The effect of land use on soil permeability in Vojvodina

Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, 2017

In order to get a comprehensive overview of the effect of land use on soil physical properties, this study was conducted on the selected representative soil samples collected at the territory of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina and included 6 types of soil present in this area. Undisturbed soil samples were taken from 61 localities, from the surface horizon (0-30 cm) using the Kopetzky cylinders in three replications. The rate of water flow through soil was determined by the constant flow rate method. The velocities of water flow and filtration coefficients were calculated (K-Darcy), while statistical analysis confirmed a positive correlation between soil use and soil permeability. The results showed that soils used for agricultural production have lower permeability compared to soils in forests, meadows, and pastures.

The effects of land use change on soil properties and organic carbon at Dagdami river catchment in Turkey

Journal of Environmental Biology, 2009

This research was carried out in Dagdami river catchment located in the highlands of the Black sea region of Turkey. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of representative land-use and land-cover types of largely deforested areas of Black sea region on soil properties. We measured these effects by quantifying some soil analyses were done on soil samples were taken at two depths (0-5 and 5-15 cm) and two aspects (N and S). According to the results of statistical analysis, satured hydraulic conductivity (K sat ), bulk density (BD), water stable aggregates (WSA), soil organic matter (SOM), soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen significantly change with land use type and aspect. Results have shown significantly higher values of saturated hydraulic conductivity (K sat ) in natural forest top soil (82.4 cm 3 .h -1 on average) compared to grasslands soils (8.4 cm 3 h -1 ) and hazelnut garden soils (11.5 cm 3 h -1 ) and corn field soils (30.0 cm 3 .h -1 ). It was determined that WSA was greater in the pasture and forest soils than in cultivated soils. In addition, K sat was found the highest value in the forest soils at all aspects while, SOM and SOC of forest soils are higher than other land use types. On the other hand, amount of SOM and SOC of soils of grassland, hazelnut garden and corn field are low level and close to each other. Soils under hazelnut garden (1.1 g cm -3 ) and grassland (1.1 g cm -3 ) have higher bulk density than the adjacent soils under forests (0.7 g cm -3 ) and corn field (1.0 g cm -3 ) for two different aspects. Furthermore, after long term continuous cultivation of the natural forest soil, it was determined that some physical and chemical characteristics of it has been significantly changed.

Study of soil physical properties and water infiltration rates in different types of land use

Semina: Ciências Agrárias, 2018

Studying the changes in soil properties caused by different land uses allows measures to be adopted that will reduce the risk of future negative effects. The aim of this study was to evaluate soil physical properties and quantify water infiltration for different types of land use in the Santa Catarina Plateau of southern Brazil. The research was conducted on a 1,200 ha rural property. The land use types selected were natural forest (NF), planted pine (PP), crop-livestock integration (CLI), and burned natural rangeland (BR). A sample survey was carried out in nine different areas for each land use. Samples were collected from four soil layers and the soil bulk density (Bd), total porosity (Tp), and macropore (Ma), micropore (Mi), and biopore (Bio) volumes were measured. Water infiltration tests were performed to obtain the initial (ii) and final (fi) water infiltration rates into the soil, and the total amount of water that had infiltrated the soil (Ti). In NF, Bd was lower and Tp wa...

Evaluation of Soil Physical Indices Under Different Uses in River Basin

Anuário do Instituto de Geociências - UFRJ, 2018

The present study aimed to analyze the changes in the physical properties of the soil under different uses in a watershed. The undisturbed soil samples were collected in 26 different locations and analyzed at the Federal University of Santa Maria, RS-Campus Frederico Westphalen, following the methodologies proposed by Klein (2008) and Embrapa (1997). The penetrometer Penetrolog 1020 was used to determine the Penetration Resistance (PR). The PR values range from 2752 (pasture soil) to 9612 kPa (native forest soil). Regarding the physical parameters, the Permanent Wilting Point (PWP) parameter shows that soils occupied by rice cultivation, urban occupation, pasture and native field presented a higher influence on this parameter (higher mean values). The soils occupied by soybean cultivation and native forest have not shown a significant difference between them per this parameter. The other parameters didn't show a significant difference for the utilized test. The PWP parameter shows a positive correlation with Clay, Penetration Resistance, Field Capacity and Micro Porosity. This is an evidence of the physics parameter's influence, such as density and porosity, in water storage. As for Density and Macro Porosity parameters showed an inverse correlation which indicates that with the increase of the soil's density there is a smaller storage of water. Therefore, a smaller amount of water is confined in the PWP. Based on this, it was possible to conclude that the soil's uses alter the physical properties of it, especially those that suffer anthropic alterations, such as rice cultivation (density and penetration resistance) and soybean (field capacity and permanent wilt point).

