Smart Power Diplomacy: Regional Cooperation on Peace and Order (original) (raw)

Advancing Soft Power Diplomacy in India-ASEAN Relationship and Building a Community for Shared Future in Asia

IJRAR, 2019

Cultural proximity is considered one of the major factors to build a trustful relationship among countries in the domain of international relations. Such closeness, one can see-with the common cultural civilization roots-in the relationship of India and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). This relations needs to be rethink despite of their negligence before. In this context, this proposed research strives to examine the concept of soft power diplomacy and its advancement in India and the ASEAN relations; it likewise demonstrates that the soft power as an indispensable mechanism through which India has developed its relationship with the ASEAN countries particular and it also manifests how the soft power diplomacy could reinforce in the building of community between India and the ASEAN for shared future in Asia. Given the close historical connection, with the help of both qualitative and observational methods, this study is argued that India and the ASEAN shared destiny needs to be expanded beyond the cultural closeness to other emerging areas of cooperation-such as seas, maritime security and so on. In this direction, the updated and new 'Act East Policy' (Old 'Look East Policy') by the administration in 2014 is pivotal. Finally, it is concluded by stating that both India and the ASEAN can influence the Asian order in general and shape Indo-Pacific order in particular, especially through building a community.

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ASEAN Political-Security Community: Challenges of Establishing Regional Security in the Southeast Asia

Journal of International Studies, 2019

The paper determines the essence and the functionality of the ASEAN Political-Security Community (APSC) by looking at a wide range of regional studies, evaluating theoretical approaches in international relations, and examining case studies related on regional security in the Southeast Asia, since the establishment of the APSC in 2015. Essential complex challenges faced include the rise of China, unresolved territorial conflicts and maritime disputes, rigid application of non-interference principles in the internal affairs of the local states, and the failure of ASEAN in protecting human rights regionwide. Based on the study cases that were analysed in this paper, the paper concludes that: (1) the essence of multilateralism is challenged by the complicated nature of interstate relationships and interactions of individual ASEAN member states; (2) development of security cooperation cannot be measured due to complexity of geopolitical and geoeconomic interests; and (3) boundaries in the ASEAN framework have very weak foundations. The developments taking place in the region have hampered ASEAN's ability to optimally perform its core purpose of establishing a stable political environment in the region.

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The ASEAN Way to Asia-Pacific Security Community

Jurnal Sentris, 2020

ASEAN oleh banyak pihak telah dianggap sebagai salah satu dari organisasi regional di dunia yang dapat mempertahankan stabilitas dan keamanan wilayahnya dengan menggunakan nilai – nilai Asia mereka, yang dikenal oleh banyak orang sebagai ‘The ASEAN Way’. Dengan menggunakan konsep pembentukan komunitas keamanan oleh Adler dan Barnett, tulisan ini menjelaskan bagaimanakah peran the ASEAN Way dapat membentuk komunitas kemanan Asia – Pasifik, ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF). Proses pembentukan komunitas keamanan dibagi menjadi tiga: adanya faktor internal dan eksternal; kekuatan dan kesamaan persepsi serta hubungan yang terus berlanjut; dan rasa percaya serta identitas bersama. Dalam pembentukannya, ARF didasari oleh keinginan ASEAN untuk menjaga stabilitas di Asia – Pasifik setelah Perang Dingin dan juga mempromosikan nilai – nilai ASEAN ke cakupan yang lebih luas. Kemudian, the ASEAN Way juga sangat berperan sebagai soft power dan persepsi yang menjadi dasar hubungan antarpartisipan ARF. S...

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Asia Pacific- Research Journal of Area Study Centre, Far East & South East Asia, 2020

Globalization has brought huge changes in every section of life, including education. The international relations have been impacted on by globalization as well. The students, scholars and researchers, these days, are regarded as actors in diplomacy. Education diplomacy is considered as an important tool in the conduct of international relations worldwide. The public diplomacy through provision of education opportunities, known as soft power tool, has emerged as a new trend by which countries extend their national interests and attempt to shape the preferences of others and affecting their behaviour in one's favour. International Education has proved to be a major contributor to soft power goals and has emerged as an important part of public diplomacy that has created many advantages. The countries anticipate, by means of education diplomacy, the promotion of nation's policy priorities and interests and subsequently, to contribute to country's economic development and investment. The present study aims to explore the soft power goals of the Southeast Asian Countries. It further explores the goals that are achieved by the countries through implementation of public diplomacy in education.

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The ASEAN Way of Preventive Diplomacy & Lessons From Its Experience

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has a unique way of managing regional security. Characterised by a flexible, informal and nonviolent consensus approach to diplomacy, it has become a code of conduct to manage relations amongst members by shelving disputes in favour of cooperation. As for these disputes, they can be managed through a constructive dialogue between those disputing parties, often informally, at the behest of those involved. Such is the conventional wisdom of the ASEAN Way of regional security and it is seen as a viable preventive diplomacy approach. This essay argues that rather than focus on imperfections, the ASEAN Way has lessons on informality, flexibility and conflict prevention which is useful for the practice of preventive diplomacy to study on.

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Building Peace and Security in East Asia

Two dominant views exist with regards to the nature of peace and security in East Asia. One dominant view, departing from the power politics paradigm, believes that peace and security in East Asia emerge out of the balance of power in the region. Other dominant view, departing from more liberal paradigm, sees increased interaction, interdependence as well as more liberal policies both in politics and economics have contributed significantly to peace and security that region is enjoying. While offering distinctive views of the nature of peace and security in the region, however, the two views depart from the same basic understanding of peace and security. They both view peace and security as dependent variables and secondary to the need of the national security requirement. This paper challenges the two dominant views by arguing that the two dominant views tend [1] to conceive peace and security simply in negative terms, i.e. the absence of armed conflict or war, [2] to overlook the initiatives and capacity agency of the East Asian countries to build peace and security beyond their negative terms and, finally, [3] to overlook the impact of regional peace and security to the national security of the individual countries. It will show that recent developments taking place in the region clearly tell us that relative absence of open conflict does not necessarily imply peace and security or even stability in the region. As such, this paper argues, the East Asian countries need to address and deal with challenges to peace and security more seriously and more directly. It is within this context that this paper will also explore the role and the contribution of ASEAN and Korea in bringing peace and security in the region.

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'The Struggle for Soft Power in Asia: Public Diplomacy and Regional Competition', with Frank Smith, Asian Security 5:1 (2013) Cover Page

Preventing War, Building a Rules-based Order: Challenges Facing the ASEAN Political–Security Community

ASEAN @ 50, 2017

Fifty years since its founding in 1967, ASEAN has come a long way in building the foundations and the main pillars of Southeast Asia’s regional community. Its brand of open regionalism – inclusive, moderate, flexible, and tolerant – has served its member states well, albeit arguably at some cost to ASEAN’s collective impact and credibility. Yet ASEAN has survived inter-state wars, political pressure from big powers, civil conflicts, economic crises, pandemics, environmental challenges, and more. The next 50 years may be no different, or they may be more difficult given shifting geopolitical configurations, but ASEAN is bound to persist in simultaneously working to bring order to its own house while trying to be friendly and useful to its neighbours. In the meantime, 2025 is the next milestone that ASEAN can look forward to, and redoubling efficiency and fortifying credibility are amongst the major tasks ahead.

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Charting into New Waters: Towards ASEAN Political Security Community 2015 Cover Page

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Asian Studies Review Managing Security: Reimagining ASEAN's Regional Role Cover Page