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ABSTRACT The Imprisionment benefit is a benefit of a social and fundamental human rights. The introduction of the same in the 1988 Brazilian Constitution consolidates its importance in the Brazilian legal system, since the beginning of this Republic, infra laws, was already present and highlighted the need and importance of assist and support the families of the workers who were gathered to prison and thus preserved the institution of the family in the context of nation formation. In historical principle was only due to public employees as a way to preserve the purchasing power of survival and the maintenance of his family during the time you were in temporary or permanent prison. The common, or private, urban or rural initiative, Brazilian worker was not entitled to this benefit, arising only from 1933 and in 1951 Mr Nelson Omegna in its explanatory reason for the creation of aid-arrest, said that: " economic aperturas that the family of the inmate is subject, exposing them to the moral and material sufferings, the agonizing effects which its existence is the fact of the imprisonment of its chief, mute constitutional lessons which provide that no penalty will of the person condemned and even the drama of the imprisoned family, ungoverned by the absence of the head and maintainer, scattered by poverty, demoralized and humiliated by the infamous characteristic of the crime, the alarm all scholars of social issues. (OMEGNA, 1951)" The aid-benefit seclusion then has an important social and fundamental role in the Brazilian legal system serving and preserving citizenship and human dignity and still promoting the welfare of all. Although not universal to all INSS pensioners, considering the existence of constitutional selection of low-income, and thus there is an unequal treatment between insured. Finally, commenting on the social security scheme of the military's own and perform a comparison with other existing schemes in the pension branch. Key words: Benefit Imprisonment, general social security scheme, own pension scheme of the military.
_____________________________________________ Doutor em Filosofia pela Universidade Federal da Bahia. Thiago Araújo Pinho _____________________________________________ Mestre em Ciências Sociais pela Universidade Federal da Bahia. RESUMO A pesquisa propõe uma discussão sobre o sentido da justiça e a situação política brasileira na segunda década do século XXI, a partir de uma genealogia da revolta, conforme a obra do argelino Albert Camus. Diante do contexto de grave polarização política e moral, expande-se o sentimento de absurdo na sociedade e a justiça passa a ser evocada para a negar o outro, perdendo seu poder de afirmação revoltada. Partindo das obras de Camus, com suporte em Nietzsche e Viviane Mosé, bem como algumas contraposições com Jean-Paul Sartre, serão estudados o filme Bacurau, de Mendonça e Dornelles, e a música Caminhos de Abebe Bikila. Assim, através de uma leitura camusiana intermediada pela arte, será elaborada a proposição de um sentido trágico de justiça, em que a resistência revoltada no absurdo, sem pretender eliminá-lo, defende a vida e supera o niilismo dominante. ABSTRACT The research proposes a discussion about the meaning of justice and the contemporary Brazilian political situation, from a genealogy of revolt, according to the work of Algerian Albert Camus. Faced with the context of grave political and moral polarization, the feeling of absurdity in society expands and justice is evoked to deny the other, losing its power of revolted affirmation. Starting from the contributions of Camus and using the music Caminhos de Abebe Bikila, and the movie Bacurau, by Mendonça and Dornelles, the proposition of a tragic sense of justice will be elaborated, in which the resistance revolted in the absurd, without wishing to eliminate it, defends life and overcomes the dominant nihilism.