Ibsen, Tiyatro ve Modernizm İdeolojisi-Toril Moi (Çeviren: Eylem Ejder), Monograf Edebiyat Eleştirisi Dergisi, 2017, Sayı.8 (original) (raw)
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The article presents an attempt to analyze the generic peculiarities of H. Ibsen's (1828Ibsen's ( -1906 and A. Chekhov's (1860A. Chekhov's ( -1904 plays. Both of them were the first writers to combine comic and tragic elements in their plays in an original way, perplexing their readers and critics. Ibsen is famous not only as the playwright who created "a new type of tragedy about modern man" but also as the playwright as an outstanding satirist of the time. His play Hedda Gabler (1890) is the object of literary disputes as to whether it was a great symbolic tragedy or "a black comedy", a farce. Ibsen himself entitled it simply "a play"; The Woman from the Sea (1888) with its optimistic final was categorized as "a drama" while The Wild Duck (1884) was labeled a "tragicomedy". Chekhov also insisted on entitling his plays "comedies". The Three Sisters for instance Chekhov named a "funny comedy"; though it was "a drama" in the manuscripts. This should not be regarded as an "ironical commentary". The irony and the ambiguity of the plays make the reader understand the hopelessness of the situation the characters appeared to be in. The main subject of the paper is the comparison of some plays by Ibsen and Chekhov in terms of the organic balance between the comic and the tragic, a technique widely used and modified by the authors.
Yaratıcı Drama Dergisi, 2012
Bu araştırma Augusto Boal'in Ezilenlerin Tiyatrosu anlayışının, Modern Sanat ve Çağdaş Sanat anlayışları arasında tam olarak nerede konumlandığını gerekçeleri ile açıklama amacını taşımaktadır. Çalışma kapsamında farklı alt yapı ve kabullere sahip olan bu iki sanat anlayışına ilişkin yazılı kaynakların yanı sıra Ezilenlerin Tiyatrosu yaklaşımını farklı tiyatro anlayışları ile karşılaştıracak kaynaklar incelenmiştir. Araştırma problemi ve hedeflenen olgu odağında önemli olduğu düşünülen bilgileri barındıran yazılı kaynakların incelenmesi, betimsel analizinin yapılabilmesi için verilerin hangi temalar altında yer alması gerektiğini gösteren belirli bir çerçeve belirlenmiştir. Ardından bu çerçevede elde edilen bulgular tanımlanmış, aralarında ilişki kurulmuş ve yorumlanmıştır.
Marmara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2021
Nagihan DOĞAN * Abbâsî ihtilali erken dönem İslâm tarihine yönelen tarihçilerin en çok ilgilendikleri ve anlamaya çalıştıkları konuların başında gelir. İhtilal hakkındaki rivayetlerin çeşitliliği ve kendi aralarındaki tezatlığı, konu üzerine çalışan tarihçilerin neden, nasıl ve kim sorularına bazen taban tabana zıt cevaplar vermelerine sebebiyet vermiştir. Öznur Özdemir'in 2019 tarihli doktora tezinin kitaplaştırılmış hâli olan çalışma, bu cevapları tartışma hedefiyle Abbâsî ihtilaline değil Abbâsî ihtilali tarihçiliğine odaklanmaktadır. Yazar burada Abbâsî ihtilalinin detaylı ve kronolojik bir anlatımını vermek yerine, onun hangi motivasyonla, hangi koşullar altında ve kimler tarafından gerçekleştirildiğine dair müstakil çalışmalar kaleme alan ya da fikir belirten Batılı tarihçilerin 1 görüşlerini belirli ekoller altında derleyip aralarındaki ortak noktalar ve farklılıkların bir dökümünü sunmayı, kendi deyimiyle Abbâsî ihtilali üzerinden bir tarihçilik haritası çıkarmayı amaçlamıştır.
Modernizmin absurt yansımaları- Avrupa ve Türk tiyatrosunda modernizm eleştirisi
While presenting an example in the field of sociology of art, the study deals with the problematic points of modernism through theater literature. Although the political and social differences between the conditions in which the theater of the absurd was born and the conditions of the period in which it was effective in Turkey were reflected in the themes covered in the texts, the main point of criticism was developed against the new world system. In the context of this subject, with the restriction made by choosing Rhinos, Waiting for Godot, Limon, Newton What Do You Know About Computer, Live Monkey Restaurant, Lüküs Hayat, Karagöz's Philosophy and Goodbye Godot, how the modernization process took place in Europe and Turkey and how a comparison opportunity has arisen in order to understand at what points it becomes problematic. The sociological background of the study consists of critical approaches to the fact that the reality constructed by modernism is far from optimism and the Westernization attempt followed in the Turkish modernization process, while its artistic dimension is the fiction of the selected plays and the currents of thought that the absurd movement is fed at the theoretical level. In this context, the aim of the study is to explain the crisis created by the deficiencies of capitalism, which started with industrialization and reached a high level with cognitive opportunities, the attitude of modern people towards the phenomenon of miscommunication and alienation, the meaning of modernity and modernization concepts in Turkey as a developed process in the West, art as a social product. is to analyze how it is reflected in his work. In the theoretical framework determined for the purpose, Frankfurt School's criticisms of modernism, Baykan Sezer's and Hilmi Ziya Ülken's criticisms of the Westernization attempt in Turkey, Şerif Mardin's analyzes on the problem of intellectuals in the Turkish modernization process and the integration of the new regime policies with the social. In the context of the e)breast problem, while Mumtaz Turhan's theory of cultural changes is included, the meaning of the transition to modern society and modernism is presented with Krishan Kumar's views. The expression that the state of alienation symbolizes in the absurd theater texts is read through the meaning of Western plays and the absurd/nonsense conceptualized by Camus as incompatible, and cultural alienation and false westernization in Turkish plays.By approaching modern society with a pessimistic point of view, the absurd movement does not offer any individual or social salvation or solution to the writhing situation of modern man. His main emphasis is on the rejection of meaning, which is sometimes associated with nihilism, that is, in praising the absurd (emphasis is mine).
