Foreign Machetes and Cheap Cotton Cloth: Popular Consumers and Imported Commodities in Nineteenth-Century Colombia Hispanic American Historical Review (2017) 97(3): 423-456; doi:10.1215/00182168-3933828 (original) (raw)

The Allure of the Foreign: Imported Goods in Postcolonial Latin America

Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 1999

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The Quest for Material Progress in Global Perspective: Colombia 1840s-1900s


By Jairo A. Campuzano-Hoyos Historians have often framed the historiography of nineteenth-century Colombia around relatively homogeneous, identifiable groups and their ideological struggles, labeling them accordingly after the foundation of the Liberal and Conservative parties in 1849. However, during the second half of the nineteenth century, factionalism rather than consistency characterized these groups’ members and politics, particularly the Liberal party. Thus, although the way Colombians conceived of progress was to some extent linked with ideological principles, the traditional conservative-liberal dichotomy does not work to circumscribe a group of scattered Colombians looking for models of material progress in a global perspective. To a degree, simple references to the classic Liberal– Conservative dichotomy serves to obscure more than it reveals about how Colombians and Latin Americans overall thought in the nineteenth century. This dissertation examines a large body of kno...

Paths, Detours, and Connections: Consumption and Its Contribution to Latin American History, Historia Crítica, Revista No 65- Historia del consumo / Julio-Septiembre de 2017

Historia Crítica, 2017

Despite the increase and variety of historical literature in the region in the last decades, the history of consumption, as a proper area of study, has received only modest scholarly attention from Latin American historians. With the aim of contributing to the emerging literature on the subject, this essay illustrates the relevance of studies on the history of consumption for a better and novel understanding of Latin America's social, economic, and cultural past. It does this: 1) by revisiting the lessons learned from the first debates in the historical literature on consumption; 2) by examining recent developments in the history of consumption in Latin America, and; 3) by identifying future challenges for consumption studies. Presentación. Caminos, desvíos y conexiones: el consumo y su contribución a la Historia de América Latina Resumen: A pesar del incremento de la literatura histórica de América Latina en las últimas décadas, la historia del consumo, como área de estudio, ha recibido poca atención por parte de historiadores de la región. Con el objeto de contribuir a la literatura emergente sobre el tema, este ensayo busca ilustrar la relevancia de los estudios del consumo para una mejor y novedosa comprensión de los procesos sociales, económicos y culturales de historia de América Latina. Lo anterior: 1) revisando las lecciones aprendidas de los primeros debates de la literatura histórica sobre el consume; 2) examinando los recientes estudios históricos sobre el consumo en América Latina; e 3) identificando los desafíos de los historiadores de hoy. Palabras claves: consumo, historiografía, America Latina (Thesaurus); sociedad de consumo (Autor). Presentacão. Caminhos, desvios e conexões: o consumo e sua contribuição para a História da América Latina Resumo: A pesar do aumento da literatura histórica da América Latina nas últimas décadas, a história do consumo, como área de estudo, vem recebendo pouca atenção dos historiadores da região. Com o objetivo de contribuir para a literatura emergente sobre o tema, este ensaio procura ilustrar a relevância dos estudos do consumo para uma melhor e inovadora compreensão dos processos sociais, econômicos e culturais da história da América Latina. Isso será feito por meio: 1) da revisão das lições aprendidas dos primeiros debates de literatura histórica sobre o consumo; da 2) análise dos recentes estudos históricos sobre o consumo na América Latina; e da 3) identificação dos desafios dos historiadores de hoje.

Ambivalent Desires: Representations of Modernity and Private Life in Colombia (1890s-1950s)

Ambivalent Desires is a cultural and literary study of the reception of the notion of modernity in Colombia during the period corresponding to the modernization of the country. It analyzes various written works that reflect the ambivalence toward the modernizing project that was being implemented at the time. The study is divided into five chapters and it follows a loosely chronological scheme. Each chapter discusses a text or group of texts representative of the period in question, all of which evidence either a selective reading of European modernity by Colombian writers, or a conscious assessment of the desirability of adopting modern ideals. Authors/texts discussed include José Asunción Silva, Tomás Rueda Vargas, Manuela Mallarino Isaacs, Juana Sánchez Lafaurie, Fabiola Aguirre, Ignacio Gómez D´svila, and the popular magazine *El Gráfico.*

Land Conflict, Property Rights, and the Rise of the Export Economy in Colombia, 1850-1925

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2009

Impreso en Colombia-Printed in Colombia El contenido de la presente publicación se encuentra protegido por las normas internacionales y nacionales vigentes sobre propiedad intelectual, por tanto su utilización, reproducción, comunicación pública, transformación, distribución, alquiler, préstamo público e importación, total o parcial, en todo o en parte, en formato impreso, digital o en cualquier formato conocido o por conocer, se encuentran prohibidos, y sólo serán lícitos en la medida en que se cuente con la autorización previa y expresa por escrito del autor o titular. Las limitaciones y excepciones al Derecho de Autor, sólo serán aplicables en la medida en que se den dentro de los denominados Usos Honrados (Fair use), estén previa y expresamente establecidas; no causen un grave e injustificado perjuicio a los intereses legítimos del autor o titular, y no atenten contra la normal explotación de la obra.

The place of disarticulations: global commodity production in La Laguna, Mexico


ABSTRACT: The analysis of global commodity chains has become an important field of study for scholars of political economy in various disciplines. Our paper intervenes in this literature via a case study of a region in north-central Mexico called La Laguna. A decade ago La Laguna was in the midst of an export surge in blue jeans that was reflected in its self-style title “blue jeans capital of the world,” but within a decade, apparel production and employment plummeted. In this article, we historicize La Laguna’s boom and bust cycle by showing how the different productive activities that comprise the apparel commodity chain, and the social formations that they have both reflected and engendered in La Laguna, have been woven into the region’s political economy for over one hundred years. While La Laguna ended the twentieth century as an apparel-exporting cluster sewing denim pants made from imported fabric, the region began the twentieth century as Mexico’s cotton bowl. In 1936, it was the site of a famous land expropriation that resulted in the creation of collective farms, or ejidos, which were also dedicated to cotton production. The demise of cotton cultivation in La Laguna and the restructuring of its rural economy coincided with the advent of the region’s export surge in manufactures and a transformation of the ejido from collective farm to cooperative sewing factory. We conclude that in order to make sense of La Laguna’s blue jeans boom turned bust, it is necessary to understand how the erstwhile blue jeans capital has itself been produced through its various encounters with the apparel commodity chain.