A preliminary assessment of the Wignacourt Museum Hypogeum I at Rabat, Malta (original) (raw)

A recently discovered mausoleum and the issue of their existance at Apulum

Arheovest, V/1, 2017

Editor: Sorin FORȚIU (cu mulțumiri pentru ajutorul punctual acordat lui Andrei STAVILĂ, Cristian OPREAN, Adrian CÎNTAR și Simona REGEP) Coordonator: Dorel MICLE DVD-ROM: Adrian CÎNTAR WEB: Sorin FORȚIU și Claudiu TOMA Coperta: Alice DUMITRAȘCU Foto copertă: Tudor VREME-MOSER, http://ideatm.ro/wordpress/ Această lucrarea a apărut sub egida: © ArheoVest, Timișoara, 2017 Președinte Lorena SMADU www.arheovest.com ISBN 978-963-315-358-1 (Összes/General) ISBN 978-963-315-359-8 (I. kötet/volumul) Avertisment: Acest volum digital este o imagine cât se poate de fidelă a celui tipărit.

Some observations on the latest archaeological researches carried out in the Roman necropolis from Apulum (Alba Iulia) – „Dealul Furcilor – Podei”

Ephemeris Napocensis, XIX, 2009

In the first half of October 2007 and the spring of the following year there were carried out rescue archaeological researches on Izvorului Street. The researched point is placed on the location of the biggest Roman necropolis of the old urban centre Apulum, situated on Dealul Furcilor (the Pitchforks' Hill), Podei spot (Pl. I, 1). Within this necropolis which spreads over a surface of several hectares, there were archaeological researches carried out by Professor D. Protase between 1956-1958 incineration and inhumation 1 graves being unearthed. After 2000 limited researches were conducted by teams of archaeologists from Alba Iulia 2 . In September-December 2006, the undersigned together with my colleague G. Bounegru unearthed 40 m approximately west from the researched spot, 25 inhumation graves, placed on the western edge of the necropolis 3 . Other archaeological researches revealed 24 inhumation graves and 8 of incineration 4 .

Consideration on the Necropolis from Gîmbaș (X th Century), în: Studia Universitatis Cibiniensis. Series Historica, 7/2010, p. 65-77.

Considera{ii cu privire la necropola de la Gimbaq (secolul X) in anul 1895, cu ocazia realizdrii unui nivelment al cimitirului familiei Zeyk, in prezenla baronului Joszef Zeyk, s-au descoperit qccidental cdteva schelete de inhumalie. Entuziasmat, baronul a donat a doua zi materialele descoperite aici muzeului Colegiului din Aittd. Monumentul funerar al familiei Zeik este amplasat pe dealul ,,Mdguricea", la o altitudine de aproximativ 347 m (coordonate: N 4634813", E 2373296'). Ulterior, s-au mai efectuat alte cercetdri la GimbaS de cdtre Fogarasi Albert, Bodrogi Janos (1901) Si Marton Roska (1912). Din cele I9 morminte dezvelite (bdrbali qifemei), s-a recuperat un inventar variqt, constdnd din brdldri, cataramd, amnar, cercei, inele de bucld, aplici patrulatere cu col,turile cordifurme sau cu decor fitomorf stilizat, mdrgele, culit, sdgeli, topoare Si o sabie.

Investigating a late medieval cemetery. In Marisia 2. Târgu Mureș, 2020, 177–218.

The mound found north of Orăşeni and west of the mouth of Daia Creek was noticed by archaeologists in the 1960s. At this time, pebble extraction was started in order to provide materials for repaving the road and, as human remains had been uncovered during this work, the quarrying was halted. 1 In 2015, during our archeological survey, we collected human bones from the recently plowed lower areas near the mound. During the autumn of the same year, we opened a small 1 × 3 m test pit in the higher, western area. In this we observed the traces of several graves, which convinced us to plan the excavation of a larger surface. We did this during the following year, when we opened a total of five 5 × 5 m excavation trenches, leaving 0.5 m thick walls between them in order to have stratigraphic reference. The excavation area covered about two thirds of the mound's surface, with its northeastern side remaining unexcavated due to the presence of a very old tree, with a one meter thick trunk, which also prevented us from determining how far the cemetery stretched in this direction. During the excavation, which lasted several months, we identified the traces of 58 graves. There were no traces of any buildings which could have indicated the presence religious structures. Furthermore, the directions in which the graves were facing did not suggest that these had been oriented toward a nearby building, but instead, toward the positions where the sun would rise during different seasons. As such, we could observe considerable differences in the positioning of graves that had been dug during the same decade. The findings suggest that the cemetery had been in use since the turn of the 15 th-16 th centuries up to the second half of the 19 th century, with a brief interruption during the 18 th century. The artifacts recovered from the 16 th-17 th century graves don't have any parallels in the inventories of church cemeteries found in Székely Land. Because of its rich yield of artifacts, and also its peripheral location, the cemetery requires a much closer inspection. The primary anthropological analysis of the bone fragments is complete. 2 In this study we would like to present the archaeological results and the recovered artifacts. Naturally, we cannot overlook the history of the settlement and we have interpreted the newly acquired data in this context.