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In this work two nano-sized Aluminum powders with nominal size of 100 and 50 nm were experimentally investigated. Both of them were produced by electrical explosion of wire and coated with different chemical substances: stearic acid, palmitic acid, trihydroperfluoroundecylalcohol , and ester from esterification of trihydroperfluoroundecylalcohol with maleic anhydride. After their physical characterization (SEM, TEM, BET surface area, C % , DSC and TGA), the nano sized powders were added to a reference HTPB solid fuel for hybrid propulsion and burnt in a 2D radial burner to evaluate the effects on regression rate. Coatings play an important role on ballistics: with respect to pure HTPB, most of the investigated formulations exhibits increases of regression rate.
Effect of Metal Nanopowders on the Performance of Solid Rocket Propellants: A Review
Nanomaterials, 2021
The effects of different types of nano-sized metal particles, such as aluminum (nAl), zirconium (nZr), titanium (nTi), and nickel (nNi), on the properties of a variety of solid rocket propellants (composite, fuel-rich, and composite modified double base (CMDB)) were analyzed and compared with those of propellants loaded with micro-sized Al (mAl) powder. Emphasis was placed on the investigation of burning rate, pressure exponent (n), and hazardous properties, which control whether a propellant can be adopted in solid rocket motors. It was found that nano-sized additives can affect the combustion behavior and increase the burning rate of propellants. Compared with the corresponding micro-sized ones, the nano-sized particles promote higher impact sensitivity and friction sensitivity. In this paper, 101 references are enclosed.
Overview of Al-based nanoenergetic ingredients for solid rocket propulsion
Defence Technology, 2018
The introduction of nano-sized energetic ingredients first occurred in Russia about 60 years ago and arose great expectations in the rocket propulsion community, thanks to the higher energy densities and faster energy release rates exhibited with respect to conventional ingredients. But, despite intense worldwide research programs, still today mostly laboratory level applications are reported and often for scientific purposes only. A number of practical reasons prevent the applications at industrial level: inert native coating of the energetic particles, nonuniform dispersion, aging, excessive viscosity of the slurry propellant, possible limitations in mechanical properties, more demanding safety issues, cost, and so on. This paper describes the main features in terms of performance of solid rocket propellants loaded with nanometals and intends to emphasize the unique properties or operating conditions made possible by the addition of the nano-sized energetic ingredients. Steady and unsteady combustion regimes are examined.
Nano Aluminum Energetics: The Effect of Synthesis Method on Morphology and Combustion Performance
Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, 2011
Nanoscale aluminum based energetic composites were prepared using polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) as an oxidizer, and optimized according to the maximum experimentally observed flame propagation rate in an instrumented burn tube. Optimization of the aluminum-based composites was performed using nanometric aluminum from two manufacturers, Argonide Corporation and Novacentrix, and the combustion results represent the first direct comparison of these two materials in a burn tube configuration. Argonide aluminum was found to consist of many fused spheres of nano aluminum mixed with some larger micron sized particles. Novacentrix aluminum consisted of spherical particles with a closer particle size distribution. The propagation rate optimized wt.-% aluminum powder values were 50 and 44.5 for Novacentrix and Argonide, respectively. At the optimized conditions, the time to steady propagation for both Argonide and Novacentrix were similar, however the startup time for the Novacentrix based mixtures was more sensitive to changes in the mixture ratio. The presence of micron sized aluminum and lower surface area, but higher active content in the Argonide mixtures resulted in lower propagation rates, pressurization rates and peak pressures but higher total impulse values. It was found that peak pressure is not the sole determining factor in propagation rate, but the highest pressurization rates correlate with propagation rate.
