Shared Hypermedia: Communication and Interaction in Web-Based Learning Environments (original) (raw)

Mastering Of Hypermedia Resources By Virtual Learning Communities: Possibilities And Constraints For Interaction, Communication And Construction Of Network Knowledge

The Journal of Community Informatics, 2011

The purpose of this paper is to present the procedures and some of the results from the investigation on the use of hypermedia resources for the construction of network knowledge. These resources, available in a distance learning support environment, are used for the process of interaction and production of knowledge through a virtual learning community (VLC) under formation. This VLC aims at providing a collaborative environment equipped with multimedia resources focused on information, communication and continuing education for community health agents[1], as well as nurses, physicians, teachers and other people who work in public establishments which offer access to Information and Communication Technologies in the city of Pedreira in the countryside of São Paulo. In this context, collaborative learning situations are shaped where users/learners master procedures, strategies and multimedia resources available and make “products” using audiovisual aids. The “products” are presente...

Hypermedia applications for distance education and training

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1994

Almost all sectors of modern society have to cope with a rapidly growing amount of information. The knowledge required from persons living and working in such a society is continuously expanding and gets more complex everyday. Education is no longer the exclusive business of schools and universities but has also become a matter of concern for enterprises training their employees. In order to provide products and services of high quality, companies must ensure that their personnel is -and remains -highly qualified. This situation has not only caused a considerable increase of public and private investments in education within recent years , it has also transformed learning from a process delimited to an individual's youth into a life-long activity that accompanies work and employment. It is this very feature of learning that serves as a catalyst increasing well known issues in education and training: ♦ The spatial distribution and time constraints of learners lead to difficulties in coordination and integration of training into everyday work. ♦ Innovation cycles of information are sometimes faster than education and training programs for conveying this information to a larger group, i.e., a course may be outdated even before each participant has accomplished it. ♦ The potentials of multimedia materials are not yet fully exploited for today's teaching nor are they optimally integrated into facilities for education and training. ♦ Inadequate or missing tailoring of information to the background and knowledge of the individual learner reduce the efficiency of courses.

DESIGN: Connect, Create, Collaborate • Page 138 Web-Based Collaborative Learning Environment: Theoretical and Practical Discourse, and Future Directions


The purpose of this paper is to discuss appropriate theoretical orientation for collaborative learning in a WBLE, identify current and potential challenges and solutions to collaborative learning on the web, and recommend future directions for research and development. The review of theoretical and empirical issues indicates, a research agenda is required to gain a better understanding of the social, affective, and cognitive processes involved in collaborative learning in a WBLE. The use of WBLE as a medium for collaborative learning has in many respects outstripped the development of theory on which to base such utilization. The field of Web-based learning has evolved over the past decade; nevertheless, the development of Web-based learning environment (WBLE) has been focused on the use of emerging Internet technologies without fully considering the previous research on the learning as a social process (Hmelo, Guzdial, & Turns, 1998). The social process of learning can involve part...

Learning environments on the Web: the pedagogical role of the educational material

Themes in Education, 2000

As society changes rapidly education has become a life long activity, demanding for more open access to instruction. Technological developments, such as hypermedia and global access to the Internet, and especially the World Wide Web, can be used as useful tools in the implementation of alternate, open modes of instruction. In this work, distance learning through the Web is investigated. The ways in which Web functionality may serve the educational purposes of a virtual classroom are examined. The main stakeholders of a Web-based course are identified and their roles in a virtual classroom setting are described. As the impact of the educational material in the effectiveness of the learning environment is of major importance, alternative models of learning and assessing are considered. As a case study, a Web-based course on computer architecture, developed at the Department of Informatics, University of Athens, is presented. The difficulties that the learners encounter in this open environment are identified and possible solutions are proposed.

Hypermedia and Education : a New Approach

IntroductionMany educational systems are using hypermedia techniques, but the demand of moreeducative capabilities is growing rapidly. Usually, these systems only provideinformation to the student with a few or even null capabilities to evaluate the learningprocess that happened already. They also lack of an important capability to adapt to thestudent. This lack implies that the student, then, has to adapt his/her behaviour to thesystem. Due to these problems, a new generation of...

Draft of Leinonen, T., Hakkarainen, K. ym. (2001) ITCOLE Project - Designing Innovative Technology for Collaborative Learning and Knowledge Building. A paper published in proceeding of the World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (EdMedia 2001) (pp. 1103-1108), Tampere, Finland, June 25-30, 2001

The purpose of this paper is to describe theoretical and pedagogical background and design rationale of the ITCOLE (Innovative Technology for Collaborative Learning) project. The project focuses on designing and developing a modular knowledge-building environment. The ITCOLE software to be developed is a highly scalable and easy to use environment that supports students' joint efforts to build knowledge together, whether they are primary, secondary, or older students. The central metaphor of the ITCOLE system is that of shared electronic workspaces which students and teachers use for asynchronous and synchronous collaboration. The system will provide tools for community and team building as well as include awareness tools and tutorware that provide users and their tutors real-time information on several aspects of collaboration and helps them to manage the process of knowledge building. In order to facilitate scaling up of good pedagogical practices of using innovative learning technology, it is intended that the ITCOLE software will become available free of charge and mostly under open source terms for educational institutions. A downloadable pilot version of the ITCOLE server software under title Future Learning Environment 2 (Fle2) with some of the basic functionality is currently available (http//:

E-Learning Networked Environments: Concepts and Issues

E-Learning Networked Environments and Architectures, 2007

This chapter presents the basic concepts and main issues that characterize the e-learning network environments from a knowledge management standpoint. Knowledge management is essentially focused on the concept of knowledge, and specifically concerns the competencies of those working for organizations. It involves two important processes: knowledge extraction and knowledge assimilation. The main issues of e-learning network environments include the design of knowledge scenarios that can be integrated into knowledge environments yet to be built, as well as the design of knowledge networks dedicated to supporting these environments and enabling the retrieval of learning resources. In this chapter, the problematic of building knowledge scenarios and knowledge environments is first presented. Then, the principles, methods, and tools required to build knowledge networks are summarized, and the problems associated with retrieving resources and knowledge in networked environments are addressed.

NETWORKING : a web environment for a collaborative education

NETWORKING is a teaching environment developed in close connection with the course "Sistemas de Representaci?n", which has been carried out for the first time at the E.T.S. d'Arquitectura La Salle, Barcelona, in the academic year 1999/00. It is a web-based environment that promotes the exchange of ideas among students and their capacity to work collaboratively. There is a customized NETWORKING environment for each one of the six themes that made up the course: text, shape, object, image, space and light. In this paper we will discuss two of the six environments: OBJECT and SPACE.