Changes in Turkish Foreign Policy: A Shift or a Passing Interest (original) (raw)
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Türkiye'nin Yeni Ortadoğu Politikası ve Suriye ve Lübnan'daki Algılamalar
DergiPark (Istanbul University), 2010
The issues in the Middle East directly affect Turkey's interests from security to economy. However, during the Cold War, Turkey did not involve directly and influentially to the Middle Eastern affairs. The political atmosphere arose after the Cold War, especially in the beginning 2000s, gave some opportunity and/or encouraged Turkish decision makers to pursue a new policy. Turkey as it develops and continues its relations with the West and the rest of the World, tried to set a new model of relations depend on mutual respect, recognition of territorial integrity and constructing trust building relations with the regional countries in every level. This article focuses on Turkish new foreign policy toward the Middle East and reflects the perceptions in Syria and Lebanon. From these perceptions, the article claims that Turkish new diplomatic initiatives would likely to continue and will be appreciated by all sides as long as the search for stability in the region prevails.
Türkiye'nin Yeni Ortadoğu Politikası ve Suriye ile Lübnan'daki Algılamalar
Istanbul University - DergiPark, 2010
The issues in the Middle East directly affect Turkey's interests from security to economy. However, during the Cold War, Turkey did not involve directly and influentially to the Middle Eastern affairs. The political atmosphere arose after the Cold War, especially in the beginning 2000s, gave some opportunity and/or encouraged Turkish decision makers to pursue a new policy. Turkey as it develops and continues its relations with the West and the rest of the World, tried to set a new model of relations depend on mutual respect, recognition of territorial integrity and constructing trust building relations with the regional countries in every level. This article focuses on Turkish new foreign policy toward the Middle East and reflects the perceptions in Syria and Lebanon. From these perceptions, the article claims that Turkish new diplomatic initiatives would likely to continue and will be appreciated by all sides as long as the search for stability in the region prevails.
Türkiye'nin İsrail'e yönelik dış politikası: batı ile olan ilişkilerin etkisi
This thesis aims to analyze the Turkish foreign policy towards the State of Israel in a historical perspective and to examine how the foreign policy perceptions of the AKP Government having Islamic roots that came to power in 2002 affected this policy. The thesis argues that, historically, the Western connection of the Turkish Republic has determined the Turkish foreign policy towards Israel and the foreign policy perceptions of the AKP Government strengthened this connection rather than weakening it. It is argued that, the fundamental reason underlying this situation is the efforts of the AKP Government to use its compromising foreign policy as a leverage against the constitutional legitimacy question it faced in domestic politics. As a result, during the AKP era, it is concluded that, Turkish foreign policy towards Israel has not undergone fundamental changes at least as long as the domestic legitimacy question exists.M.S. - Master of Scienc
Uluslararası Yönetim Akademisi Dergisi
At the beginning of the twenty-first century, Turkish foreign policy witnessed an almost fundamental change from what it was in the last century, when new worlds emerged in front of Turkey, from the Balkans to the Caucasus and Central Asia through the Middle East. New political approaches have also emerged aimed at inspiring the Ottoman multi-ethnic group formula to reconcile with Turkey's Islamic and Ottoman legacy at home as well as abroad, and within the framework of this new political concept that restored balance to Turkey's regional relations, which it did not attach importance to in the past because of its excessive focus on building solid relations with the European Union and the United States of America. After the Justice and Development Party came to power in Turkey in late 2002, Turkey's new leaders worked to activate the Turkish role in the regional environment surrounding Turkey. The beginning was to establish good relations with neighboring countries in the...
