Захаров С.Д., Зозуля С.С. Тимерево. Итоги нового этапа полевых исследований. V (XXII) Всероссийский археологический съезд. Барнаул-Белокуриха. 2017. (original) (raw)

Шинаков Е.А., Гурьянов В.Н.,Рябчевский Н.Г., Чубур А.А., Басов А.А. Археологические полевые исследования НОЦ археолого-этнологических исследований в 2018 г.

Ежегодник НИИ фундаментальных и прикладных исследований Брянского государственного университета за 2018 г., 2019

В статье изложены результаты археологических наблюдениях, проведенных НОЦ археолого - этнологических исследований в городе Брянске в 2018 году. Описываются материалы, обнаруженные в результате работ на тер- ритории объекта археологического наследия «Культурный слой города Брянска», а также в охранной зоне па- мятника археологии – Бежичи, селище 1. Дана историография исследований памятника археологии Бежичи. Ключевые слова: Брянск, исторический культурный слой Брянска, селище, охранная зона, объект археологиче- ского наследия, археологическое наблюдение, шурфовка, культурный слой, шурф.

Зозуля С.С., Седых В.Н. История исследования курганного могильника у деревни Большое Тимерёво. К 150-летию изучения памятника // Археологические вести. Вып. 39. СПб., 2023. С. 267–278.


S. S. Zozulya, V. N. Sedykh. The history of investigation of the kurgan burial ground near the village of Bolshoye Timerevo. To the 150th anniversary of the studies at the site // Archaeological news. 39. Saint-Petersburg, 2023. P. 267–278. The history of the investigation of the burial ground near the village of Bolshoye Timerevo in Yaroslavl Oblast begins on May 25, 1972, with excavations of the Finnish researcher Johannes Reinhold Aspelin who uncovered two mounds (Fig. 1). By the 150th anniversary of the ÿrst archaeological explorations it seems necessary to sum up some results of the investigations of the necropolis. Following J. Aspelin, a search for Merya skulls was conducted in the beginning of the august of 1878 by A. I. Kelsiyev for the Anthropological Exhibition expected in Moscow. He exca-vated 34 burials (Fig. 2, 1). Fairly scarce information is available about two interments near the western edge of the cemetery excavated on August 15, 1887, by participants of the VII Archaeological Congress in Yaroslavl (Fig. 2, 2). Fourteen kurgans were explored on August 22–25 of 1900 by the prominent Yaroslavl researcher I. A. Tikhomirov (Fig. 3, 1). ¡e mounds of two burials were excavated in 1908 by I. S. Abramov (Fig. 3, 2); one burial was investigated by the lieutenant colonel I. M. Novitskiy on September 2, 1912, and two other kurgans — on May 3 of 1913 (Fig. 3, 3). ¡e last pre-war works were investigations by Ya. V. Stankevich who excavated 26 burials in 1938–1939 (Fig. 4, 1). Two stages of the explorations by an expedition headed by M. V. Fechner from the State Historical Museum (Mos-cow) came to be the most extensive works over the entire history of the studies of the necropolis: 282 mounds were excavated in 1959–1961 and still other 96 in 1974–1978 (Fig. 4, 2). In 1973, 1976 and 1984–1990, the investigations in the territory of the burial ground were conducted by an expedition of the Leningrad State University under the direction of I. V. Dubov, later under V. N. Sedykh (Fig. 5, 1, 2). In total, 17 burials had been excavated including the kurgans disturbed by tillage (Fig. 6). Thus by now we possess data on 480 kurgans investigated over the entire history of the excavations of the cem-etery near the village of Bolshoye Timerevo (Table 1). ¡e absolute majority of the mounds are localized in the plan drawn in 1959 and supplemented during the subsequent years (Fig. 7). Despite the so long history of the studies at the necropolis, the large-scale excavations of 1960–1970s, the inclusion of the site into the administrative area of the modern city of Yaroslavl and the active economic development of this territory, the burial ground near the former village of Bolshoye Timerevo still has good perspectives for archaeological exploration.

Новые результаты исследования кургана пазырыкского периода на могильнике Чинета II // Полевые исследования в Верхнем Приобье, Прииртышье и на Алтае (археология, этнография, устная история и музееведение) Барнаул, 22-23 мая 2019 г. С. 39-44


В статье представлена краткая характеристика результатов исследования кургана №34 на могильнике Чинета II, расположенного в Краснощековском районе Алтайского края. В кургане обнаружено женское погребение и сопроводительное захоронение лошади. Анализ особенностей погребального обряда и инвентаря позволил предварительно датировать курган №34 IV–III вв. до н. э. и отнести его к пазырыкской культуре Алтая. Среди обнаруженных артефактов особый интерес представляет женский головной убор. The article presents a brief description of the results of a study of Kurgan № 34 on the burial ground Chineta II situated in Krasnoshchekovskiy district of the Altai territory. A female burial and accompanying burial of a horse were found in the mound. Analysis II of the peculiarities of the burial rite and inventory allowed pre-Dating the barrow № 34 IV–III centuries BC, and attributed to the Pazyryk culture of Altai. Among the discovered artifacts of particular interest is a female headdress. Keywords: scythian epoch of Altai, the burial rite, the nomads.

Базанов М.А. БОЛЬШОЙ ТЕРРОР В ПРОВИНЦИАЛЬНОМ ВУЗЕ: СЛУЧАЙ ДИРЕКТОРА ЧЕЛЯБИНСКОГО ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКОГО ИНСТИТУТА И. К. ЗЕЛЕНСКОГО // Magistra Vitae: электронный журнал по историческим наукам и археологии. 2016. № 2. С. 66–79.

The article analyses an individual case: political prosecution of I.K. Zelensky, the director of Chelyabinsk pedagogical institute. In this way, it reveals one of the mechanisms of Stalinist repression. It shows that the main factor in this particular case of political and ideological campaigns proved to be an impulse “from below”. This impulse came from the Soviet microsocium (institute teaching staff). The main reason for persecution of the director was teachers’ discontent with actually existing material and domestic problems, and the desire to remove the Institute management. It is characteristic that the higher authorities sought to extinguish the persecuted director. They pointed to the inadmissibility of open conflict and even cancelled the decision of the primary party nucleus to expel from him the Communist Party. Terror became a tool of conflict resolution in microsocium. The article shows that political accusations emerged from discontent, and how deeply they were intertwined with everyday problems. Thereby, I put the question of ordinary citizens’ responsibility for the repression as well as of possibilities to deal with the policy of repression at the grassroots level. Thus, I. K. Zelensky was able to protect his students and colleagues from political persecution in the institute, being their patron as he did. However, he was shot after the arrest of his high-ranking patrons and defenders.