Combustion of Bimodal Aluminum Particles and Ice Mixtures
International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, 2012
The combustion of aluminum with ice is studied using various mixtures of nano-and micrometersized aluminum particles as a means to generate high-temperature hydrogen at fast rates for propulsion and power applications. Bimodal distributions are of interest in order to vary mixture packing densities and nascent alumina concentrations in the initial reactant mixture. In addition, the burning rate can be tailored by introducing various particle sizes. The effects of the bimodal distributions and equivalence ratio on ignition, combustion rates, and combustion efficiency are investigated in strand experiments at constant pressure and in small lab-scale [1.91 cm (0.75 in.) diameter] static firedrocket-motor combustion chambers with center-perforated propellant grains. The aluminum particles consisted of nanometer-sized particles with a nominal diameter of 80 nm and micron-sized particles with nominal diameters of 2 and 5 µm. The micron particle addition ranged from 0% to 80% by active mass in the mixture. Burning rates from 1.1 (160 psia) to 14.2 MPa (2060 psia) were determined. From the small scale motor experiments, thrust, C * , Isp, and C * and Isp efficiencies are provided. From these results, mechanistic issues of the combustion process are discussed. In particular, overall lean equivalence ratios that produce flame temperatures near the melting point of alumina resulted in considerably lower experimental C * and Isp efficiencies than equivalence ratios closer to stoichiometric. The substitution of micron aluminum for nanometer aluminum had little effect on the linear burning rates of Al/ice mixtures for low-mass substitutions. However, as the mass addition of micron aluminum increased (e.g., beyond 40% 2-µm aluminum in place of 80-nm aluminum), the burning rates decreased. The effects of bimodal aluminum compositions on motor performance were minor, although the experimental results suggest longer combustion times are necessary for complete combustion.
Effect of Nano-Sized Energetic Materials (nEMs) on the Performance of Solid Propellants: A Review
Nanomaterials, 2021
As a hot research topic, nano-scale energetic materials have recently attracted much attention in the fields of propellants and explosives. The preparation of different types of nano-sized energetic materials were carried out, and the effects of nano-sized energetic materials (nEMs) on the properties of solid propellants and explosives were investigated and compared with those of micro-sized ones, placing emphasis on the investigation of the hazardous properties, which could be useable for solid rocket nozzle motor applications. It was found that the nano-sized energetic materials can decrease the impact sensitivity and friction sensitivity of solid propellants and explosives compared with the corresponding micro-sized ones, and the mechanical sensitivities are lower than that of micro-sized particles formulation. Seventy-nine references were enclosed.
Dynamic Behavior of Nano-Sized Particles in Novel Energetic Materials for Space Propulsion
We report a comprehensive computational and experimental program investigating the characteristics and dynamic behavior of nano-size aluminum in novel energetic materials. For the computational portion, we employed (1) our in-house packing code, Rocpack, to generate morphologies of interest for heterogeneous propellants; (2) modified our solid rocket motor CFD code, Rocstar, to include appropriate models for chemistry, radiation, and nano-sized aluminum; and (3) simulated transient behavior of the propellants at rocket motor conditions. For the experimental portion, we (4) used the mixing facility at Purdue University to prepare appropriate propellant samples containing nano-sized aluminum, thus allowing for a full characterization of the propellant (composition; particle size distribution) necessary for a coordinated modeling and experimental program; and (5) carried out both steady and unsteady experiments to fully characterize the propellants. Our R&D program investigated the app...
A survey is offered of the present status of microaluminized propellants industrially used worldwide in most space applications, but new directions are also pointed out making profitable use of the nanoaluminized formulations currently tested in many propulsion laboratories. Different industrialand research-type solid rocket propellants, of the well-known family oxidizer/Al/inert binder, were characterized up to 70 bar. The oxidizer was AP, AN or a mixture of the two, while the inert binder was typically HTPB. In general, the tested propellants feature the same nominal composition but implement different grain size distributions of the oxidizer and/or metal fuel. The basic properties of all formulations are compared to those of a standard composite propellant certified for flight.