Agricultural and Forest Land-Use Impact on Soil Properties in Zagreb Periurban Area (Croatia)


In urban areas, land use usually increases soil degradation. However, there are areas occupied by agriculture and woodlands with an essential role in provisioning food and other services such as water and climate regulation. The objective of this work was to assess the effect of long-term land use and soil management practices on peri-urban soils in Zagreb (Croatia). Samples were collected at depth 0–10 cm within intensively tilled cropland (CROP) and vineyard (VINE), traditional grass-covered orchard (ORCH), and forest (FOR). The results showed that bulk density was significantly higher in VINE and CROP than in ORCH and FOR. The opposite dynamic was observed in water-holding capacity, air-filled porosity, aggregate stability, organic matter, and soil organic matter stocks (SOCS). Soil water infiltration was higher in FOR plot compared to the other plots. Overall, land-use change had a substantial impact on soil properties and SOCS, especially in CROP and VINE soils. Tillage, pestic...

Relationships between soil properties, topography and land use in the Van Lake Basin, Turkey


The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between soil properties and different topography and land uses in the Van Lake Basin, Turkey. It has sharp and sheer slopes, and the big differences on altitude generally occur from the mountainous formations. Surface soil samples (0-20 cm) were taken from 40 different points with three different topography (backslope, footslope and terrace) and three different landuses (wheat, clover and pasture). Some of the studied soil properties (soil texture, electrical conductivity [EC], pH, lime content, organic matter content, macro and micro nutrients) changed in response to land use and topography. The clay, boron content, pH and EC values increased from the backslope to the terrace. Soil organic matter and EC values were lower in cultivated wheat and clover fields than in uncultivated pasture. The EC values had significant positive correlations with CaCO3, organic matter, K, B, Cu contents at 5% level and with Mg at 1% level statistically. The soil nutrient contents of cultivated wheat and clover fields were generally lower than the uncultivated pasture. The nutrient contents of soils in cultivated fields decreased due to nutrient uptake by crops. Soil texture, EC, pH, lime, organic matter and nutrient contents significantly varied in different topographic positions due to leaching, transporting and accumulation.

Near-saturated soil hydraulic properties as influenced by land use management systems in Koohrang region of central Zagros, Iran

Soil management and land use via the effects on soil characteristics can indirectly change soil hydraulic properties. This study was conducted to investigate the impacts of different management and land uses on the nearsaturated soil hydraulic properties in Koohrang region of central Zagros, Chaharmahal-va-Bakhtiari province, Iran. Major land uses in the area were pasture, dryland farming, irrigated farming and fallow. Unsaturated water infiltration was measured at the consecutive inlet matric suctions (h) of 2, 5, 10 and 15 cm using a tension infiltrometer at 100 locations (40 in pasture, 33 in dryland farming, 15 in irrigated farming and 12 in fallow). The infiltration data was modeled using Wooding's analytical method and best-fit values of Gardner's parameters of saturated hydraulic conductivity (K s ) and macroscopic capillary length (λ c ) were calculated. A completely random design was used in which soil texture and land use system were analyzed separately. The averages were compared by the least significant difference test at 5% of probability. The λ c and unsaturated/saturated hydraulic conductivity [K(h)] values were not significantly affected by soil textural classes. However, the land use systems significantly affected soil hydraulic parameters (K(h), steady-state flux, q(h), and sorptivity, S(h)), and the differences became greater with decreasing h (towards saturation). The averaged K(h), q(h) and S(h) values were lower in pasture soils when compared with the cultivated lands which were associated with lower organic matter and higher degree of compactness of pasture soils due to overgrazing. The λ c was significantly greater in the fallow and pasture land uses than in dryland farming, and intermediate value belonged to the irrigated farming. For all of the land use systems, minimum values of S(h) were observed at h = 10 cm. The S(h) decrease with h decrease in the range 15-10 cm might be partially associated with swelling of smectite clays, reducing the size of soil pores. The dryland farming increased water infiltration and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity when compared to the other land uses. In this region, averages of soil hydraulic properties are mainly influenced by soil structure and management practices rather than by intrinsic soil properties like texture. A small change in degree of compactness in the swelling soils would significantly influence water infiltration and hydraulic properties, indicating structural susceptibility of the soils to management practices. Therefore, the degree of compactness (e.g. relative bulk density) could be considered as an important index of land use management.

