine the accuracy and performance of multimodal biometric authentication systems using state of the art Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) products. Here we discuss fingerprint and face biometric systems, decision and fusion techniques used in these systems. We also discuss their advantage over unimodal biometric systems.