Türk Dış Politikasında Tez Canlılık Sorunu
Ortadoğu Etütleri - Middle Eastern Studies, 2019
IMPETUOSITY PROBLEM IN TURKISH FOREIGN POLICY “Impetuosity” is a term used for hasty people who act with their feelings rather than logic. Although some people are more likely to have this characteristic, it is possible for any person to be restless under the influence of various factors. In general, it is probable that the person who acts restlessly supposes to make a quick and sensible decision, but there is a miscalculation in his or her logic. Factors such as an inability to correctly interpret human relationships, being reactive, and believing quickly can be effective in the emergence of this feature. States are, from time to time, impetuous in their foreign policies as well. Therefore, impetuosity stands out as an exceptional case against the assumption that states behave rationally in international relations, which is a generally accepted thinking by many of the approaches in the discipline of International Relations. Nevertheless, impetuosity can often be experienced in the foreign policies of several states. For instance, it is highly probable that states that show an emotional and impulsive reaction to international developments, respond to a threat directed against them immoderately, cannot accurately interpret the message of friendship from another state, and adopt a policy even without calculating the motives of their interlocutors. As can be understood from these examples, the potential of showing a sign of impetuosity is higher for states that cannot read international relations correctly, the diplomatic tradition of which is not mature enough or the foreign bureaucracy of which have problems. In this research, Turkey’s impetuous decisions can be evidently seen in its foreign policy steps, especially towards the Middle East, which since the early Cold War years are problematized. As a country with a state tradition and, thus, diplomatic tradition from far in the past, Turkey’s impetuous attitude resulted from the fact that it pursued Western-oriented policies. Due to the Soviet threat that it felt very closely in the aftermath of the Second World War, Turkey approached the U.S. and Western countries, struggled to be a part of the NATO alliance, and these are very rational steps. However, assigning meanings to this alliance on the ground of the Western identity as a result of the modernization process led Turkey to misinterpret the international system and the motives its interlocutors had and acted with. The Turkish perception that the Soviet policies constituted major threats to Turkey’s foreign policy towards the Middle East and the Balkans in the 1950s and the role Turkey assumed in the region as if it was the representative of the West prompted Turkey to show signs of impetuosity in some of its steps. The concrete examples of this very phenomenon may be observed in Turkey’s efforts to convince the Arab countries to join the Baghdad Pact during its establishment, its inability to grasp which motives Yugoslavia and Greece adopted in their approach to the Balkan Pact, the crisis Turkey experienced with the Soviet Union over Syria in 1957, and eventually in its unfortunate attitude towards the Algerian issue in order to act on the basis of the Western alliance during the UN voting. The proofs of impetuosity in these examples should be noted to have yielded negative results in the short and the long terms. Therefore, it is possible to argue that being restless in international relations leads to unexpected results. Becoming a chronic habit in Turkish foreign policy in the 1950s, the impetuosity continued in the later years of the Cold War and even manifested itself with various examples in the 1990s and 2000s. However, it has been observed that Turkish diplomacy learned lessons from its past mistakes. For example, to recognize the Syrian regime in 1961 was seen to be a result of being restless and Turkey became more cautious in its future steps of recognition towards other countries. As seen in the examples of the TRNC and Kosovo, Turkey used the rapid recognition as a strategic move in the following years and acted more carefully regarding the recognition of others (such as considering the Russian factor in recognition of the Turkic Republics leaving the Soviet Union). However, some examples of impetuosity stemming from the fact that Western orientation has been effective in Turkish foreign policy for a long time can be seen even in the 2010s. However, moving away from the Cold War mentality in the diplomatic sense, today we can say that Turkey has freed itself from at least being a state showing signs of chronic impetuosity. An attempt is also made to explain the foreign policy moves that seem to be restless but cannot be put into this category, this being done here through examples from Turkish foreign policy. Although the effects of the Westernoriented policies towards the European Community during the Cold War years, acting not in line with the international community during the 1974 Cyprus peace operation, and leading to the perception that Turkey acted emotionally in that case came into question, it has been explained that these issues cannot be explained through impetuosity. For, even though the European Community policies may be considered within the scope of the Western orientation, they are the products of Turkey’s foreign policy to benefit from the balances between the great powers. Likewise, the Cyprus issue was also a matter of being a party as a guarantor state since 1959 and has remained an extremely sensitive issue due both to Turkey’s historical and cultural ties to the island. Indeed, Northern Cyprus is a Turkish state and this is the most legitimate justification for Turkey to use the area for its drilling operations in the Mediterranean. The most prominent example, which seems to be a move that is emotional and impulsive and was taken without questioning the rationality thereof and is thought at first sight as an example of impetuosity, was undoubtedly the “One Minute” outburst of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan at Davos Summit in 2009. Nevertheless, this movement was seen to be a justifiable reaction, it stood out as a result of emotion, and it situated Turkey in the position of being a country that acts independently in the international arena and articulates the feelings of other countries, as well as making Turkey encounter some unexpected consequences. In this research, considering that the axis shift discussions in which the Western-oriented foreign policy, seen as the responsible factor for the restless character of the Turkish foreign policy, is approached having taken place after this outburst, it is necessary to consider the “One Minute” outburst as foreign policy move away from the impetuosity.
