Spatial Analysis to Evaluate the Suitability of Seaweed Farming Site in Lampung Bay, Indonesia (original) (raw)

A GIS-Based Analysis for Mapping the Distribution of Seaweed Cultivation Area in East Lombok Southern Coastal Waters


The analysis employed in geographic information systems is an analysis using GIS (Geographic Information Systems) software as in land mapping or the like. GIS-based analysis can provide information that the potential distribution of seaweed cultivation area owned by the local territory is assuredly propitious; and for that reason, it needs to be maintained wisely for the people welfare. The objectives of this study are to find out the distribution of the potential seaweed cultivation area and to obtain the database on the suitability of seaweed cultivation area in the south waters of East Lombok. This research employs survey approach since it utilizes the existing data for gaining the problem solution rather than hypothesis testing. The instruments deployed in the process of the research are some equipment such as ships, GPS, current kites, measuring signals, thermometer, geological compasses, stopwatch, secchi disk, basic diving equipment, salinometer, and a GIS-based analysis soft...

Spatial Modeling for Mariculture Site Selection Based on Ecosystem Parameters at Kupang Bay, East Nusa Tenggara Indonesia

International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences, 2010

The aims of the study were : a. to identify the physical, chemical and biological parameters at the utilization zone-coastal water of Kupang Bay, East Nusa Tenggara, b. to analyze the value of coastal water suitability from the physical, chemical and biological parameters for the development for maniculture at the utilization zone of Kupang Bay, East Nusa Tenggara, c. to select the sub zone for the sea weed culture, grouper fish culture site using the system of floating net cage and the culture of pearl oyster. The method used in the study is a spatial approach by conducting the direct measurement of the physical, chemical, and biological parameters. Mapping and spatial model was processed and analyzed through a geo-statistic method. The site selection for mariculture sub-zones were constructed through a spatial scoring and spatial interaction-RGB model and based on matrix of ecosystem parameters suitability score and weighting. With consideration that any numerical, mathematical or...

GIS-Based multi-criteria decision making model for site selection of seaweed farming information centre: A lesson from small islands, Indonesia

Decision Science Letters

Seaweed had proven to become a fisheries commodity to provide a significant multiplier economic effect for coastal community in Southeast Maluku District during 2005-2013. However, the declining on the productivity of seaweed has given a direct impact on welfare of farmers and coastal communities in this region during the recent years, due to asymmetric information on seaweed farming associated with prices, latest technology and all pre and post production activities. Thus, forming a dedicated information centre for seaweed farming in the region has become a necessity. As small island regions, in Southeast Maluku district, farmers and all stakeholder have to deal with cliché problems such as insufficient infrastructure, lack of transportation, farmers locations that spread across the islands. This paper focused on the selection of suitable location for the information centre for seaweed farming in Southeast Maluku district, Indonesia. Analytical hierarchy process (AHP), in classical and fuzzy forms, was an approach used on this study for suitability analysis. Moreover, GIS for spatial analysis in addition to AHP was used to compare the best results for the location of information centre for seaweed farmers. The results show that fuzzy AHP could provide more suitability location compared with conventional AHP. Most of suitability locations were located in three sub-districts regions and also most of them were located in Kei Kecil Island and Kei Besar Islands due to the geographical characteristics of the region. The sensitivity analysis was conducted to measure the sensitivity of the results when the weight of each criterion was changed. The outcome of this study was to serve its purpose as an input and comparison study for a recent local government of Southeast Maluku' policy on developing seaweed farming in this region. .

