Basaltic Volcanism of the Bruneau-Jarbidge Eruptive Center and its Surroundings, Southwest Idaho: Chemical Evidence for Multiple Mantle Sources (original) (raw)

Basaltic volcanism of the central and western Snake River Plain: A guide to field relations between Twin Falls and Mountain Home, Idaho

GSA Field Guide 6: Interior Western United States, 2005

Basaltic volcanism in the Snake River Plain of southern Idaho has long been associated with the concept of a mantle plume that was overridden by North America during the Neogene and now resides beneath the Yellowstone plateau. This concept is consistent with the time-transgressive nature of rhyolite volcanism in the plain, but the history of basaltic volcanism is more complex. In the eastern Snake River Plain, basalts erupted after the end of major silicic volcanism. The basalts typically erupt from small shield volcanoes that cover up to 680 km 2 and may form elongate fl ows that extend 50-60 km from the central vent. The shields coalesce to form extensive plains of basalt that mantle the entire width of the plain, with the thickest accumulations of basalt forming an axial

Snake River Plain - Yellowstone silicic volcanism: implications for magma genesis and magma fluxes

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 2008

The origin of large-volume, high-temperature silicic volcanism associated with onset of the Snake River Plain -Yellowstone (SRPY) hotspot track is addressed based on evolution of the well-characterized Miocene Bruneau-Jarbidge (BJ) eruptive centre. Although O -Sr-Pb isotopic and bulk compositions of BJ rhyolites exhibit strong crustal affinity, including strong 18 O-depletion, Nd isotopic data preclude wholesale melting of ancient basement rocks and implicate involvement of a juvenile component -possibly derived from contemporaneous basaltic magmas. Several lines of evidence, including limits on 18 O-depletion of the rhyolite source rocks due to influx of meteoric/hydrothermal fluids, constrain rhyolite generation to depths shallower than mid-upper crust (,20 km depth). For crustal melting driven by basaltic intrusions, sustenance of temperatures exceeding 900 8C at such depths over the life of the BJ eruptive centre requires incremental intrusion of approximately 16 km of basalt into the crust. This minimum basaltic flux (c. 4 mm year 21 ) is about one-tenth that at Kilauea. Nevertheless, emplacement of such volumes of magma in the crust creates a serious room problem, requiring that the crust must undergo significant extensional deformation -seemingly exceeding present estimates of extensional strain for the SRPY province.

Geochemical correlation of three large-volume ignimbrites from the Yellowstone hotspot track, Idaho, USA

Bulletin of Volcanology

Three voluminous rhyolitic ignimbrites have been identified along the southern margin of the central Snake River Plain. As a result of wide-scale correlations, new volume estimates can be made for these deposits: ~350 km3 for the Steer Basin Tuff and Cougar Point Tuff XI, and ~1,000 km3 for Cougar Point Tuff XIII. These volumes exclude any associated regional ashfalls and correlation across to the north side of the plain, which has yet to be attempted. Each correlation was achieved using a combination of methods including field logging, whole rock and mineral chemistry, magnetic polarity, oxygen isotope signature and high-precision 40Ar/39Ar geochronology. The Steer Basin Tuff, Cougar Point Tuff XI and Cougar Point Tuff XIII have deposit characteristics typical of ‘Snake River (SR)-type’ volcanism: they are very dense, intensely welded and rheomorphic, unusually well sorted with scarce pumice and lithic lapilli. These features differ significantly from those of deposits from the better-known younger eruptions of Yellowstone. The ignimbrites also exhibit marked depletion in δ18O, which is known to characterise the SR-type rhyolites of the central Snake River Plain, and cumulatively represent ~1,700 km3 of low δ18O rhyolitic magma (feldspar values 2.3–2.9‰) erupted within 800,000 years. Our work reduces the total number of ignimbrites recognised in the central Snake River Plain by 6, improves the link with the ashfall record of Yellowstone hotspot volcanism and suggests that more large-volume ignimbrites await discovery through detailed correlation work amidst the vast ignimbrite record of volcanism in this bimodal large igneous province.

Bridging basalts and rhyolites in the Yellowstone–Snake River Plain volcanic province: The elusive intermediate step

Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2015

Many magmatic provinces produce strongly bimodal volcanism with abundant mafic and silicic magmas yet a scarcity of intermediate (55-65 wt.% SiO 2 ) compositions. In such bimodal settings, much debate revolves around whether the basaltic magmas act as heat sources to melt pre-existing crust, or whether they are the parents to the silicic magmas (a fractionation-dominated evolution). Until now, this lack of coeval intermediate compositions has commonly been used to support models involving large degrees of crustal melting. Detailed analysis of mineral cargoes of ignimbrites from the 6.6-4 Ma Heise volcanic field in the famously bimodal Yellowstone-Snake River Plain (YSRP) volcanic province has revealed the existence of intermediate liquids associated with main stage rhyolitic volcanism. Two closely spaced rhyolitic ignimbrites, the Wolverine Creek Tuff and the Conant Creek Tuff, contain pyroxene crystals with major and trace elemental compositions in equilibrium with intermediate melts prior to significant plagioclase fractionation. Hosted within these crystals are glassy melt inclusions that have compositions (57-67 wt.% SiO 2 ) directly recording the intermediate liquids. The combined mineral and melt inclusion data provide the first evidence for the occurrence of intermediate melts, typically erased in the high temperature YSRP ignimbrites by crystal resorption or diffusive re-equilibration. The results suggest the existence of mostly unerupted mid-crustal reservoirs that drive magma compositions towards the erupted rhyolites via assimilation-fractional crystallisation (AFC).

