COSTA, N. V. S. The lyrical novel Lord of the Flies. Revista do SELL, v. 4, p. 1-16, 2014. (original) (raw)

Teoría poética y creatividad, Barcelona, Anthropos, 2010.

Este libro recoge estudios teóricos y analíticos sobre la creación literaria a partir de la experiencia de su autora como investigadora y crítica, y como profesora, lectora y escritora de ficción. Libro de la experiencia, pues, indaga sobre el hecho literario desde estas distintas perspectivas, abordando aspectos de poética histórica y teoría contemporánea, conexión entre lenguajes (literatura, pintura y representación teatral), ocupándose, asimismo, de poéticas contemporáneas (poesía y narrativa), así como de la lectura y práctica literaria como principio de creatividad, y de aspectos metaliterarios sobre la creación y la autopercepción crítica.

Elicio, Erastro y Galatea en clave poética

Criticón, 2018

ES: La Galatea, al ser una novela pastoril, formalmente adopta el modelo de la Arcadia de Sannazaro, ya seguido en España por Gil Polo, Montemayor o Gálvez de Montalvo, e intercala en la narración múltiples cantos de los pastores. Sin embargo, esta obra presenta ante el lector una trama desconcertante, en la que se cuestionan los ideales de la bucólica. Así, el propósito del presente artículo es estudiar la función que tienen los poemas de los protagonistas, Elicio, Erastro y Galatea, en esta puesta en cuestión. A partir de un análisis formal de los poemas se mostrará cómo los cantos de los personajes dialogan entre sí y anticipan la transformación de los protagonistas y de sus realidades. EN: Being a pastoral novel, La Galatea formally adopts the model of Sannazaros’s Arcadia, followed in Spanish by Montemayor, Gil Polo or Gálvez de Montalvo, and inserts different songs of the shepherds into the prose. Nevertheless, this novel shows the reader an unexpected plot that denies the ideals of the bucolic tradition. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to analyse the function of the main characters’ poems (Elicio, Erastro and Galatea) within this questioning of the bucolic ideals. A formal analyse of the poems will be carried out to show how the shepherds’ songs dialogue and anticipate the transformation of the characters and their world. | FR: Comme roman pastoral, La Galatea de Miguel de Cervantès adopte le modèle de l’Arcadie de Sannazaro qui a déjà donné lieu à des adaptations en Espagne (Gil Polo, Montemayor, Gálvez de Montalvo). Sont insérés dans la trame narrative de nombreux chants de bergers, ce qui semble ajouter une complexité supplémentaire à une œuvre dont la trame déconcerte le lecteur par sa remise en question de l’idéal bucolique. Le présent article étudie la fonction des poèmes d’Elicio, Erastro et Galatea dans cette remise en question. A partir de l’analyse formelle de ces poèmes insérés, on montre comment les personnages dialoguent entre eux et préparent leur transformation.

Drummond and Stella: Poetic Experiences / Drummond e Stella: experiências poéticas

The aim of this study is to analyse, in the poem Da bomba [From the Bomb], in Reamanhecer [New Dawn], the second section of Stella Leonardos' poetry book Amanhecência [Dawning] (1974), the relationship between the processes of reading and writing in the metapoetic exercise of appropriation of Carlos Drummond de Andrade's poem A bomba [The Bomb]. This metapoetic rewriting operates through analogical thinking, in which the figure of the critical poet in her relationship with tradition is outlined. With this double movement, based on the displacement of the lyrical subject out of itself, our research hypothesis is that this is a unique book-anthology in which the poet appropriates poems with which she dialogues by means of two procedures: expansion, the generator of a parallel song, and reduction, in which the gloss of the epigraphs is a key resource. RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo é examinar, no poema Da bomba que compõe Reamanhecer, segunda parte do livro Amanhecência (1974), de Stella Leonardos, as relações entre leitura/escritura no exercício metapoético de apropriação do poema A bomba, de Carlos Drummond de Andrade. Tal reescritura metapoética opera por meio do pensamento analógico, em que se esboça a figura do poeta crítico em sua relação com a tradição. Neste movimento duplo, fundamentado no deslocamento do sujeito lírico para fora de si, advém a nossa hipótese de pesquisa: a de um singular livro-antologia no qual a poeta se apropria dos poemas com os quais dialoga por meio de dois procedimentos: o de expansão, gerador do canto paralelo, e o de redução, em que a glosa das epígrafes é recurso chave.

