Simple solutions to the initial conditions problem in dynamic, nonlinear panel data models with unobserved heterogeneity (original) (raw)
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Initial-Condition Free Estimation of Fixed Effects Dynamic Panel Data Models
It is well known that (quasi) MLE of dynamic panel data (DPD) models with short panels depends on the assumptions on the initial values; ignoring them or a wrong treatment of them will result in inconsistency or serious bias. This paper introduces a initial-condition free method for estimating the fixed-effects DPD models, through a simple modification of the quasi-score. An outer-product-of-gradients (OPG) method is also proposed for robust inference. The MLE of Hsiao, Pesaran and Tahmiscioglu (2002, Journal of Econometrics), where the initial observations are modeled, is extended to quasi MLE and an OPG method is proposed for robust inference. Consistency and asymptotic normality for both estimation strategies are established, and the two methods are compared through Monte Carlo simulations. The proposed method performs well in general, whether the panel is short or not. The quasi MLE performs comparably, except when model does not contain time-varying regressor, or the panel is not short and the dynamic parameter is small. The proposed method is much simpler and easier to apply.
The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2008
These notes summarize some recent, and perhaps not-so-recent, advances in the estimation of nonlinear panel data models. Research in the last 10 to 15 years has branched off in two directions. In one, the focus has been on parameter estimation, possibly only up to a common scale factor, in semiparametric models with unobserved effects (that can be arbitrarily correlated with covariates.) Another branch has focused on estimating partial effects when restrictions are made on the distribution of heterogeneity conditional on the history of the covariates. These notes attempt to lay out the pros and cons of each approach, paying particular attention to the tradeoff in assumptions and the quantities that can be estimated.
This paper considers the maximum likelihood estimation of panel data models with interactive effects. Motivated by applications in economics and other social sciences, a notable feature of the model is that the explanatory variables are correlated with the unobserved effects. The usual within-group estimator is inconsistent. Existing methods for consistent estimation are either designed for panel data with short time periods or are less efficient. The maximum likelihood estimator has desirable properties and is easy to implement, as illustrated by the Monte Carlo simulations. This paper develops the inferential theory for the maximum likelihood estimator, including consistency, rate of convergence and the limiting distributions. We further extend the model to include time-invariant regressors and common regressors (cross-section invariant). The regression coefficients for the time-invariant regressors are time-varying, and the coefficients for the common regressors are cross-sectionally varying.
Estimation for Dynamic and Static Panel Probit Models with Large Individual Effects
Journal of Time Series Analysis, 2016
For discrete panel data, the dynamic relationship between successive observations is often of interest. We consider a dynamic probit model for short panel data. A problem with estimating the dynamic parameter of interest is that the model contains a large number of nuisance parameters, one for each individual. Heckman proposed to use maximum likelihood estimation of the dynamic parameter, which, however, does not perform well if the individual effects are large. We suggest new estimators for the dynamic parameter, based on the assumption that the individual parameters are random and possibly large. Theoretical properties of our estimators are derived and a simulation study shows they have some advantages compared to Heckman's estimator.
Fixed effects estimation of structural parameters and marginal effects in panel probit models
Journal of Econometrics, 2009
Fixed effects estimators of nonlinear panel models can be severely biased due to the incidental parameters problem. In this paper I find that the most important component of this incidental parameters bias for probit fixed effects estimators of index coefficients is proportional to the true value of these coefficients, using a large-T expansion of the bias. This result allows me to derive a lower bound for this bias, and to show that fixed effects estimates of ratios of coefficients and average marginal effects have zero bias in the absence of heterogeneity, and have negligible bias relative to their true values for a wide variety of distributions of regressors and individual effects.
Identification and estimation of marginal effects in nonlinear panel models
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Finite-sample comparison of alternative methods for estimating dynamic panel data models
Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2012
The Wooldridge method is based on a simple and novel strategy to deal with the initial values problem in nonlinear dynamic random-effects panel data models. The characteristic of the method makes it very attractive in empirical applications. However, its finite sample performance and robustness are not fully known as of yet. In this paper we investigate the performance and robustness of this method in comparison with an ideal case in which the initial values are known constants; the worst scenario is based on an exogenous initial values assumption, and the Heckman's reduced-form approximation method, which is widely used in the literature. The dynamic random-effects probit and Tobit (type I) models are used as working examples. Various designs of the Monte Carlo experiments and two further empirical illustrations are provided. The results suggest that the Wooldridge method works very well only for the panels of moderately long duration (longer than 5-8 periods). Heckman's reduced-form approximation is suggested for short panels (shorter than 5 periods). It is also found that all the methods tend to perform equally well for panels of long duration (longer than 15-20 periods).
Nonlinear Panel Data Models with Expected a Posteriori Values of Correlated Random Effects
We develop a two step estimation procedure to estimate nonlinear panel data models. Our approach combines the “correlated random effect” and the “control function” approach to handel endogeneity of regressors that are correlated with both the unobserved heterogeneity as well as the idiosyncratic component. The novelty here lies in integrating out the unobserved heterogeneity on which the structural equations are conditioned. The integration is performed with respect to the posterior distribution of the individual effects obtained from the first stage reduced form estimation. Our framework suggests separate tests for correlation between unobserved heterogeneity and the covariates, and correlation between idiosyncratic component and the covariates. Average partial effects (APEs) of covariates are also easily obtained.
A New View on Panel Econometrics: Is Probit Feasible after All?
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2015
Mundlak (1978) proposed the addition of time averages to the usual panel equation in order to remove the fixed effects bias. We extend this Mundlak equation further by replacing the time-varying explanatory variables by the corresponding deviations from the averages over time, while keeping the time averages in the equation. It appears that regression on this extended equation provides simultaneously the within and in-between estimator, while the pooled data estimator is a weighted average of the within and in-between estimator. In Section 3 we introduce observed and unobserved fixed effects In Section 4 we demonstrate that in this extended setup Probit estimation on panel data sets does not pose a specific problem. The usual software will do. In Section 5 we give an empirical example.
SSRN Electronic Journal
We use a quasi-likelihood function approach to clarify the role of initial values and the relative size of the cross-section dimension N and the time series dimension T in the asymptotic distribution of dynamic panel data models with the presence of individual-speci…c e¤ects. We show that the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator (QMLE) treating initial values as …xed constants is asymptotically biased of order q N T 3 as T goes to in…nity for a time series models and asymptotically biased of order q N T for a model that also contains other covariates that are correlated with the individual-speci…c e¤ects. Using Mundlak-Chamberlain approach to condition the e¤ects on the covariates can reduce the asymptotic bias to the order of q N T 3 , provided the data generating processes for the covariates are homogeneous across cross-sectional units. On the other hand, the QMLE combining the Mundlak-Chamberlain approach with the proper treatment of initial value distribution is asymptotically unbiased if N goes to in…nity whether T is …xed or goes to in…nity. Monte Carlo studies are conducted to demonstrate the importance of properly treating initial values in getting valid statistical inference. The results also suggest that when using the conditional approach to get around the issue of incidental parameters, in …nite sample it is perhaps better to follow Mundlak's (1978) suggestion to simply condition the individual This paper was stimulated by the private communication with Jushan Bai. We would like to thank him for pointing out the terms that cancel the impact of individual-speci…c e¤ects and the impact of correlation between the errors of the equation and the lagged dependent variables. We would also like to thank the editor Oliver Linton, an associate editor, two anonymous referees and Elie Tamer for helpful comments. Partial research support by China NSF #71103004 and #71631004 to the …rst author is also gratefully acknowledged.