Analysis of Suitability and Carrying Capacity of Waters for Seaweed (Eucheuma Cottonii) Cultivation Business in Mandar Bay, West Sulawesi of Indonesia

Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences, 2018

This research was aimed to analyze the water suitability and environmental carrying capacity for seaweed (Eucheuma cottonii) cultivation business in Mandar Bay of West Sulawesi. The results of this research are expected to be a reference to consideration in the management of sustainable seaweed cultivation business. This research is an explorative research using the method of direct survey and measurement in the field.The data collected were analyzed spatially with geographic information system (GIS) approach and then outlined descriptively. Based on the spatial analysis results (overlay) of the water suitability for seaweed cultivation in Mandar Bay of West Sulawesi, it was obtained that the total water area in Polewali District reached 1,252.66 ha, covering the suitable water area of 65.39 ha and the conditionally suitable water area of 1,187.27 ha. If divided based on the subdistrict area, the water suitability area of the five coastal subdistricts in Polewali District respectively was as follows: 1) Polewali Subdistrict's suitable water area of 13.16 ha (1.05%) with the water carrying capacity of 2.6 ha, the number of cultivation units reaching 5.2, and the production rate of 3.9 tons per year; 2) Wattang Subdistrict's suitable water area of 0 ha (0%); 3) Lantora Subdistrict's suitable water area of 11.3 ha (0.9%) with the water carrying capacity of 2.26 ha, the number of cultivation units reaching 4.52, and the production rate of 3.39 tons per year; 4) Takatidung Subdistrict's suitable water area of 39.85 ha (3.18%) with the water carrying capacity of 7.97 ha, the number of cultivation units suitable to developed of 15.94, and the current production level of 11.95 tons per year; and 5) Manding Subdistrict's suitable water area of 1.08 ha (0.09%) with the water carrying capacity of 0.22 ha, the number of cultivation units to be developed of 0.44, and the current production rate of 0.33 tons per year.

Land Suitability Study For Sand Fish (Holothuria Scabra) Cultivation Through Spatial Multy Criteria Analysis (Smca) Approach In Sumberkima Bay, Bali

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2021

Indonesia is one of the largest sea cucumber exporting countries in the Southeast Asia region, with total export of fresh sea cucumber products with amount of 12,971 kg at a price of 193.725 USD $ and dry products (smoked and salted) amounting to 741.815 kg at a price of 2,195,957 USD $ in 2016. Sandfish sea cucumber (Holothuria scabra) is one of 70 species of sea cucumber that can be consumed and currently it's existence has been exploited throughout the country, this marine animal is mostly produced in tropical countries. One of shallow waters area that is suitable for sand sea cucumber cultivation is located in Sumberkima Village, a village located in Bali Province, Buleleng Regency, Gerokgak District, which has a bay area flanked by shallow waters which can be explored at low tide without a boat, so that it's water area is widely used for aquaculture activities because it is quite protected from a geographical point of view. The purpose of this study was to determine the optimal, normal and unsuitable location for sandfish sea cucumber cultivation. Field surveys, lab tests and analysis of digital maps were carried out to determine the locations that had the best scores in the ecological and social categories. The results of measurement of ecological parameters and digital map analysis show that Sumberkima Village bay has an optimal location for cultivation at coordinates 114.613964 LS,-8.124182 North Latitude (station 5) and 114.613452 LS,-8.128539 LU (station 4) while the location with normal conditions is at coordinates 114.620010 ,-8. 121581 (station 7), the optimal area that can be use for is 6200 m 2 and normal area is 4400 m 2 .

Environmental Location Assessment for Seaweed Cultivation in Ghana

International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research, 2018

This study was designed to select potential areas for the cultivation of seaweeds on the Ghanaian coastline. The challenge of selecting suitable sites for the cultivation of seaweed along the coast was investigated, using spatial multi-criteria approach in GIS. Environmental and physical parameters based on spatial multi-criteria decision for the best sites suitable for seaweed cultivation were used. The parameters used included Sea-depth (1-10)m, (11-20)m, (21-30)m and (31-40)m, sea-surface temperature (24-26) degree Celsius, proximity to settlements (0-8) kilometers and sheltered coves (areas sheltered from strong wind and waves) as variables for the various models. The study identified twelve suitable sites along the coast of Ghana for seaweed cultivation. Five of the selected sites were ground-truthed for model validation. All five validation sites have agreed to the GIS models indicating that GIS is the most appropriate tool to use for selecting most suitable environment for se...

