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Sosyoloji Konferansları - Istanbul Journal of Sociological Studies, 2017
Throughout history, people have migrated from their homes for many reasons. Today, migration and immigration debates concern how, in general, perceptions of identity and belonging are transformed into multicultural societies where, depending on social interaction processes, individuals can reproduce their identity and sense of belonging. However, such rebuilding processes are not the same for every subculture in mainstream society. Problems migrants experienced in other societies, special links shared with the homeland, and memories shared with other group members generally determine identity and sense of belonging. Additionally, with the development of mass media and transportation, subcultures have preserved their ethnic identities and maintained essential links with their homelands. In particular, this study researched how Ahiska Turks, who were subject to forced migration and who returned to their homeland after many years, retain their ethnic identity and sense of belonging to their homeland despite their lives in different societies.
This study examines the identity problem for the workers that turned back to Turkey. Starting from 1960s, lots of workers migrated to European countries as a solution to the problem of unemployment in Turkey. The migrants brought their families with them and got accustomed to living abroad. However statistics prove that a group of migrants returned back to Turkey. Migrants had many problems after return. Turks in Turkey excluded them from the society, mainly because their dialect was different. Eventually, an identity problem emerged for the returned migrants and they experienced a confusion and ambiguity concerning their origin. Although, these migrants shared the same ethnic origin with people living in Turkey, they experienced difficulties in adapting to their national culture. It has been seen that the Turkish migrant identity, which refer to the identity of returned Turks who migrated to European Countries, is not exactly Turkish identity or European identity, but it carries features from both. This migrant identity is an ambivalent identity, constituted of some of factors; Turkish migrants feeling like belonging to nowhere, them having a desire to live in Europe, and them to keep having religious values and feelings different than both Turks in Turkey and people in host countries. Some of the migrants adapted themselves to other cultures, and their interest to their traditional cultures decreased. Consequently, the concept of nation carries a different meaning for the returned migrants. This study examines, why and how the returned migrants became the other in their own countries.
Identity Belonging Changes through Migration
Abstract The concept of identity has been changing rapidly today. New dimensions are added to the ties dating from the past. The dimensions are the learnt concept of identity, the extended mentality of male dominance and transmission of sense of belonging down to next generations. Identity means symbolising one’s way of perceiving the self, and making the individual visible. The concept of identity played pioneering roles in determining communities, and today it also plays pioneering roles in describing individual identifies due to the fact that borders become indistinct with globalisation. This transformation experienced in belonging of identity is re-shaped with the efforts to protect the heritage left by ancestors. A part of Muslims living in the Balkans in the Ottoman period migrated to Anatolia for various reasons. People living in the areas migrated to give such nicknames as” new comers in the ninety threes”, and thus turned the migration into a symbolic system of meanings in the society. Dikili district of İzmir was an area of such intensive migration. Immigrants coming from the Balkans settled in in the city centres as well as in some villages. This study was conducted in 2016 in the district of Dikili and in its villages. This research investigated those immigrants identity belonging. Thus, it focussed on how they identified themselves. The research used the technique of in-depth face to face interviews. Conversations on migration stories are also included in the research. Audio and video recordings were made in the research, and the recordings were then decoded and interpreted. Key words: Identity, Migration, Albanian, Nomadic, Dikili
Construction of ethnic identity among young Kurdish voluntary migrants in Istanbul
The aim of the article is to present partial results of ongoing research project devoted to examining social construction of ethnic identity of young Kurdish voluntary migrants in Istanbul. In the first part of the paper theoretical context of the study is shortly explained, with emphasis on: importance of Istanbul for Kurdish culture, conceptualization of identity and migration. The second part depicts preliminary results of interviews with migrants. It presents respondents' attitudes towards Istanbul, perceived qualities and flaws of conditions that it provides, and potential relation of metropolis to Kurdish culture.
The aim of the article is to investigate the issue of transnational family networks and informal social protection among Turkish migrants living in Germany. By sharing not only emotional and personal matters, but also goods, services, social activities and financial remittances, transnational family networks extend beyond the households of origin to members of the extended families in other countries. The investigation of the ties among transnational families reveals the relationships between migration and informal social protection strategies of migrants that are an integral part of their crossborder social practices. This article examines the protective strategies of Turkish migrants in Germany and their family members in Turkey and Europe. Drawing upon twenty qualitative interviews and ego-centric social network maps collected in Germany, this article illustrates how protective resources flow across borders.
