Time-domain electromagnetic plane waves in static and dynamic conducting media. I (original) (raw)
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Time-domain electromagnetic plane waves in static and dynamic conducting media. II
IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 1995
Abslract-Solutions are derived for the time-domain Maxwell equations for static (J = aE) and dynamic (~d J / d t + J = aoE) conducting media where the field is assumed to vary with respect to only one spatial direction, i.e., plane-wave propagation. The plane wave is introduced into the media via the imposition of an electric field boundary condition at the plane boundary of a half-space and it is assumed that the fields inside the halfspace are initially zero. Solutions are derived directly from the first-order system of partial differential equations and it is shown that once the eleetric field at the plane boundary is imposed, the magnetic field is automatically determined for causal solutions. It is shown that the form of the Maxwell equations, without a magnetic conductivity term added, is suflicient to allow well and uniquely defined solutions of this problem.
Re ection of Plane Electromagnetic Wave from Conducting Plane
The phenomenon of re ection from conducting surface is considered in terms of ex-act solutions of Maxwell equations. Matching of waves and current density at the plane is completed. Amplitudes of re ected and transmitted waves are found as functions of incident wave and conductivity of the plane. This work is completed also for con-ducting plane lying between two distinct media. It is shown that in case of conducting interface waves with some certain parameters (polarization, incidence angle and fre-quency) and transform completely into waves of current density whereas amplitude of the re ected wave is equal to zero that is equivalent to total absorption. 1
On the electrodynamics in time-dependent linear media
In this work we study the classical electrodynamics in homogeneous conducting and nonconducting time-dependent linear media in the absence of charge sources. Surprisingly, we find that the time dependence of the permittivity gives rise to an additional term in the Ampere-Maxwell equation and an asymmetry between the electric and magnetic field wave equations. As special cases we consider a linear and an exponential growth of the permittivity, as well as a sinusoidal time-dependent permittivity.
An integral equation is developed for determining the time-dependent current distribution on a wire structure excited by an arbitrary time-varying electric field. The subsectional collocation form of the method of moments is used to reduce this integral equation to a form that can be evaluated on a digital computer as an initial value problem. A Lagrangian interpolation scheme is introduced so that the dependent variables can be accurately evaluated at any point in the spacetime cone; thus, only mild restrictions on the space and time sample density are required. The integral equation relating present values of the current to previously computed values is presented in a form that can be directly converted into a computer code. Expressions are developed for the computer time and the relative advantages of time-domain and frequency-domain calculations are discussed, providing impetus for analyses in the time domain in certain cases. Part II of this paper will present well-validated numerical results obtained using the technique described.
MMET Conference Proceedings. 1998 International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory. MMET 98 (Cat. No.98EX114), 2000
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Solution of Maxwell's equations
Computer Physics Communications, 1992
A numerical approach for the solution of Maxwell's equations is presented. Based on a finite difference Yee lattice the method transforms each of the four Maxwell equations into an equivalent matrix expression that can be subsequently treated by matrix mathematics and suitable numerical methods for solving matrix problems. The algorithm, although derived from integral equations, can be consideredto be a special case of finite difference formalisms. A large variety of two-and three-dimensional field problems can be solved by computer programs based on this approach: electrostatics and magnetostatics, low-frequency eddy currents in solid and laminated iron cores, high-frequency modes in resonators, waves on dielectric or metallic waveguides, transient fields of antennas and waveguide transitions, transient fields of free-moving bunches of charged particles etc.
Method for solution of Maxwell's equations in non-uniform media
It is shown that the L_2 norm of electric currents induced in a dissipative medium can never exceed the norm of the external currents. This allows the construction of a simple iteration method to solve the Maxwell's equations. The method produces a series converging to the solution for an arbitrary conductivity distribution and arbitrary frequency of field variations. The convergence is slow if the lateral contrast of the conductivity distribution is about 10^4 or higher. A modification significantly improving the convergence is described in this paper. As an example, electromagnetic fields induced in the model (including the western part of the Northern American continent and the adjacent part of the Pacific Ocean) are calculated.
Analytic solutions of electromagnetic fields in inhomogeneous media
The International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Education, 2015
We present guidelines for teaching students how to analytically solve problems that involve inhomogeneous media in electrostatic fields, stationary current fields, and stationary magnetic fields. At the introductory level, the focus is on recognizing classes of problems that can be solved in closed form and applying simple rules, based on comparison with solutions in homogeneous media. At the intermediate level, the focus is on strict proofs based on vector calculus.
Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Dispersive and Complex Material with Time-Domain Techniques
Scattering, 2002
In this paper a time domain formulation of the first and second precursor in a dispersive materials is reviewed. These precursors are determined by the susceptibility kernel of the medium, which characterizes the medium in a time domain formulation. The propagator operators of the fields are corner stones in the formulation. These operators are then approximated by a pertinent factorization procedure that defines to the first and second precursors of the medium. Wave propagation in a biisotropic medium is also treated and the early time behavior of a transient signal is addressed. A series of numerical examples illustrates the theory.