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Part 3: Case Study Appendices to the Technical Reports
This Case Study Appendix to the Technical Reports expands on regulations in San Antonio and El Paso where these water alternatives are in place. The goal of this report is to provide insight into the legal and regulatory barriers, challenges, and opportunities for these technologies to go online. Each desalination and water recycling faciality implementation site must comply with various laws and regulations. The information in these Case Studies comes from the study of brackish groundwater desalination and water recycling facilities currently operating in Texas. While there is no updated “one-stop-shop” resource where a municipal leader can find a list of all the necessary permits to build, operate, and maintain such facilities, this Technical Report aims to compile the existing, available information in an organized and accessible fashion. The Desalination Technical report is the third in a series of three reports which make up the Project. These reports examine regulations surrou...
At present in Europe, there is a need, driven mainly by EU environmental legislation, for sustainable, robust and economic water, wastewater and sludge treatment technologies. Furthermore these technologies are required to be increasingly energy efficient, employ new monitoring and control techniques and have reduced maintenance. This will present many opportunities for the water and wastewater industries, cognate companies and research organisations. Local authorities, universities and other stakeholders will also be required to educate and train students and staff in the use and operation of new technologies. To meet these challenges NUI Galway, with funding from the EPA, and support from Galway County Council, have developed the NUI Galway/EPA Water Research Facility (WRF). The WRF is a full-scale test bed for innovative wastewater and water treatment technologies and comprises a full-scale wastewater treatment plant (treating up to 50 m 3 /day), a tertiary treatment facility (treating up to 2 m 3 /hr) capable of supporting a number of technologies such as automatic sand filtration, activated carbon systems, chlorine dosing, UV etc., and remote operating, monitoring and control processes.
Onsite water reuse: A collaborative strategy to manage water
Sustainable Industrial Water Use: Perspectives, Incentives, and Tools, 2021
Increasing water demands and greater water scarcity resulting from climate change, population growth, and aging infrastructure are threatening water security in communities across the globe. These complex dynamics are compromising access to water and sanitation services in urban, suburban, and rural areas. New approaches are needed to meet these 21st century challenges. The One Water approach has emerged as a transformative framework for how we integrate the management of wastewater, drinking water, and stormwater. The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) has taken a One Water approach to its water, sanitation, and power utility services. OneWaterSF acknowledges the utility's change from its traditional role of meeting all demand generated by customers with potable drinking water to collaborating with the community and matching the right resource to the right use. As described below, recent examples of successful applications of OneWaterSF in the commercial/industrial sector include developing regulations and permitting onsite office building water reuse, diversion of dewatered drainage for steam generation, and direct reuse of treated process water in local microbreweries. 25.1 SAN FRANCISCO'S ONSITE WATER REUSE PROGRAM The SFPUC provides retail drinking water and wastewater services to the City of San Francisco, wholesale water to three surrounding counties, and power to municipal, residential, and commercial customers throughout the city. Rethinking the traditional approach to water resources management, the SFPUC
The United States’ freshwater supply will face unprecedented stress over the coming decades as a result of climate change, overconsumption, aging infrastructure, mismanagement and pollution. In recent decades, increasing stress on freshwater supplies across the country has led to interstate conflicts, water contamination and damage to agriculture, and failing infrastructure, among other consequences. Prominent cases include the conflict between Alabama, Florida and Georgia over Lake Lanier; the 1993 Cryptosporidium outbreak in Milwaukee, Wisconsin; the increasing crop failures in the nation’s breadbasket states due to more prolonged droughts and more intense floods; and the leaking pipes in New York City’s drinking water system that lose 36 million gallons daily. Such cases, in particular the interstate conflict in the Southeast, have inspired the introduction of H.R. 135, the Twenty‐First Century Water Commission Act of 2008, which aims to create a Commission “to study and develop ...