Physical and Hydro-Physical Characteristics of Soil in the Context of Climate Change. A Case Study in Danube River Basin, SE Romania

Sustainability, 2020

The intensification of climate change has led to the degradation of thousands of arable lands through desertification and extreme weather events. The Danube River basin in the Galati-Braila region, SE Romania, is a transboundary area of community and international importance, increasingly affected by drought, water, and wind erosion. Consequently, the aim of this study is to evaluate the main physical and hydro-physical parameters of soils, implied in water storage and with a defining role in erosion intensity, nutrients and toxicants cycle and availability, and crops yield. Soil samples were collected both in the disturbed and undisturbed state, from Smardan, Sendreni, and Vadeni agricultural lands and riparian areas of semiaquatic ecosystems, located in the vicinity of the steel platform of the Galati industrial area. Specific laboratory methods of investigation and formulas were used. Chernozems (CZ), Fluvisols (AS), and Gleysols (GS) of different subtypes and various physico-chemical parameters were identified. The results suggested that CZ are of coarse and medium texture, while AS and GS are medium-fine and fine textured. In correlation with this, bulk density values range from extremely low-low to low-high classes. In relation to soil physical parameters and the content of organic matter, hydro-physical indices show water supply imbalances. Through the approached theme, the study is of practical importance for sustainable management of the soil, agricultural projects, and landscaping. This study provides government authorities and non-governmental organizations an overview of the local and regional soil conditions, so that new measures can be regulated to protect it against irrational use.

Effect of Land-Use on Soil Properties in Ne Part of Romania

Acta Geobalcanica

In order to achieve successful agriculture, it is necessary for sustainable use of the soil resources, because soils can lose their quality. Therefore, for sustainable agricultural practice is required basic knowledge regarding the rational use of the land. A success in soil management to maintain the quality depends on the understanding of how the soil responds to agricultural practices over time. Recent interest in evaluating the quality of our soil resource has therefore been simulated by increasing awareness that soil is a critically important component of the earth's biosphere. Soil properties can be affected by land-use types, through addition and removal of the nutrient element. Therefore, an assessment of the soil fertility status is required periodically, to adopt appropriate land management practices; to increase soil productivity, resulting in high crop production. The aim of this study was to analyse the effect of land-use on physicochemical soil properties for different types of culture. Samples were collected according to horizon differentiation, and also at predetermined depths of 0-15 and 15-30 cm in all land use types, giving a total of 48 samples, humus, total N (TN); available P (AP); available K (AK); pH. Soil samples were collected from different uses of land, namely arable land, pastures, vineyards, hygrophilous vegetation, and unproductive land. Valea Oii is located in the northeastern part of Romania and occupies a central-western position in the Bahlui watershed, having a catchment area of 97 km2. Soil chemical properties are the most important among the factors that determine the nutrient supplying power of the soil to the plants. The chemical reactions that occur in the soil affect soil development and fertility. To increase soil organic matter and other nutrients in the soil of cultivated land, it is proposed to implement on a large scale some elementary measures for soil and water conservation, which would favor the optimum use of agricultural land (land management through compost, cover crops, manures, minimum tillage, crop rotation).