Blacklists and Bureaucrats, Resistance and The Rabbinate (original) (raw)

Non-Jewish volunteers in the Kibbutz Movement and the establishment of state conversion in Israel in the 1970s

Netanel Fisher

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Authenticity claims and authentication processes: reconstructing an unauthenticated Jewish identity

Moshe Yehuda Bernstein 玉梦舍

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A Jewish State? Controversial Conversions and the Dispute Over Israel’s Jewish Character

Netanel Fisher

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Israel - (editing and revised) in WORLDMARK ENCYCLOPEDIA of Religious Practices

Yakir Englander

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Joining the Jewish State: Israel's Conversion Policies

Netanel Fisher

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Zev Eleff and Seth Farber, “Antimodernism and Orthodox Judaism’s Heretical Imperative: An American Religious Counterpoint,” Religion and American Culture, vol. 30, no. 2 (Summer 2020): 237-272

2020 •

Zev Eleff

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From Periphery to Core

2011 •

Zvi Zohar

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Warren Zev Harvey, “Some Thoughts on the Role of Judaism in the State of Israel,” Conversations, vol. 14 (Autumn 2013): 71-81

Warren Zev Harvey

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Israeli Constitutional Law in the Making

National Identity and Religion–State Relations : Israel in Comparative Perspective

Gila Stopler

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The Role of the Rabbinical Courts Law (Marriage and Divorce) 5713-1953 in the Creation of Israeli Citizenry

2018 •

Elli Fischer

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Swimming against the tide: the changing functions and status of chaplains in the Israel Defense Force

Stuart Cohen, Elisheva Rosman-Stollman

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Jews by choice? Orthodox conversion, the problem of choice, and Jewish religiopolitics in the Israeli state

Michal Kravel Tovi

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Journal of Contemporary Ethnography

Soldiers and Scholars: Ritual Dilemmas among National Religious Combat Soldiers in the Israel Defense Forces

2020 •

Nehemia Stern

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Adam S. Ferziger, “Foreign Ashes in Sovereign Space: Cremation and the Chief Rabbinate of Israel, 1931-1990,” Jewish Studies Quarterly, vol. 23, no. 4 (December 2016): 290-313

Adam Ferziger

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Modern Judaism

Israeli" halakha: The Chief Rabbinate's conversion-to-Judaism policy 1948-2018

2019 •

Netanel Fisher

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TATuP "Next generation sequencing. Challenges for science and society"

Negotiating Jewishness through genetic testing in the State of Israel

2021 •

Noa-Sophie Kohler

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Halachic Infertility: Rabbis, Doctors, and the Struggle over Professional Boundaries

2013 •

Tsipy Ivry

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A revised version was published as "The Kollel Movement in the State of Israel: A Pedagogic and Ideological Typology," with Yoel Finkelman, Israel Studies Review, Summer 2014.

The Ideology of Full-Time Religious Study by Married Men in Israeli Ultra-Orthodox Judaism

Daniel Schiffman

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Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East

Israel: Democracy or Ethnocracy? Part 2. Legislating Injustice Under the Netanyahu Government (2009-2012)

2013 •

Michaël Séguin

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The Religious World of Ancient Israel to 586 BCE

2000 •

Marvin A. Sweeney

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Modern Judaism

Prayer and Worship

2005 •

Ruth Langer

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Nashim: A Journal of Jewish Women’s Studies and Gender Issues

‘They Must Join Us. There is No Other Way’: An Ethnography of Haredi Activism, Rabbinic Accountability, and the Battle against Sexual Violence

2020 •

Michal Kravel Tovi

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What Can Orthodox Judaism Learn from Islamic Traditions

Shlomo Pill

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Studying Haredi Mizrahim in Israel: Trends, Achievements, and Challenges

Kimmy Caplan

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Kabbalah and the Politics of Inauthenticity: The Controversies over the Kabbalah Center

Boaz Huss

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Adam S. Ferziger, “Training American Orthodox Rabbis to Play a Role in Confronting Assimilation: Programs, Methodologies and Directions,” Rappaport Center for Assimilation Research: Research and Position Papers 4 (Ramat-Gan: Rappaport Center for Assimilation Research, 2003): 7-72

Adam Ferziger

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The Tel Aviv Review of Books, December

"Global Jewish Identities"

2018 •

Ephraim Meir

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Adam S. Ferziger, “From Demonic Deviant to Drowning Brother: Reform Judaism in the Eyes of American Orthodoxy,” Jewish Social Studies 15:3 (Spring-Summer 2009), 56-88

Adam Ferziger

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Marburg Journal of Religion

Walking With God: Realism, Fanaticism, and the Future of Jewish Law

2009 •

Jonathan L Friedmann

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A beach of their own: The creation of the gender- segregated beach in Tel Aviv

Shayna Weiss

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Jewish Review of Books

Wink-Wink, Win-Win?

2020 •

Shlomo Brody

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Yelenskyi, Viktor (2020) "The Resurrection of Jewish Religion at the Turn of the 20th and 21st Centuries: The Case of Ukraine," Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe: Vol. 40 : Iss. 6 , Article 7. Available at:

Turn of the 20th and 21st Centuries: The Case of Ukraine

2020 •

Віктор Єленський

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Pulling the Rug Out of Under - Mamzerim Labeled and Erased, pp. 107 – 115, Nurit Jacobs-Yinon and Emily Bilski (ed.), Jerusalem, 2017.

Elisabeth Goldwyn

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Journal of the American Academy of Religion, vol 80, nol. 2

“Newly Found Jews and the Politics of Recognition”

2012 •

Stuart Charme

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Contemporary Jewry

Israelization and Lived Religion: Conflicting Accounts of Contemporary Judaism

Adam Ferziger

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Conversion in Israel

Netanel Fisher

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"Dear Rabbi, I am a Woman Who...": Women Asking Rabbis Questions, From Rabbi Moshe Feinstein to the Internet

Michael Pitkowsky

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Shouldering the Weight of the State: Religious Zionist Citizenship, National Responsibility, and Jewish Conversion in Israel

2018 •

Michal Kravel Tovi

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Gábor Halmai

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The Torah u-Madda Journal

The Political Theology of Rabbi Nachum Eliezer Rabinovitch, The Torah u-Madda Journal 18 (2021), 1-32.

2021 •

Rami Schwartz

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