Effect of Gastric Digestion pH on Iron, Zinc, and Calcium Dialyzability from Preterm and Term Starting Infant Formulas (original) (raw)
2006, Journal of Food Science
ABSTRA ABSTRA ABSTRA ABSTRA ABSTRACT CT CT CT CT: I : I : I : I : Ir r r r ron, zinc, and calcium dialyzability fr on, zinc, and calcium dialyzability fr on, zinc, and calcium dialyzability fr on, zinc, and calcium dialyzability fr on, zinc, and calcium dialyzability from pr om pr om pr om pr om preter eter eter eter eterm and ter m and ter m and ter m and ter m and term star m star m star m star m starting infant for ting infant for ting infant for ting infant for ting infant formulas w mulas w mulas w mulas w mulas wer er er er ere deter e deter e deter e deter e determined mined mined mined mined after in vitro digestion, using special gastric conditions prevailing in preterm and newborn infants. Mineral after in vitro digestion, using special gastric conditions prevailing in preterm and newborn infants. Mineral after in vitro digestion, using special gastric conditions prevailing in preterm and newborn infants. Mineral after in vitro digestion, using special gastric conditions prevailing in preterm and newborn infants. Mineral after in vitro digestion, using special gastric conditions prevailing in preterm and newborn infants. Mineral dialyzability was studied using pH 2.0, 3.5, and 4.5 for gastric digestion. The effect of gastric pH was more important dialyzability was studied using pH 2.0, 3.5, and 4.5 for gastric digestion. The effect of gastric pH was more important dialyzability was studied using pH 2.0, 3.5, and 4.5 for gastric digestion. The effect of gastric pH was more important dialyzability was studied using pH 2.0, 3.5, and 4.5 for gastric digestion. The effect of gastric pH was more important dialyzability was studied using pH 2.0, 3.5, and 4.5 for gastric digestion. The effect of gastric pH was more important on iron dialyzability (FeD) and zinc dialyzability (ZnD) than on calcium dialyzability (CaD). The effect on iron on iron dialyzability (FeD) and zinc dialyzability (ZnD) than on calcium dialyzability (CaD). The effect on iron on iron dialyzability (FeD) and zinc dialyzability (ZnD) than on calcium dialyzability (CaD). The effect on iron on iron dialyzability (FeD) and zinc dialyzability (ZnD) than on calcium dialyzability (CaD). The effect on iron on iron dialyzability (FeD) and zinc dialyzability (ZnD) than on calcium dialyzability (CaD). The effect on iron dialyzability was remarkable in fluid formulations with high digestibility: FeD was 18% to 20% when gastric diges-dialyzability was remarkable in fluid formulations with high digestibility: FeD was 18% to 20% when gastric diges-dialyzability was remarkable in fluid formulations with high digestibility: FeD was 18% to 20% when gastric diges-dialyzability was remarkable in fluid formulations with high digestibility: FeD was 18% to 20% when gastric digesdialyzability was remarkable in fluid formulations with high digestibility: FeD was 18% to 20% when gastric digestion was made at pH 2, decreasing to 3% when made at pH 4.5. In most powder infant formulas with the lowest tion was made at pH 2, decreasing to 3% when made at pH 4.5. In most powder infant formulas with the lowest tion was made at pH 2, decreasing to 3% when made at pH 4.5. In most powder infant formulas with the lowest tion was made at pH 2, decreasing to 3% when made at pH 4.5. In most powder infant formulas with the lowest tion was made at pH 2, decreasing to 3% when made at pH 4.5. In most powder infant formulas with the lowest digestibility digestibility digestibility digestibility digestibility, F , F , F , F , FeD r eD r eD r eD r eD remained close to 10% despite v emained close to 10% despite v emained close to 10% despite v emained close to 10% despite v emained close to 10% despite var ar ar ar ariations in gastr iations in gastr iations in gastr iations in gastr iations in gastric digestion pH. P ic digestion pH. P ic digestion pH. P ic digestion pH. P ic digestion pH. Per er er er ercent zinc dialyzability cent zinc dialyzability cent zinc dialyzability cent zinc dialyzability cent zinc dialyzability (ZnD%) steadily decreased when gastric digestion pH increased. At each pH, percent iron dialyzability (FeD%) and (ZnD%) steadily decreased when gastric digestion pH increased. At each pH, percent iron dialyzability (FeD%) and (ZnD%) steadily decreased when gastric digestion pH increased. At each pH, percent iron dialyzability (FeD%) and (ZnD%) steadily decreased when gastric digestion pH increased. At each pH, percent iron dialyzability (FeD%) and (ZnD%) steadily decreased when gastric digestion pH increased. At each pH, percent iron dialyzability (FeD%) and ZnD% from human milk were higher than those from infant formulas. Evaluation of mineral dialyzability from ZnD% from human milk were higher than those from infant formulas. Evaluation of mineral dialyzability from ZnD% from human milk were higher than those from infant formulas. Evaluation of mineral dialyzability from ZnD% from human milk were higher than those from infant formulas. Evaluation of mineral dialyzability from ZnD% from human milk were higher than those from infant formulas. Evaluation of mineral dialyzability from these infant formulas, using a gastric digestion pH prevailing in preterm and newborn infants, can provide valu-these infant formulas, using a gastric digestion pH prevailing in preterm and newborn infants, can provide valu-these infant formulas, using a gastric digestion pH prevailing in preterm and newborn infants, can provide valu-these infant formulas, using a gastric digestion pH prevailing in preterm and newborn infants, can provide valuthese infant formulas, using a gastric digestion pH prevailing in preterm and newborn infants, can provide valuable infor able infor able infor able infor able