Marine Suitability Assessment for Mariculture: Combining GIS and AHP Technique in Dampier Strait Conservation Area, West Papua Province, Indonesia

Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, 2023

Potential mariculture activities in the Dampier Strait Conservation Area, which are indicated by the availability of water space and local commodities, can have a multiplier effect on socio-ecological aspects. Therefore, reasonable development steps are needed to carry out environmentally friendly aquaculture. This study aims to determine the potential use of water space for the development of mariculture activities based on the level of suitability using multiple approaches. Suitability analysis was carried out with Geographic Information System (GIS) based on the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) by considering the area's characteristics using several aspects seen from the geographical conditions and water quality (physical, chemical, and biological). Based on the suitability analysis results, the potential water space that can be used for mariculture development activities, namely seaweed and pearl oyster cultivation was 1,130.45 ha (0.49% of the overall space allocation 232,588.59 ha). A justification was then carried out to determine a suitable location in terms of its accessibility and environmental friendliness. The analysis has shown promising results in determining potential locations for developing mariculture activities for seaweed and pearl oyster commodities based on sustainable and environmentally friendly cultivation.

Site selection of aquaculture location in Indonesia Sea


Aquaculture is one of the methods of fish farming that can be developed at rivers, lakes or seas. To determine a proper location for aquaculture site, there are some requirements that need to be fulfill to maintain sustainibility of floating cages. Those requirements are bathymetry, meteorology or climate, water quality parameters, and quality of environmental and biological information as well as the legal framework. This paper will discuss the site selection of aquaculture activities using geographical information system based on environmental factors and water quality. The study take place on Prigi Bay, Trenggalek, East Java, Indonesia. The result show that the Prigi bay generally suitable for aquaculture activities. The result of weighted overlay analysis show that 23.13% of the water area (about 8.33 km2 ) considered as “very suitable” and the rest area of 76.87% of water area considered as “ suitable”.

Fitness Analysis Of Water Suitability For Seaeed Cultivation Kappahycus Alvarezii In South Buton Regency, Southeast Sulawesi

International Journal of Science, Technology & Management, 2021

Seaweed cultivation in Indonesia is more focused on the production of Kappaphycus alvarezii species as a carrageenan producer. Land suitability analysis is an important stage in the preparation of spatial planning for coastal areas. This study aims to determine the appropriate location of the waters based on physical and chemical parameters using GIS. The research method is survey methods to get actual data related to seaweed cultivation activities. The spatial analysis of land suitability was carried out with a geographic information system based on the results of the x-weight score. The results of the analysis show that the spatial distribution that can be used for seaweed cultivation in the Batauga sub-district is 280 ha (very suitable) and Sampolawa 519 ha (very suitable), 838 ha (suitable), 234 ha (unsuitable).

Mapping of Physical and Chemical Parameters of Seaweed Cultivation Area in Geranting Island Waters

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Applied Engineering, 2020

Seaweed is a marine resource that has very high value. In addition, seaweed cultivation is easy because it takes a relatively short time, requires a small fee, and also the need for seaweed continues to increase. This study aims to determine the relationship between each parameter of both physical and chemical marine seaweed cultivations in the location and present it in the form of maps. The study was conducted in the waters of Geranting Island, Belakang Padang District, Batam City. in this study, parameters were measured directly in the field and using interpolation to determine the value of the surrounding parameters. The parameters in this study are temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, and Visibility. The final results of this study are maps of Physical and Chemical Parameters of the Sea between stations. The temperature obtained from stations 1-4 ranged from 28.1-29.7 0C, the results of the Visibility ranged from 1.5-2.5 m, the DO values ranged from 21.7-29 mg/L, and for pH values ranged between 4.8-4.9. According to the field data temperature parameters at all stations, and visibility parameters at stations 2, 3, 4 are suitability with seaweed cultivation area. Based on the field data visibility parameters at Station 1, pH, and DO parameters at all stations are not suitable with seaweed cultivation criteria. Information of the distribution of physical and chemical parameter values of the waters in the Geranting Island seaweed cultivation can be seen in the resulting maps.