Yaşlanan Nüfus, Sorunlar ve Politikalar: Türkiye İçin Bir Değerlendirme
Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2021
Dünya nüfusu giderek yaşlanmakta, yaşlı nüfus ülkeler açısından önemli bir sorun haline gelmektedir. Nüfus yapısında ortaya çıkan bu dönüşüm ülkeler için özellikle sosyo-ekonomik açıdan ciddi bir yük oluşturmaktadır. Bu bağlamda çoğu ülkede yaşlılara yönelik çeşitli politikaların uygulandığı görülmektedir. Son yıllarda yaşlıların kurumsal bakım ve gözetimine yönelik geleneksel politikaların yanında işgücü piyasalarında yer edinmelerine yönelik politikaların da önem kazandığı ve uygulama alanı bulduğu dikkati çekmektedir. Bu çalışma, yaşlı nüfus oranlarında meydana gelen artışa ve beraberinde getireceği sorunlara dikkat çekerek Türkiye'de uygulanan politikaları değerlendirmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonucunda, Türkiye'de bugün itibariyle sorun teşkil edecek oranda bir yaşlı nüfus olmamakla birlikte önümüzdeki yıllarda nüfusun hızla yaşlanacağı bulgusuna ulaşılmıştır. Bu açıdan yürütülen politikalar incelendiğinde, yaşlıların daha ziyade kurumsal bakım ve gözetim ihtiyaçlarını karşılamaya yönelik hizmetlerin verildiği görülmüştür. Artan farkındalığa rağmen yaşlıların sürdürülebilir istihdamları açısından uygulama alanı bulan somut bir örnek tespit edilememiştir.
Türkiye’nin Suriye Krizindeki Koruma Sorumluluğu Politikası (2011-2015)
Bilge Strateji, 2019
Kuzey Atlantik İttifakı NATO, 4 Nisan 2019 Perşembe günü 70. yaşını kutladı. Güvenlik konularında çalışan uzmanların hemen hepsinin "tarihteki en güçlü ve en uzun ömürlü ittifak" olarak tanımladıkları NATO ile ilgili olarak bundan sonraki on yıllar adına benzer güçlü ifadelerle konuşanların sayısının o kadar fazla olduğunu söylemek ise pek mümkün değil. Uzmanlar, NATO'nun bundan sonraki varlık sürecini tayin edecek en önemli aktörün, kuruluşundan bugüne kadar olduğu gibi, yine Amerika Birleşik Devletleri (ABD) olacağını belirtiyorlar. ABD Başkanı Donald Trump'ın, müttefiklerine yönelik olarak bir çok kez dile getirdiği menfi tutumunu sürdürmesi ve hatta ülkesini İttifak'tan çekme kararı alması durumunda ki, bu olasılık hiç de hafife alınmamaktadır, NATO'nun 80. yaşını kutlayamayabileceği dahi dile getirilmekte. Bu yazımızda, NATO'nun geride kalan 70 yılının kısa bir muhasebesini yaparak, daha on yıllar boyunca varlığını sürdürmesi isteniyorsa, bugüne kadar olduğu gibi, bundan sonra da İttifak'ın nasıl bir yapılanma içinde, hangi tehditlere karşı, ne gibi kabiliyetler geliştirerek yeni döneme kendisini nasıl adapte etmesi gerektiğini değerlendireceğiz. Kuzey Atlantik'in İki Yakası Bir Araya Geliyor İkinci Dünya Savaşı'nın devasa yıkımının ardından kurulan Birleşmiş Milletler (BM) Örgütü'nün Şartnamesi, bir daha benzeri bir insanlık trajedisinin yaşanması için, hukukun üstünlüğüne dayalı, uluslararası ilişkilerde diplomasinin en önemli araç olarak kullanılacağı bir yapı oluşturmuştu.