Houston and the Commander is COL James S. Weller. DISCLAIMER DISCLAIMER DISCLAIMER DISCLAIMER The contents of this report are not to be used for advertising, publication, or promotional purposes. Citation of trade names does not constitute an official endorsement or approval of the use of such commercial products. All product names and trademarks cited are the property of their respective owners. The findings of this report are not to be construed as an official Department of the Army position unless so designated by other authorized documents.
Phase III Texas Technology Task Force Activities Report
The Texas Technology Task Force (TTTF) is a strategic initiative that supports the Texas Department of Transportation in navigating change and developing a common vision for the state’s transportation system. Composed of thought leaders from public agencies, industry, and research, the TTTF provides insight into portfolio development, impact analysis, and strategic planning. The Emerging Technology Portfolio includes the following six major categories that may be combined to serve a multimodal purpose: 1) Next Generation Vehicles & Energy, 2) Information & Communications, 3) Infrastructure & Construction, 4) Service-Based Platforms, 5) Materials & Additive Manufacturing, and 6) Other Technologies. Each technology is then analyzed along four dimensions: 1) Goals, 2) Barriers, 3) User-Groups, and 4) Modes. A primary focus of this phase of work was on developing technical papers on two core strategies, managing customer relationships with data and developing a communication plan. White...
Integrated Stormwater Facility Design to Address Hydromodification on a College Campus
LFR provided civil engineering services to the Chabot-Las Positas Community College District ("the District") to support the proposed Las Positas College Facilities Master Plan ("the Master Plan") development with respect to the design and integration of campus-wide low impact development (LID) stormwater management and drainage improvements. Activities included technical studies, the preparation of civil improvement plans, and technical services needed to support the detailed engineering design of the proposed watershed drainage improvements and associated tasks as required by local, state, and federal regulatory agencies (USACE, USFWS, CDFG, Alameda County, City of Livermore, etc.). The work included the development of conceptual design options for new stormwater management facilities required to satisfy Alameda County's hydromodification and water quality treatment standards. The proposed stormwater facilities consisted of an integrated suite of measures including landscape based bioretention cells, vegetated swales, flow duration control basins, and subsurface storage elements. The Bay Area Hydrology Model (BAHM) was utilized to address hydromodification management goals and to determine sizing and design for each of the distributed, stormwater storage and treatment facilities. Following initial BAHM modeling, LFR developed a detailed Hydrology and Drainage Study ("the Study") to support the conceptual design by characterizing existing hydrology and to model proposed conditions using the BAHM continuous simulation approach.
Building a Sustainable Water Infrastructure
Native Science Report, 2023
In a world where access to clean drinking water is often taken for granted, the plight of the Navajo people stands as a stark reminder of the challenges faced by marginalized communities. Navajo Technical University Professor Abhishek RoyChowdhury is leading an effort to bring ‘clean, safe, and reliable’ water to the Navajo Nation. Access article here: https://nativesciencereport.org/2023/06/building-a-sustainable-water-infrastructure/
National Alliance for Water Innovation (NAWI) Master Technology Roadmap
I n t r o d u c t I o n Clean water is critical to ensure good health, strong communities, vibrant ecosystems, and a functional economy for manufacturing, farming, tourism, recreation, energy production, and other sectors' needs. Research to improve desalination technologies can make nontraditional sources of water (i.e., brackish water; seawater; produced and extracted water; and power sector, industrial, municipal, and agricultural wastewaters) a cost-effective alternative. These nontraditional sources can then be applied to a variety of beneficial end uses, such as drinking water, industrial process water, and irrigation, expanding the circular water economy by reusing water supplies and valorizing constituents we currently consider to be waste. As an added benefit, these water supplies could contain valuable constituents that could be reclaimed to further a circular economy. I n t r o d u c t I o n 1.2. Pipe-Parity and Baseline Definitions A core part of NAWI's vision of a circular water economy is reducing the cost of treating nontraditional source waters to the same range as the portfolio of accessing new traditional water sources, essentially achieving pipe-parity. The costs considered are not just economic but include consideration of energy consumption, system reliability, water recovery, and other qualitative factors that affect the selection of a new water source. To effectively assess R&D opportunities, pipeparity metrics are utilized; they encompass a