Assessing the Link between Language and Identity: The Construction of Identities among Belgian-Turkish Migrants, 2018
Multiculturalism and multilingualism are inevitable consequences of international migration. Contact between different linguistic or ethnic groups causes the development of expressions specific to one's identity and for migrants it results in the construction of hybrid identities which are very complex to define and understand without knowing the conditions of their construction processes. This paper aims to contribute to the literature about the identity construction of migrants, to assess the link between language and identity in this process. In this regard, I have pursued a qualitative research focusing on the second-generation Turkish-speaking community in Belgium. As a result of the study, it is observed that the migrants' ideologies show traces of national discourses most of the time but their actual language performances and practices contradict these ideologies. The immigrants facing institutional or cultural racism in the host country create new multidimensional and transnational spheres in which they perform multiple identities through varying language usages. This research aims to provide a more comprehensive and deeper analysis regarding the link among language ideologies, linguistic differences and identity construction processes in the contemporary Europe, starting from the Belgian case by taking into account the linguistic aspect in a supra-national environment. Öz: Çok-kültürlülük ve çok-dillilik, uluslararası göçün kaçınılmaz sonuçlarıdır. Farklı dilsel ya da etnik gruplar arasındaki etkileşim, kişinin kimliğine özgü ifadelerin gelişimine neden olur ve göçmenler için hibrid kimliklerin oluşumuyla sonuçlanır. Bu hibrid kimliklerin anlaşılması ve tanımlanması için öncelikle kimlik inşa süreçlerini ve koşullarını doğru anlamlandırmak gerekir. Günümüzün çok dilli ve çok kültürlü Avrupa'sında, dil ideolojilerinin farklı kültürleri ve dilleri meşrulaştırma biçimleri, ulusal kimliklerden Avrupa kimliklerine kadar farklı kimliklerin bulunduğu bir çevrede bulunan göçmenlerin kimlik inşa sürecinde büyük öneme sahip. Bu araştırma, göçmenlerin kimlik oluşumuyla ilgili literatüre katkıda bulunmayı ve kimlik inşası süreçlerinde dil ile kimlik arasındaki bağlantının analitik bir bakış açısıyla değerlendirilmesini amaçlamaktadır. Bu bağlamda, Avrupa Birliği'nin merkezinde yer alan Belçika, çok dilliliğin hem devlet düzeyinde hem de sosyo-kültürel düzeyde var olduğu bir örnek olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu sebeple, söz konusu araştırma için Belçika'daki Türk göçmenler üzerine odaklanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, dil, kimlik ve aidiyet hususunda göçmenlerin söylemleri ile dilsel pratikleri arasındaki çelişkili durumlar ortaya çıkmıştır. Ayrıca, göçmenlerin alıcı ülkede maruz kaldığı kurumsal ve kültürel ayrımcılık, buradaki göçmenlerin farklı dilsel pratikler ile inşa ettikleri ulusötesi ve çok katmanlı yeni kimlik arayışlarına itmektedir. Bu araştırmada yer alan Belçika özelindeki analizlerden hareketle, çağdaş Avrupa'daki dil ideolojileri, entegrasyon/ asimilasyon politikaları ile Belçikalı-Türk vatandaşların kimlik inşa süreçleri arasındaki bağlantı hakkında kapsamlı ve derin bir analiz sunulmaktadır.
The end of communism regime and the raise of democratization process helped Albanian society to be 'open border' toward all countries in the world, especially toward Western ones during 1990's. This phenoma was quite new for Albanian society. Migration involves a series of events that can be highly traumatizing of identity and problems of inegration. The process involves uprooting, being separated from traditional values, being placed in new social and cultural different situations of hosted countries. So for many migrants, social integration process is not quite easy. Resistance to their participation in society results from language problems and culturally defined behavior that often reinforce stereotypes and prejudices. This situation brought out many challenges in the social identity and integration problems of migrants life in hosted countries.In this paper it is going to be focused on the analyses of Albanian migration during post communist period. Also it will be focused on the recent Albanian migration, emigrants and their integration process in the hosted European societies. Consequently to this, it is going to be focuse on the challenges of their social identity during the integration period. Are the emigrants integrated and harmonizing with the European societies or they are just trying to shape their life according to the social, economical and cultural conditions? Or let say that, are the emigrant assimilating their own identity just to be a social actor in the European societies?
Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2013
The end of communism regime and the raise of democratization process helped Albanian society to be 'open border' toward all countries in the world, especially toward Western ones during 1990's. This phenoma was quite new for Albanian society. Migration involves a series of events that can be highly traumatizing of identity and problems of inegration. The process involves uprooting, being separated from traditional values, being placed in new social and cultural different situations of hosted countries. So for many migrants, social integration process is not quite easy. Resistance to their participation in society results from language problems and culturally defined behavior that often reinforce stereotypes and prejudices. This situation brought out many challenges in the social identity and integration problems of migrants life in hosted countries.In this paper it is going to be focused on the analyses of Albanian migration during post communist period. Also it will be focused on the recent Albanian migration, emigrants and their integration process in the hosted European societies. Consequently to this, it is going to be focuse on the challenges of their social identity during the integration period. Are the emigrants integrated and harmonizing with the European societies or they are just trying to shape their life according to the social, economical and cultural conditions? Or let say that, are the emigrant assimilating their own identity just to be a social actor in the European societies?
Abstract To study international migration and its result is not a new discussion area but the way and the purpose of the discussion has been changed gradually. Today, more than ever before, vast number of migrants and especially asylum-seekers are seeking to leave their countries and gain entry to the Western countries. Nowadays it is not sensible to see this population movement as a temporary one which might have unimportant effect on host societies. It is in many cases, large enough to have significant effects on the size, composition and distribution of the populations in both sending and receiving countries. In the process of discussion of multiculturalism supra-national states or unified states the immigrant and their process of community formation as the result of emergent identities can not be easily disregarded. The process of identity formation both involves reproduction and resistance of cultural forms. In the external migration context individuals are confronted with many dimensions of social life which are different from their old environment. This paper will focus on aspects of social life of the immigrants and the process of reproduction of new cultural forms and resistance to the old cultural forms. In other words to analyze which identities are becoming more important and stronger and which are becoming weaker. This evaluation will be done by giving attention to the internal diversification of the immigrants.