Uluslararası ilişkiler dergisi, 2020
This article analyses the evolving discourses over Turkish foreign policy deeply entrenched within the Turkish cultural wars. It demonstrates the process and mechanisms that render Turkish foreign policy an extension of the pursuit of cultural politics and statements of identity. It also assesses how the Middle East was posited not only as a theater of diplomacy but also as a rhetorical gadget over contested Turkish identity, especially pushed by the AKP intelligentsia and policymakers and avidly defied by the secular opposition. Its emphasis is on the Arab Spring and Turkey's immersion into the Syrian civil war, as these developments exacerbated the overlap between foreign policy making and discourses on foreign policy, particularly since the AKP sought not only diplomatic opportunities but also a regional transnational realignment as a result of the Arab Spring and the regional revolutionary milieu.
Uluslararası ilişkiler dergisi, 2013
This article examines Turkey's United Nations General Assembly voting patterns from 2000 to 2010 across three issue areas, namely, "arms control and disarmament," "North-South economic issues" and "human rights." The article aims to enhance our understanding of whether Turkey's foreign policy preferences are similar to those of eastern or western countries on these issue areas. The research also analyses if any voting differences existed between the Democratic Left Party period (2000-02) and the Justice and Development Party period (2003-10). The research reveals that, to a large extent, Turkey acted with the European Union across all issue areas in the years 2000-10. However, the findings also point to significant differences between the DLP and JDP governments in terms of Turkey's General Assembly voting alignments on these issues.
XX. Yüzyılın İlk Döneminde Almanya’nın Dış Politik Stratejisinde Türkistan
Bilig, 2016
Bu makalede Almanya’nin Bati Turkistan’daki (Rusya Turkistani’ndaki) dis politika cikarlari incelenmektedir. Makale tarihi surecin kisa ozeti ile baslamaktadir. Uc kisimdan olusan makalenin ana kisminda, Almanya’nin dunya savaslari doneminde ve iki savas arasi donemde Turkistan’daki cikarlarinin pekistirilmesine odaklanmaktadir. Savas arasi donemde Turkistan, Almanya’nin kaybettigi somurgeleri telafi etmek istemesi nedeniyle Almanya politikasinin onemli nesnelerinden biri haline gelir. Alman hukumetleri Sovyet yonetiminden tavizler konusunda izin alma olasiligini degerlendirirler. Ancak Sovyet yoneticilerin ekonominin devletlestirilmesine yonelik bir istikamet belirlemesi, Sovyet ekonomisinin yabanci yatirimlari cekme olasiligini ortadan kaldirdi. Ikinci Dunya Savasi doneminde Ucuncu Reich’in Orta Asya Sovyet Cumhuriyetlerine yonelik politikasi, SSCB topraklarinda Ucuncu Reich’e tâbi olan ‘devletler’ kurmak dusuncesi ile baglantili idi. Ucuncu Reich’in Ikinci Dunya Savasini kaybetme...