Kozerska, A. (2016). Model uczenia się w okresie późnej dorosłości (original) (raw)

Lew Tołstoj – prekursor pedagogiki Nowego Wychowania w Rosji

Studia Edukacyjne

Interest in New Education Pedagogy is currently is experiencing its renaissance. The solutions suggested by alternative education, which emphasise the development of students’ individual skills and also addressing their needs and interests seem to be better suited to present times. The pedagogy of New Education, which places children in the centre of the educational and formation process, undoubtedly has much to offer. When reflecting on contemporary methods of making use of the achievements of New Education, it is worth going back to its origins, even to those little known or even forgotten and almost absent in current academic discourse as exemplified by the pedagogical reflection of the outstanding Russian intellectual and novelist, Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910). This article is dedicated to recalling the basic educational and formational intuitions of this exceptional figure. This seems to be intentional for at lease three reasons. First, as Sergiusz Hessen stated, it was Tolstoy who ...

Koncepcje młodzieży na temat własnego życia – propozycja nowego modelu badań


Youth’s concepts on their own lives – a proposal of a new research modelThe aim of the theoretical analysis and empirical results presented in this study was to gain a better understanding of an important problem of the adolescence stage, namely, of adolescents’ attempts at defining the concept of their own lives. The theoretical analysis was focused to reveal the relations between adolescents’ psychical development (particularly that of thinking, personality and social development) and the formation of concepts concerning their own lives.The empirical research undertaken was to give a more precise definition of such basic elements of the concept of their own lives as: adolescents’ system of values, preferred life-styles as well as their life planning and goals. An original conception of research was also put forward concerning adolescents’ concept of their own lives, the aim of which was to highlight those elements as well as to define the relations existing between them.It deserve...

Badania nad ekspansywnym uczeniem się: założenia, wnioski i przyszłe wyzwania

Ku peRspeKtywie społecZno-KultuRowej w eduKacji pl issn 0867-0323 Yrjö Engeström, Annalisa Sannino uniwersytet w Helsinkach, finlandia badania nad eKspansywnym ucZeniem się: ZałoŻenia, wniosKi i pRZysZłe wyZwania * w artykule analizowane są badania oparte na teorii ekspansywnego uczenia się 1 pochodzącej z 1987 roku. przez ostatnie lata teoria ta wykorzystywana była w różnego typu badaniach i interwencjach. bazuje ona na fundamentalnych ideach stworzonych przez wygotskiego, leontiewa, ilenkowa i dawidowa, kluczowych postaci rosyjskiej szkoły teorii kulturowo-historycznej teorii działalności 2. badania oparte na tejże teorii ujęte zostały w sześciu rozdziałach:

Myśl pedagogiczna Jana Amosa Komeńskiego a założenia Nowego Wychowania

Siedleckie Zeszyty Komeniologiczne seria Pedagogika, 2018

Analiza poglądów Jana Amosa Komeńskiego odnoszących się do wychowania ujawnia wiele nowatorskich, jak na współczesne mu czasy, propozycji. Zamierzeniem tego artykułu jest ich identyfikacja i odniesienie do współczesnej myśli pedagogicznej rozwijanej na gruncie nurtu Nowego Wychowania. Cechą wspólną dyskutowanych pedagogik jest fakt, że wyrosły na gruncie krytyki szkoły, postulując radykalne zmiany w wychowaniu i kształceniu. Analizie porównawczej poddano cele nauczania, poglądy odnoszące się do natury człowieka oraz podmiotowości i indywidualności w kształceniu i wychowaniu, których egzemplifikacją był postulat umożliwienia dziecku rozwoju podmiotowego przy uwzględnieniu jego potrzeb i możliwości. Prezentacja poglądów Komeńskiego w perspektywie założeń koncepcji i pedagogii rozwijanych w nurcie Nowego Wychowania pozwoliła na ukazanie uniwersalności poglądów tego wielkiego Pedagoga i reformatora szkoły, uznawanego za twórcę naukowej pedagogiki.

