HYBRIDIZED MIXED FINITE ELEMENT METHODS FOR THE STOKES PROBLEM Hybridized Mixed Finite Element Methods for the Stokes Problem (original) (raw)

Stabilized velocity and pressure mixed hybrid DGFEM for the stokes problem

We propose mixed hybrid Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element (DGFEM) formulations for the Stokes problem characterized by the introduction of Lagrange multipliers associated with the traces of the velocity and pressure fields on the edges of the elements to weakly impose the transmission conditions. Both velocity and pressure multipliers are stabilized and, as a consequence of these stabilizations, we prove existence and uniqueness of solution for the local problems. All velocity and pressure degrees-of-freedom can be eliminated at the element level by static condensation leading to a global problem in the multipliers only. The proposed methodology is able to recover stability of very convenient choices of finite element spaces, such as those adopting equal order polynomial approximations for all fields. Numerical experiments illustrate the flexibility and robustness of the proposed formulations and show optimal rates of convergence.

Stabilised Hybrid Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for the Stokes Problem with Non-standard Boundary Conditions

arXiv: Numerical Analysis, 2018

In several studies it has been observed that, when using stabilised mathbbPktimesmathbbPk\mathbb{P}_k^{}\times\mathbb{P}_k^{}mathbbPktimesmathbbPk elements for both velocity and pressure, the error for the pressure is smaller, or even of a higher order in some cases, than the one obtained when using inf-sup stable mathbbPktimesmathbbPk−1\mathbb{P}_k^{}\times\mathbb{P}_{k-1}^{}mathbbPktimesmathbbPk1 (although no formal proof of either of these facts has been given). This increase in polynomial order requires the introduction of stabilising terms, since the finite element pairs used do not stability the inf-sup condition. With this motivation, we apply the stabilisation approach to the hybrid discontinuous Galerkin discretisation for the Stokes problem with non-standard boundary conditions.

Analysis of locally stabilized mixed finite element methods for the Stokes problem

Mathematics of Computation

In this paper, a locally stabilized finite element formulation of the Stokes problem is analyzed. A macroelement condition which is sufficient for the stability of (locally stabilized) mixed methods based on a piecewise constant pressure approximation is introduced. By satisfying this condition, the stability of the Q\-Pq, quadrilateral, and the P\-Pq triangular element, can be established.

A hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method for Stokes flow

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2010

In this paper, we introduce a hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method for Stokes flow. The method is devised by using the discontinuous Galerkin methodology to discretize a velocity-pressure-gradient formulation of the Stokes system with appropriate choices of the numerical fluxes and by applying a hybridization technique to the resulting discretization. One of the main features of this approach is that it reduces the globally coupled unknowns to the numerical trace of the velocity and the mean of the pressure on the element boundaries, thereby leading to a significant reduction in the size of the resulting matrix. Moreover, by using an augmented lagrangian method, the globally coupled unknowns are further reduced to the numerical trace of the velocity only. Another important feature is that the approximations of the velocity, pressure, and gradient converge with the optimal order of k þ 1 in the L 2-norm, when polynomials of degree k P 0 are used to represent the approximate variables. Based on the optimal convergence of the HDG method, we apply an element-by-element postprocessing scheme to obtain a new approximate velocity, which converges with order k þ 2 in the L 2-norm for k P 1. The postprocessing performed at the element level is less expensive than the solution procedure. Numerical results are provided to assess the performance of the method.

Analysis of mixed finite elements methods for the Stokes problem: a unified approach

Mathematics of Computation, 1984

We develop a method for the analysis of mixed finite element methods for the Stokes problem in the velocity-pressure formulation. A technical "macroelement condition", which is sufficient for the classical Babuska-Brezzi inequality to be valid, is introduced. Using this condition,we are able to verify the stability, and optimal order of convergence, of several known mixed finite element methods.

A mixed finite element method for the Stokes equations

Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 1994

A new mixed finite element for the Stokes equations is considered. This new finite element is based on a mixed formulation of the Stokes problem in which the gradient of the velocity is introduced and the velocity is approximated by the Raviart-Thomas element [ 11. Optimal error estimates are derived. The number of degrees of freedom, for this element, is the lowest possible, and the local conservation of the mass is assured. A hybrid version of the mixed method is also considered. Finally, some numerical results for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations are presented.

A mixed finite element method for the generalized Stokes problem

International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2005

We present and analyse a new mixed finite element method for the generalized Stokes problem. The approach, which is a natural extension of a previous procedure applied to quasi-Newtonian Stokes flows, is based on the introduction of the flux and the tensor gradient of the velocity as further unknowns. This yields a twofold saddle point operator equation as the resulting variational formulation. Then, applying a slight generalization of the well known Babuška-Brezzi theory, we prove that the continuous and discrete formulations are well posed, and derive the associated a priori error analysis. In particular, the finite element subspaces providing stability coincide with those employed for the usual Stokes flows except for one of them that needs to be suitably enriched. We also develop an a-posteriori error estimate (based on local problems) and propose the associated adaptive algorithm to compute the finite element solutions. Several numerical results illustrate the performance of the method and its capability to localize boundary layers, inner layers, and singularities.