Effect of nano-aluminium in plateau-burning and catalyzed composite solid propellant combustion
Combustion and …, 2009
Nano-aluminium particles of 50nmsize,producedatthislaboratory,areaddedtocompositesolidpropellantsbasedonammoniumperchlorateandhydroxyl−terminatedpoly−butadienebinderthatexhibitplateauburningratetrendsandthoseincludingburningratecatalysts.Thenano−aluminizedpropellantburningratesarecomparedwithcorrespondingmicro−aluminizedandnon−aluminizedonesinthe1−12MPapressurerange.Themid−pressureextinctionofthematrixescontainingthefine−sizedammoniumperchlorateparticlesinthepropellantalongwiththebinderisinvestigatedinallthecasestounderstandthemechanismofplateau−burning.Further,thevariationsinaluminiumcontent,thealuminiumsize(withinnano−andmicro−ranges),bimodalcombinationofnano−andmicro−aluminiumareconsidered.Ferricoxideandtitaniumdioxidearetheburningratecatalystsconsidered.Largescaleaccumulationofaluminiumisobservednotonlyinmicro−aluminizedmatrixes,butalsoinnano−aluminizedonesasclustersof1−5lmsize.Sincealuminiumisaddedattheexpenseofthecoarseammoniumperchlorateparticlestopreservethetotal−solidsloadinginthepresentformulations,additionofmicroaluminiumdecreasestheburningrate;whereas,nano−aluminizedpropellantsexhibit50 nm size, produced at this laboratory, are added to composite solid propellants based on ammonium perchlorate and hydroxyl-terminated poly-butadiene binder that exhibit plateau burning rate trends and those including burning rate catalysts. The nano-aluminized propellant burning rates are compared with corresponding micro-aluminized and non-aluminized ones in the 1-12 MPa pressure range. The mid-pressure extinction of the matrixes containing the fine-sized ammonium perchlorate particles in the propellant along with the binder is investigated in all the cases to understand the mechanism of plateau-burning. Further, the variations in aluminium content, the aluminium size (within nano-and micro-ranges), bimodal combination of nano-and micro-aluminium are considered. Ferric oxide and titanium dioxide are the burning rate catalysts considered. Large scale accumulation of aluminium is observed not only in micro-aluminized matrixes, but also in nano-aluminized ones as clusters of 1-5 lm size. Since aluminium is added at the expense of the coarse ammonium perchlorate particles to preserve the total-solids loading in the present formulations, addition of microaluminium decreases the burning rate; whereas, nano-aluminized propellants exhibit 50nmsize,producedatthislaboratory,areaddedtocompositesolidpropellantsbasedonammoniumperchlorateandhydroxyl−terminatedpoly−butadienebinderthatexhibitplateauburningratetrendsandthoseincludingburningratecatalysts.Thenano−aluminizedpropellantburningratesarecomparedwithcorrespondingmicro−aluminizedandnon−aluminizedonesinthe1−12MPapressurerange.Themid−pressureextinctionofthematrixescontainingthefine−sizedammoniumperchlorateparticlesinthepropellantalongwiththebinderisinvestigatedinallthecasestounderstandthemechanismofplateau−burning.Further,thevariationsinaluminiumcontent,thealuminiumsize(withinnano−andmicro−ranges),bimodalcombinationofnano−andmicro−aluminiumareconsidered.Ferricoxideandtitaniumdioxidearetheburningratecatalystsconsidered.Largescaleaccumulationofaluminiumisobservednotonlyinmicro−aluminizedmatrixes,butalsoinnano−aluminizedonesasclustersof1−5lmsize.Sincealuminiumisaddedattheexpenseofthecoarseammoniumperchlorateparticlestopreservethetotal−solidsloadinginthepresentformulations,additionofmicroaluminiumdecreasestheburningrate;whereas,nano−aluminizedpropellantsexhibit80-100% increase in the burning rate under most conditions. The near-complete combustion of nano-aluminium close to the burning surface of the propellant provides heat feedback that controls the burning rate. Midpressure extinctions of matrixes and plateau burning rates of propellants are washed out when nano-aluminium is progressively added beyond 50% in bimodal aluminium blends, but low pressure-exponents are observed in the nano-aluminized propellant burning rates at elevated pressures. Adjusting the plasticizer content in the binder alters the pressure range of plateau burning rates in non-aluminized propellants. Catalysts increase the burning rate by 50−10050-100% in non-aluminized and micro-aluminized propellants, but in nano-aluminized propellants, the lm-sized catalyst does not affect the burning rate significantly; whereas, the nanometre size catalysts increases the burning rate merely by 50−1005-15%.