Model wirtualny nauczania zdalnego w edukacji wczesnoszkolnej w nurcie pedagogiki Celestyna Freineta – perspektywa uczniów i nauczycieli

Studia Edukacyjne

Remote education is not a new issue discussed in the literature, but in the face of the restrictions introduced by the COVID-19 pandemic, this type of education has developed dynamically. In the conditions of technological progress, it seems that the virtual model is particularly interesting in remote education. It was applied in March-June 2020 at the level of early childhood education at the Cogito Public Primary School in Poznań. In order to identify and evaluate remote education in the virtual model from the perspective of students and teachers, surveys with the use of an on-line questionnaire and focused group interviews were carried out.

Uwarunkowania satysfakcji z małżeństwa osób w okresie późnej dorosłości. Perspektywa teorii gerotranscendencji Larsa Tornstama – ujęcie wielopoziomowe

Psychologia Rozwojowa

Uwarunkowania satysfakcji z małżeństwa osób w okresie późnej dorosłości. Perspektywa teorii gerotranscendencji Larsa Tornstama-ujęcie wielopoziomowe Psychological Determinants of Marital Satisfaction among Older Couples. Perspective of Lars Tornstam's Theory of Gerotranscendence-Multilevel Modeling Approach abstract. Studies into the determinants of marital satisfaction are today a significant research area in psychology. The investigations conducted so far involve mainly the couples at the stages of early and middle adulthood. Relatively few studies focus on identification of the factors of marital success specific to the late adulthood, on determining the degree of similarity (fit) of spouses in terms of these factors and its impact on marital satisfaction of seniors. The purpose of this article is to identify the subject variables relevant to marital satisfaction of elderly people, both at the level of an individual and a couple. The study involved 120 participants (60 marriages) aged 60-75. We used 9 psychological methods to measure: marital satisfaction (KDM-2), life balance (KBŻ), religiousness (SRSz), styles of coping with stress (CISS), self-esteem (SES), hope for success (KNS), location of health control (MHLC), value system (SWS), valuation crisis (KKW), and emotional intelligence (INTE). The results confirmed the complexity of the construct of marital satisfaction and allowed to identify the key predictors of happiness in marriage at old age.

Sytuacja edukacyjna małoletnich matek, wychowanek placówek opiekuńczo-wychowawczych. Perspektywa biograficzna

Studia Edukacyjne, 1970

One of the most severe consequences resulting from premature motherhood is the inability or shortening of the education period. Author's empirical verification indicate that the majority of researched girls (underage mothers, educational care facilities foster-children) quickly leave school and interrupt education once their child is born. The narration analysis indicated that its main cause was the difficulty in combining the role of a mother and a student, together with the lack of support from the closest. Only few girls managed to continue education, unfortunately they chose private, evening schools which are known for low quality education. The presented fragmentary empirical verifications indicate that early parenthood reduces the education period. Educational-care facilities foster-children, coming from low-educated families and professional qualifications find it particularly hard or impossible to achieve secondary or even lower-secondary education. Lack of education and professional qualifications has lead them to take up low-income jobs, that do not require any qualifications or to obtain money illegally. Recognizing various consequences of premature motherhood, both individual and social, there is no doubt that teenage mothers, especially foster children of educational-care facilities, should be taken care of. There is only one legal record concerning the education of pregnant student or underage mothers, however, it is not precise, which means that schools have to interpret it by themselves and introduce their own procedures. The subject of the present article is prevention, support and help given to underage pregnant students or underage mothers by the teachers, educators, or peers, who are potential beneficiaries of help, i.e. underage mothers fulfilling the education duty.

Pedagogika facylitatora „widm pamięci”

Biografistyka Pedagogiczna, 2023

In the article, the author analyzes the dissertations of the Silesian pedagogue in the current of pedagogical biographies. It justifi es how important it is to notice the evolution of changes in the research approach of a representative of humanistic pedagogy from the University of Silesia. For three decades, he has been conducting interesting research on the pedagogy of culture, its reception and possible application in contemporary school pedagogy. Thanks to the studies of Krzysztof Maliszewski's scientifi c dissertations, we learn about the transition from the renaissance of the pedagogy of the wartime reform, through pedagogy as a laboratory of culture, to existential pedagogy in the era of societies with social and educational crises.