Fonti per lo studio di Catania antica: selezione di volumi e manoscritti della Biblioteca della Biblioteca dei Benedettini di Catania (Progetto Science & Technology Digital Library) (original) (raw)
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Abstract. The research activity undertaken by the Institute for Archaeological Heritage of the National Research Council (IBAM- CNR) is focused on the study, analysis and digitization of the ancient collection from the library of the former monastery of San Nicolò l’Arena in Catania. It is an ancient and complex patrimony of books and manuscripts that came together in the collections of the combined libraries “Civica and A. Ursino Recupero” in Catania (BCUR), following the suppression of the religious corporations (1866). Through a systematic examination of the late 19th century written catalogue, printed books and manuscripts mainly dating to between the 16th and 19th centuries were identified, registered and digitized. These are works whose central theme is an interest in the material evidence of the ancient world, or that have taken such evidence into consideration in their scholarly works of historical reconstruction, aesthetic discussion or of other types.
The paper explores certain aspects of the practice of collecting in Catania in the 18th century, starting from an examination of the collections of the Benedictine monks in the so-called Museum of S. Nicola l'Arena, which is being studied in an ongoing research project led by the University of Catania. Beginning with a preliminary overview of the first results, particularly with regard to hitherto unknown archive documents, the paper seeks to offer a clearer contextualization of the ancient collectors in Catania during the first half of the 18th century than hitherto available. At the same time, the paper explores a reconstruction of the history and formative vicissitudes of the Benedictine museum. The aim is also to throw new light on the transformations of the practice of collecting and establishing museums during the 18th and the first half of the 19th century, which also comprised a transformation of the organizational model of knowledge management.
ANCIENT CATANIA. NEW PERSPECTIVES OF RESEARCH is a miscellany of contributions written by scholars who discussed this theme in various ways and from different perspectives. In addition to traditional archaeological reports, outlining the urban development from prehistory to the late antiquity, there are writings dealing with the history of research, including through archival records, issues concerning the identity of the ancient city and the reverberations of antiquity within the modern city, both in its urban structure as in the collective imagination. In the contributions are included numerous informations until now unpublished, even by recent researches, which taken as a whole provide a picture of Catania and its ancient monuments certainly new. Born from a prehistoric eruption of Etna, the Montevergine hill on which stands Catania is strategically located between the sea, the volcano and the largest plain of Sicily. Upon it, starting from the Neolithic, there was a vast settlement. However, the area was perhaps already uninhabited when, in 729-728 BC, Greeks from Chalkis in Euboea, headed by Evarco founded Katàne. The Greek city, site of an important sanctuary of Demeter, enjoyed its best season in the fifth century BC. In 476 Hieron I of Syracuse refounded it, replacing the original inhabitants and changing its name to Áitna. From this episode, which lasted fifteen years, chanted by Pindar and perhaps topic of a lost tragedy by Aeschylus, remain silver coins among the most refined of antiquity. Once back the old name and the original inhabitants, at the end of the century, during the Peloponnesian War, Katàne sided with Athens against Syracuse. Conquered by the Syracusans in 403 BC, dispersed its inhabitants and repopulated with Campanian mercenaries, for the city began a decline that ended with the Roman conquest in 263 B.C. Càtina became Colonia Augustea in 21 BC. From that moment the city was endowed with large public buildings that will turn it into one of the most distinguished centers of the empire which in the following centuries, until today, will influence its urban development. The city was the site of an early Christian community and by the fourth century, if not earlier, it had a bishop. To the Christianity are linked the transformations of some buildings and the abandonment of others, and the slow process of development from the ancient city to the Middle Ages.
Gli scavi all’interno dell’ex monastero dei Benedettini e lo sviluppo urbano di Catania antica
The archaeological excavations carried out between 1978 and 1995 by the Institute of Archaeology of the University of Catania in agreement with the Archaeological Soprintendenza of Siracusa and Catania, in the eastern courtyard of the ex- Benedictine monastery, due to the works of adaptation for the Faculty of Humanities, have revealed evidence relating to all the historical phases of Catania, from prehistory to the archaic and classical Greek phase, to the Roman and medieval phases until the earthquake of 1693. The excavations, conducted for the first time in Catania with an extensive method, revealed the evidences of the Greek and Roman city planning, that is still readable in the modern urban structure of the city.
Catania 2014 © Tutti i diritti riservati. è vietata la riproduzione di testi ed illustrazioni senza il permesso scritto dell'Editore, dei Curatori, del Responsabile scientifico dei progetti e degli Autori. Ricerche di archeologia classica e post-classica, vol. II arCheoloGia ClassiCa in siCilia e nel Mediterraneo. didattiCa e riCerCa nell'esperienza Mista Cnr e università. Il contributo delle giovani generazioni. Un triennio di ricerche e di tesi universitarie 446 pp., ill. 17 x 24 cm. ISBN(13): 978-88-89375-12-9 I. Malfitana, Daniele <1967> II. Cacciaguerra, Giuseppe <1977> Progettazione grafica ed impaginazione: Maria Luisa Scrofani
Il manuale intende tracciare alcuni lineamenti di storia delle biblioteche, dal mondo antico all’età medievale e umanistica, fino al primo Rinascimento e agli albori dell’età moderna. Così la prima parte del volume, condotta per lineamenti, è dedicata ai modelli di biblioteca e ai fenomeni di trasmissione dei testi nell’antichità, dall’Oriente mesopotamico ed ebraico fino al mondo romano, passando attraverso la nascita delle biblioteche nel mondo greco. Un discorso più articolato occupa la seconda parte, in cui sono offerti quadri generali e approfondimenti che ci sono parsi significativi, tra tarda antichità ed età umanistica, fino al punto di svolta della diffusione della stampa e delle prime collezioni cinquecentesche.
Catania 2014 © Tutti i diritti riservati. è vietata la riproduzione di testi ed illustrazioni senza il permesso scritto dell'Editore, dei Curatori, del Responsabile scientifico dei progetti e degli Autori. Ricerche di archeologia classica e post-classica, vol. II arCheoloGia ClassiCa in siCilia e nel Mediterraneo. didattiCa e riCerCa nell'esperienza Mista Cnr e università. Il contributo delle giovani generazioni. Un triennio di ricerche e di tesi universitarie 446 pp., ill. 17 x 24 cm. ISBN(13): 978-88-89375-12-9 I. Malfitana, Daniele <1967> II. Cacciaguerra, Giuseppe <1977> Progettazione grafica ed impaginazione: Maria Luisa Scrofani