variety of information that is useful to decision makers regarding investments related to different source water types. Pipe-parity is defined as technological and non-technological solutions and capabilities that make marginal water sources viable for end-use applications. Like the concept of grid parity (where an alternative energy source generates power at a levelized cost of electricity [LCOE] that is less than or equal to the price of power from the electricity grid), a nontraditional water source achieves pipe-parity when a decision maker chooses it as their best option for extending its water supply. Specific pipe-parity metrics of relevance can include: Cost Cost metrics can include levelized costs of water treatment as well as individual cost components, such as capital or operational and maintenance (O&M) costs. Energy Performance Energy performance metrics can include the total energy requirements of the water treatment process, the type of energy required (e.g., thermal vs. electricity), embedded energy in chemicals and materials, and the degree to which alternative energy resources are utilized. Water Treatment Performance Water treatment performance metrics can include the percent removal of various constituents of concern and the percent recovery of water from the treatment train. Human Health and Environment Externalities Externality metrics can include air emissions, greenhouse gas emissions, waste streams, societal and health impacts, and land-use impacts. Process Adaptability Process adaptability metrics can include the ability to incorporate variable input water qualities, incorporate variable input water quantity flows, produce variable output water quality, and operate flexibly in response to variable energy inputs. I n t r o d u c t I o n Seawater and Ocean Water Water from the ocean or from bodies strongly influenced by ocean water, including bays and estuaries, with a typical total dissolved solids (TDS) between 30,000 and 35,000 milligrams per liter (mg/L). Brackish Groundwater Water pumped from brackish aquifers, with particular focus on inland areas where brine disposal is limiting. Brackish water generally is defined as water with 1-10 grams per liter (g/L) of total dissolved solids (TDS). Industrial Wastewater Water from various industrial processes that can be treated for reused Municipal Wastewater Wastewater treated for reuse through municipal resource recovery treatment plants utilizing advanced treatment processes or decentralized treatment systems Agricultural Wastewater Wastewater from tile drainage, tailwater, and other water produced on irrigated croplands, as well as wastewater generated during livestock management, that can be treated for reuse or disposal Mining Wastewater Wastewater from mining operations that can be reused or prepared for disposal Produced Water Water used for or produced by oil and gas exploration activities (including fracking) that can be reused or prepared for disposal Power and Cooling Wastewater Water used for cooling or as a byproduct of treatment (e.g., flue gas desulfurization) that can be reused or prepared for disposal These nontraditional water sources range widely in TDS (100 milligrams per liter [mg/L]-800,000 mg/L total) as well as the type and concentrations of contaminants (e.g., nutrients, hydrocarbons, organic compounds, metals). These different water supplies require varying degrees of treatment to reach reusable quality.
Proceedings of the Military Applications for Emerging Water Use Technologies Workshop
This first ever Military Applications for Emerging Water Use Technologies workshop gathered Department of Defense (DOD), academic, trade association, and other government subject matter experts to explore the topic of water for the military at the installation and forward operating levels. The goals of this workshop were to share information, spread visibility on current efforts, explore the potential of existing, emerging, and future technologies and other options for military installations and potentially identify potential thrust areas where demonstrations and future research can be focused. The military has many water-related requirements and goals that are applicable to DOD installations and forward facilities, as exemplified by the fiscal year 2007 (FY07) Army Environmental Requirements and Technology Assessments (AERTA, included in Appendix A to this report), which identified sustainable water usage as the top-ranked environmental requirement for the Army. Workshop participants concluded that there are a great number of issues and constraints impacting water use at both forward and fixed installations and large potential for research and demonstrations that can be used to reduce the "water footprint" of the military and migrate towards more sustainable use of this vital resource. DISCLAIMER: The contents of this report are not to be used for advertising, publication, or promotional purposes. Citation of trade names does not constitute an official endorsement or approval of the use of such commercial products. All product names and trademarks cited are the property of their respective owners. The findings of this report are not to be construed as an official Department of the Army position unless so designated by other authorized documents.