The project : Verse and narrative : narrative structures and techniques in lyric poetry

Narratology and the study of lyric poetry This article provides a brief discussion of the theoretical and historical underpinnings of the study of narrativity in lyric poetry. As part of the justification of studying narrative aspects of lyric poetry, reference is made to contemporary paradigms in postclassical narratology of which transgeneric narratology is one. The project titled, "Verse and narrative: narrative structures and techniques in lyric poetry", from which the articles in this issue emanated, is described briefly by presenting the objectives of the research and by discussing the theoretical and historical implications of such a project. The theoretical part of the article concludes with a list of the preliminary findings. The article also serves as an introduction to this issue of "Literator", which contains the contributions on English and Dutch texts to the project. Opsomming Narratologie en die studie van liriese poësie Hierdie artikel bevat 'n saaklike bespreking van die teoretiese en historiese aspekte van die bestudering van narratiwiteit in liriese poësie. In die motivering van die geldigheid van so 'n ondersoek, word verwys na die dominante paradigmas in postklassieke narratologie, waarvan transgeneriese narratologie een is. Die navorsingsprojek, "Vers en verhaal: narratiewe

The Lyrical Mode as Narrative Technique in Andre Gide’s The Immoralist

This paper presents a study of one novel by Andre Gide, The Immoralist as the Lyrical novel. Gide has experimented Lyrical Mode of writing prose in his novels. This paper depicts the wonderful experience of studying imageries and symbols used in prose. Till now many research deliberations have been carried out on various topics like postmodern novels, colonial novels, etc. but no research on Lyrical Novels. It can be an interesting way of exploring use of this technique in other novels as well. Present study will give new dimension to look at a novel. This is unexplored area so far and there lies effectiveness and usefulness of this study to evaluate prose form with different perspective.

Revisions text of thesis Homo Poeticus the manifestation of poetic thought in the metaphorical usage of language

The text explores the relationship between poetic language and cognitive expression, emphasizing the significance of metaphor. It introduces the concept of " poetic thought " as a complex paradigm linked to metaphorical expression and discusses the role of metaphor in poetic thought . Linguistic research suggests that poetic language involves both syntactic composition and semantic senses . The text also references Aristotle's view on the inseparability of poetic and rhetorical elements and Giambattista Vico's philosophy, which integrates imagination as a form of knowledge, drawing from poetics and historical understanding. It concludes with Vico's perspective on primitive human communication evolving from gestures and sounds to semantic senses, reflecting a rhe torical and fantastic manifestation.

Narratology and the study of lyric poetry

Literator, 2010

This article provides a brief discussion of the theoretical and historical underpinnings of the study of narrativity in lyric poetry. As part of the justification of studying narrative aspects of lyric poetry, reference is made to contemporary paradigms in postclassical narratology of which transgeneric narratology is one. The project titled, “Verse and narrative: narrative structures and techniques in lyric poetry”, from which the articles in this issue emanated, is described briefly by presenting the objectives of the research and by discussing the theoretical and historical implications of such a project. The theoretical part of the article concludes with a list of the preliminary findings. The article also serves as an introduction to this issue of “Literator”, which contains the contributions on English and Dutch texts to the project.

Fiction référentielle et poétique rituelle : pour une pragmatique du mythe (Sappho 17 et Bacchylide 13)

Mythe et fiction, 2000

Myth does not exist, particularly in Ancient Greece, if of not through poetic forms with a strong pragmatic dimension. With its ritual aspect, the song establishes a strong relationships between the "fiction" of the heroic story, recreated by the poet, and the present situation of the performance of the poem itself. Fragment 17 of Sappho, despite its fragmentary state, and the long Epinician 13 by Bacchylides are good examples for the historical and symbolic efficiency of the stories of the heroic past of the civic community revisited on the occasion a given ritual occasion , with its social, religious and cultural implications. These melic poems, considered with an anthropological point of view in their musical performance, are means for a permanent recreation of a cultural memory, between "myth" and "history".