Şarkiyat, 2021
One of the most important factors in making the identities we carry as individuals become clear is our different affiliations shaped by the social and cultural environment. These belongings are defined as “clothed identities” by social scientists. One of the most important belonging elements that individuals have is those obtained through certain groups. One of the most important con- ditions of belonging to a group as an individual arises as a result of the association with the common past of that group and its reflection on daily practices. In Assmann’s words, this is called “common memory” or “cultural memory”. This memory passes from generation to generation by being passed on through thou- ght carriers. One of the most important factors that carry ideas to future generations is the elements of belonging produced by religions and sects. One of the most common functions of religions and sects is to mediate the continuation of the past by remembering, enacting and repeating social phenomena that will appeal to the imagina- tion of their members. Rituals, one of the most important tools of this, have functions beyond being repeated phenomena in a certain part of time. One of its most important functions is to pre- serve group identity and belonging in the process of transferring culture to new generations through repetition. It is possible to find one of the most important examples of sectarian belongings based on social interaction through sacred symbols and rituals in the historical process in the shaping of the Shiite society. Shiism, with the effect of being a minority, has been a sect that has been shaped according to social belongin- gs compared to other sects and sharpened its power according to these belongings. In the Shiite thought, Karbala is not seen as an incident that took place and ended in a certain period of history. After completing the formation process of the sect, the event of Karbala lost its characteristic of being a historical event as a result of the reconstruction of the past with new and original contents in every period, and was kept alive by being transformed into “selected and transferred trauma”. According to the Hijri calendar, which is seen as one of the most important days of the Shiite tradition, 20 Safar days are cal- led “Arba‘eene Husaini”. The visit on this day is regarded as one of the symbols of the Shia culture. One of the most important fa- ctors that make Arba‘een stand out compared to other ceremonies and make him have such a different meaning is the march activity between Najaf and Karbala cities with a wide participation. This march has come to the fore as an event with various dimensions, including political, social, cultural and geopolitical meanings, rather than just having a religious meaning. It is seen that until recently, the special march for Arba‘een was an activity carried out only by Iraqi Shiites with local followers, and it has reached an international dimension recently. With the disappearance of the Ba’ath power in 2003, the social and political visibility of the Shiites increased considerably, and a new era entered, the Arba‘e- en march continued to be carried out more gloriously every year and expanded with new facts and interpretations. The effort to see the Arba‘een march as a social movement, not a state-based organization, is an issue emphasized by the Shi- ites. In Shiite circles, it is frequently emphasized that Arba‘een cannot be limited only as the visit of Husain but is also an activity that will enable an Islamic model against the secular Western ci- vilization. One of the most important functions Arba‘een has undertaken in recent years, in addition to assuming various social and cultu- ral meanings, is the gradual gaining of a political dimension. The political dimension of this march can be read as the projection of the Arab Spring, which started in the region after 2011, in the Shi- ite world. It is observed that Arba‘een started to be symbolized by gaining a meaning intertwined with the concept of “Islamic Awakening”. On the one hand, cultural activities on the preserva- tion of Shi’ite identity through socialization among visitors from various nations, and on the other hand, it has become a large or- ganization that brings with it the use of such an activity by Iran as an element of soft power in the international arena. Iran gains power over the Shiites coming from various geographies of the world by taking measures to facilitate their visit to Arba‘een, and as some authors have stated, it acts with the idea of responding to the strategic power that Saudi Arabia has gained due to the Hajj activity with an alternative activity. On the other hand, it propa- gates this activity as a deterrent force against other countries in the region. This situation rightly causes it to be stated that Iran has given itself a very important advantage in the “Shiite Cres- cent” understanding emphasized earlier.
Zamansız Bir Karakter: Ibsen’in Hedda Gabler Karakterinin Tahlili
Aydın Türklük Bilgisi, 2021
Zamansız Bir Karakter: Ibsen'in Hedda Gabler Karakterinin Tahlili Timuçin Buğra EDMAN * Öz: Bu göreceli kısa makalenin amacı Henrik Ibsen'in Hedda Gabler adlı oyunundaki Hedda karakterinin oldukça karmaşık ve anlaşılması zor olan karakterinin seyirci üzerinde bıraktığı intibalara müteakip bir analizini yapmaya çalışmaktır. Hedda'nın özgürlüğünün ölüm pahasına da olsa kısıtlanamayacağı bir gerçektir. Hedda çevresindeki tutucu toplumla bir yandan mücadele ederken, bir yandan da kendi içindeki iç hesaplaşmasını sonuçlandırmaya çalışmaktadır. Her ne kadar Hedda'nın oyundaki karakterlerle geçmişte tam