Snake River (SR)-type’ volcanism at the Yellowstone hotspot track: distinctive products from unusual, high-temperature silicic super-eruptions

Bulletin of Volcanology, 2008

A new category of large-scale volcanism, here termed Snake River (SR)-type volcanism, is defined with reference to a distinctive volcanic facies association displayed by Miocene rocks in the central Snake River Plain area of southern Idaho and northern Nevada, USA. The facies association contrasts with those typical of silicic volcanism elsewhere and records unusual, voluminous and particularly environmentally devastating styles of eruption that remain poorly understood. It includes: (1) large-volume, lithic-poor rhyolitic ignimbrites with scarce pumice lapilli; (2) extensive, parallel-laminated, medium to coarse-grained ashfall deposits with large cuspate shards, crystals and a paucity of pumice lapilli; many are fused to black vitrophyre; (3) unusually extensive, large-volume rhyolite lavas; (4) unusually intense welding, rheomorphism, and widespread development of lava-like facies in the ignimbrites; (5) extensive, fines-rich ash deposits with abundant ash aggregates (pellets and accretionary lapilli); (6) the ashfall layers and ignimbrites contain abundant clasts of dense obsidian and vitrophyre; (7) a bimodal association between the rhyolitic rocks and numerous, coalescing low-profile basalt lava shields; and (8) widespread evidence of emplacement in lacustrine-alluvial environments, as revealed by intercalated lake sediments, ignimbrite peperites, rhyolitic and basaltic hyaloclastites, basalt pillow-lava deltas, rhyolitic and basaltic phreatomagmatic tuffs, alluvial sands and palaeosols. Many rhyolitic eruptions were high mass-flux, large volume and explosive (VEI 6–8), and involved H2O-poor, low-δ18O, metaluminous rhyolite magmas with unusually low viscosities, partly due to high magmatic temperatures (900–1,050°C). SR-type volcanism contrasts with silicic volcanism at many other volcanic fields, where the fall deposits are typically Plinian with pumice lapilli, the ignimbrites are low to medium grade (non-welded to eutaxitic) with abundant pumice lapilli or fiamme, and the rhyolite extrusions are small volume silicic domes and coulées. SR-type volcanism seems to have occurred at numerous times in Earth history, because elements of the facies association occur within some other volcanic fields, including Trans-Pecos Texas, Etendeka-Paraná, Lebombo, the English Lake District, the Proterozoic Keewanawan volcanics of Minnesota and the Yardea Dacite of Australia.

Petrologic constraints on the development of a large-volume, high temperature, silicic magma system: The Twin Falls eruptive centre, central Snake River Plain

Lithos, 2010

Explosive volcanism associated with the Yellowstone hotspot spanning~11.3 to 9 Ma, thought to have erupted from the Twin Falls eruptive centre, is recorded in the Cassia Mountains of southern Idaho and northern Nevada. The stratigraphy contains intensely welded, rhyolitic (SiO 2 69-76 wt.%) ignimbrites with an anhydrous mineralogy: plagioclase, sanidine, quartz, pigeonite, augite, ilmenite, titanomagnetite, accessory zircon and apatite. Several different thermometers indicate high temperature rhyolitic magmas (N 900°C). All Cassia Mountain ignimbrites show a significant depletion in δ 18 O VSMOW with magmatic feldspar values between 1.7 and 3.0‰, reflecting incorporation of a hydrothermally altered protolith. Multiple compositions of both pigeonite (Mg# 30-46) and augite (Mg# 17-53) may occur within an individual ignimbrite while crystal aggregates contain only a single composition of each. The compositional heterogeneity within the ignimbrites reflects a complex magmatic system whereby magma was segregated into multiple smaller chambers prior to eruption.

Rheomorphic ignimbrites of the Rogerson Formation, central Snake River plain, USA: record of mid-Miocene rhyolitic explosive eruptions and associated crustal subsidence along the Yellowstone hotspot track

Bulletin of Volcanology, 2016

Rogerson Graben, USA, is critically placed at the intersection between the Yellowstone hotspot track and the southern projection of the west Snake River rift. Eleven rhyolitic members of the redefined , ≥420-m-thick, Rogerson Formation record voluminous high-temperature explosive eruptions, emplacing extensive ashfall and rheomorphic ignimbrite sheets. Yet, each member has subtly distinct field, chemical and palaeomagnetic characteristics. New regional correlations reveal that the Brown's View ignimbrite covers ≥3300 km 2 , and the Wooden Shoe ignimbrite covers ≥4400 km 2 and extends into Nevada. Between 11.9 and ∼8 Ma, the average frequency of large explosive eruptions in this region was 1 per 354 ky, about twice that at Yellowstone. The chemistry and mineralogy of the early rhyolites show increasing maturity with time possibly by progressive fractional crystallisation. This was followed by a trend towards less-evolved rhyolites that may record melting and h y b r i d i s a t i o n o f a m i d-c r u s t a l s o u r c e r e g i o n. Contemporaneous magmatism-induced crustal subsidence of the central Snake River Basin is recorded by successive ignimbrites offlapping and thinning up the N-facing limb of a regional basin-margin monocline, which developed between 10.59 and 8 Ma. The syn-volcanic basin topography contrasted significantly with the present-day elevated Yellowstone hotspot plateau. Concurrent basin-and-range extension produced the N-trending Rogerson Graben: early uplift of the Shoshone Hills (≥10.34 Ma) was followed by initiation of the Shoshone Fault and an E-sloping half-graben (∼10.3-10.1 Ma). The graben asymmetry then reversed with initiation of the Brown's Bench Fault (≥8 Ma), which remained intermittently active until the Pliocene.