Sixty-five Years of the Journal Medical Archives.pdf (original) (raw)

Medical Journals in Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1878 to 1945

Acta medica academica, 2018

This paper presents the medical journals published in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) in the period from 1878 to 1945. The first medical journal in BIH may be deemed to be Jahrbuch des Bosnisch-Hercegowinischen Landesspittales in Sarajevo (The Yearbook of the National Hospital of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo). In a special part of this journal, doctors from Austro-Hungary serving in Sarajevo wrote scholarly articles about their patients' various ailments. Up to 1945 seven more medical journals were published in BIH: Trezvenost - Organ Jugoslavenskog Saveza Trezvenosti (Temperance - the Journal of the Yugoslav Temperance Society), Zdravlje - Lekarske pouke o zdravlju i bolesti (Health, Medical lessons on Health and Disease), Glasnik Lekarske komore za Bosnu, Hercegovinu, Dalmaciju i Crnu Goru (The Journal of the Chamber of Physicians of Bosnia, Herzegovina, Dalmatia and Montenegro), Glasnik Lekarske komore Vrbaske banovine (Journal of the Chamber of Physicians of Vrbaska banov...

Seventy years of the Section for the history of medicine of the Serbian medical society

Srpski medicinski časopis Lekarske komore, 2020

This paper covers the forming of the Serbian Medical Society sections in the period until 1950, as well as the amendments made to the Rules of the Serbian Medical Society in 1919 and 1928. Prior to World War I, the Section for Tuberculosis was formed (1907). In the interwar period, seven specialist sections and one class section (Section of District Doctors for Belgrade, Zemun and Pančevo, 1931) were formed. After World War II, led by the all-pervasive enthusiasm in society of that time and the need for renewing and rebuilding all life segments in socialist Yugoslavia, new sections and regional branches of the Serbian Medical Society were established. The Section for the History of Medicine and Pharmacy was founded as the 16 th section of the Serbian Medical Society, in 1950, and, in 1980, its name was changed to-Section for the History of Medicine. The first meeting of the Section was held on March 29, 1950. Professor Vladimir Stanojević, PhD, Medical Corps General, was elected the first President of the Section. The first lecture, delivered by Professor Aleksandar Đ. Kostić (Jedan stogodišnji srpski leksikon) 1 , is also described briefly in this paper. During its 70 years of work, the Section has experienced periods of rise and fall in its activity; while there has been formal continuity in its work, activity has been irregular (the regularity of the meetings, the number of communications, etc.), which is why its history can be divided into four periods. The Section achieved its best results in the first (1950-1978) and in its fourth (2009-2020) period. The second period (1978-1993) was characterized by a decrease in activity, while the third (1993-2009) was a period of complete inactivity. The Section had a fruitful publishing activity during the first and the fourth period. It was voted the best section of the Serbian Medical society twice-in 2016 and 2017.

Seventy Years of the Journal " Medical Archives "

This year journal " Medical Archives " celebrates 70th anniversary of its continuing publication. Medical Archives is oldest biomedical journal in Bosnia and Herzegovina and one of the oldest medical journals in Europe, established in the year 1947, as official scientific and professional journal of Association of Physicians of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Until present Medical Archives has published over 5000 articles. Today Medical Archives is internationally recognized medical peer-reviewed indexed journal, visible in more than 30 international on-line databases.

The oldest Croatian medical journal

Croatian medical journal, 2002

To the Editor. The paper about scientific biomedical journals in Croatia (1), prompted me to add some facts about the very beginnings of medical publishing in Croatia. The authors of the article correctly stated that scientific publishing has a long tradition in Croatia, mentioning that the Lijeènièki vjesnik (1877) and Periodicum Biologorum (1886) have been published for over 100 years. The permanence of the Lijeènièki vjesnik, issued under the auspices of the Croatian Medical Association, makes it a medical journal with the longest tradition in Croatia. However, it is not the oldest medical journal in our country-Glasnik Društva slavonskih lieènika, which was not mentioned at all, appeared shortly before the Lijeènièki vjesnik. The oldest Croatian medical journal was named Slovinski prvenci o naravi i zdravlju (Fig. 1), and launched in 1860 in Vienna (2), where its editor, a retired physician and writer, Gjuro Augustinoviae (Glina, 1816-Zagreb, 1870) lived. Vladimir Dugaèki first drew attention to this historical fact in 1977 (3). However, this topic has not been elaborated further, and data about the first medical journal in Croatia remained largely unfamiliar to broader medical audience. After earning a degree in philosophy in Zagreb (1833-1835), Augustinoviae (as a reformer of orthography based on phonetic principles, he preferred to write his name as Agustinoviae) went to Vienna, where he started medical studies at the Austrian Military Medical Academy (Josephinum), and graduated on 26 July 1844 (4). Nomenclature in medicine, as the closest association between medicine and semantics, was his main interest. His inaugural dissertation entitled "Kurzgefasste topographische Anatomie und Versuch einer illirischen Terminologie der Anatomie" (Dissertatio inauguralis sistens brevem conspectum anatomiae topographicae cum adnexa terminologia anatomiae illyrica, quam consensu et auctoritate illustrissimi ac magnifici domini praesidis et directoris nec non clarissimum ac celeberrimum D.D.Professorum), at the Imperial Royal Medico-Surgical Academy (Josephina) in Vienna, was the first attempt of systematization of the Croatian medical terminology (5). To each anatomical term listed in his dissertation he added, in parenthesis, an expression in the Illyric language. He signed himself as Georgius Augustinoviae, Ilirus Glinensis, Alumnus confiniorum croatico-banalium, although, in the dedication, he called himself Gjuro A. The original dissertation bore a Latin title and was dated "die 7. Kalendas Augusti 1844 hora 12", which does not correspond to August 7th, as usually quoted, but to July 26 (K. Holubar, Vienna

First decade of publishing of Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences

Bosnian journal of basic medical sciences / Udruzenje basicnih mediciniskih znanosti = Association of Basic Medical Sciences

T he Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences (BJBMS) is an international English-language, peer reviewed journal, publishing original articles from different disciplines and predominantly basic medical sciences. h e fi rst issue was published in , followed by a four year period without publication. h e second issue was published in February  and since then the BJBMS has been published regularly and in a timely fashion. As BJBMS is now approaching its  th year anniversary of continuous publishing, we believe that it is time to evaluate the achievements in this period.