A new mixed finite element method for the Stokes problem

Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2002

We propose a new mixed formulation of the Stokes problem where the extra stress tensor is considered. Based on such a formulation, a mixed finite element is constructed and analyzed. This new finite element has properties analogous to the finite volume methods, namely, the local conservation of the momentum and the mass. Optimal error estimates are derived. For the numerical implementation of this finite element, a hybrid form is presented. This work is a first step towards the treatment of viscoelastic fluid flows by mixed finite element methods.

Mixed finite element methods for problems in elasticity and Stokes flow

Numer Math, 1996

We consider the mixed formulation for the elasticity problem and the limiting Stokes problem in IR d , d = 2; 3. We derive a set of su cient conditions under which families of mixed nite element spaces are simultaneously stable with respect to the mesh size h and, subject to a maximum loss of O(k d?1 2), with respect to the polynomial degree k. We obtain asymptotic rates of convergence that are optimal up to O(k) in the displacement/velocity and up to O(k d?1 2 +) in the \pressure", with > 0 arbitrary (both rates being optimal with respect to h). Several choices of elements are discussed with reference to properties desirable in the context of the hp-version.

Mixed finite element methods for incompressible flow: Stationary Stokes equations

Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 2009

, the authors developed and analyzed a mixed finite element method for the stationary Stokes equations based on the pseudostress-velocity formulation. The pseudostress and the velocity are approximated by a stable pair of finite elements: Raviart-Thomas elements of index k ≥ 0 and discontinuous piecewise polynomials of degree k ≥ 0, respectively. This paper extends the method to the stationary, incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Under appropriate assumptions, we show that the pseudostress-velocity formulation of the Navier-Stokes equation and its discrete counterpart have branches of nonsingular solutions, and error estimates of the mixed finite element approximations are established as well. These equations are based on the respective physical principles: the constitutive law, the balance of linear momentum, and the conservation of mass. A tremendous amount of work has been done over many years on the computation of incompressible Navier-Stokes equations based on the velocity-pressure formulation in (1.1) or its variants (see, e.g, the books by Girault and Raviart [17], Pironneau [23], Gunzburger , and the references therein). However, the practical need of the stress tensor coupled with a rising interest in non-Newtonian flows have motivated extensive studies of mixed finite element methods in the stress-velocity-pressure formulation (1.4). There are at least two major advantages of this formulation. First, it provides a unified framework for both the Newtonian and the non-Newtonian flows. It has also been pointed out in [20] that an accurate and efficient numerical scheme for Newtonian flows under formulation (1.4) is necessary for the successful computation of non-Newtonian flows. Another advantage is that a physical quantity such as the stress is computed directly instead of by taking derivatives of the velocity. This avoids degrading the accuracy, which is inevitable in the process of numerical differentiation. However, the stress-velocity-pressure formulation has some obvious disadvantages. The most significant ones are the increase in the number of unknowns and the symmetry requirement for the stress tensor . Both of them pose extra difficulty in the numerical computation. In order to keep the pros and improve the cons of the stress-velocity-pressure formulation, Cai et al. recently analyzed and implemented mixed finite element methods based on the pseudostress-velocity formulation for the stationary Stokes equations in . Raviart-Thomas (RT) elements of index k ≥ 0 [25] are used for approximating each row of the pseudostress which is a nonsymmetric tensor, and discontinuous piecewise polynomials of degree k ≥ 0 for approximating each component of the velocity. It is shown that this pair of mixed finite elements is stable and yields optimal accuracy O(h k+1 ) in the H(div) and L 2 norms for the respective pseudostress and velocity. For lower order elements, the total number of degrees of freedom for the discretization is comparable to that for the velocity-pressure formulation using Crouzeix-Raviart elements (nonconforming velocity and discontinuous pressure), and both approaches have the same accuracy for the H 1 seminorm of the velocity and the L 2 norm of the pressure. The indefinite system of linear equations resulting from the discretization is decoupled by the penalty method. The penalized pseudostress system is solved by the H(div) type of multigrid method, and the velocity is then calculated explicitly/locally. It is shown theoretically in [11] that the convergence rate of the V (1, 1)-cycle multigrid is independent of the mesh size, the number of levels, and the penalty parameter. This is also confirmed numerically in with remarkably fast convergence rates around 0.21 for the RT element of index zero and 0.14 for the BDM element of index one . The purpose of this paper is to extend and analyze the method for the stationary Navier-Stokes equations. Numerical studies of the method for several benchmark test problems, such as the driven cavity problem and flows past cylinder, are reported in . The extension of the method is rather straightforward; the only modification needed is to replace ∇u in the nonlinear term by the deviatoric pseudostress since the velocity u is approximated by discontinuous piecewise polynomials. But the analysis is nontrivial. First, it is not known that the general theory on the well-posedness of the saddle point problem (see, e.g., [6]) can be extended for problems with the linear or nonlinear convection term. So we prove the well-posedness of the pseudostressvelocity formulation for the Navier-Stokes equations via establishing its equivalence