Los límites cronológicos de la epigrafía medieval (de la Antigüedad tardía a finales de la Edad Media). Umbrales y porosidades (original) (raw)



De Nicopolis à la mort de Charles le Téméraire, une ‎‎succession d’événements contribua au ‎‎‎remaniement de l’Europe politique du XVe siècle. C’est à travers les ‎peintures de ‎Gentile, Gozzoli, ‎Marmion, et Van Eyck, rattachées a la cour des ducs de ‎Bourgogne et des Médicis que ‎Abolala ‎‎Soudavar ‎nous fait redécouvrir ce ‎siècle de renaissance.‎ -"C’est un livre qui ouvre des ‎perspectives ‎‎nouvelles et qui sur bien des points me parait très ‎‎convaincant. Bien sûr, c’est un livre ‎d’histoire de ‎‎l’art mais c’est bien plus"; Pierre Rosenberg de l'Académie française et ‎prés-dir. honoraire, Musée du ‎Louvre. -"Abolala ‎Soudavar nous offre ici une étude ‎stimulante et novatrice. Ses conclusions ‎s’appuient sur ‎des ‎données ‎historiques solides et sur une ‎étude comparative très intéressante" ‎Bertrand Schnerb, prof ‎Univ de ‎Lille

Carlos Velaochaga Dam, Alejandro Herrera Villagra et Rafael Warthon Calero (éd.), Crónicas tempranas del siglo XVI

Cahiers des Amériques latines, 2019

Compte-rendu de lecture de Carlos Velaochaga Dam, Alejandro Herrera Villagra et Rafael Warthon Calero (éd.), Crónicas tempranas del siglo XVI, Cusco, Dirección desconcentrada de Cultura de Cusco 2017 [2 vol.] Reseña de Carlos Velaochaga Dam, Alejandro Herrera Villagra et Rafael Warthon Calero (éd.), Crónicas tempranas del siglo XVI, Cusco, Dirección desconcentrada de Cultura de Cusco 2017 [2 vol.]

"La brièveté des inscriptions médiévales : d'une contrainte à une esthétique"

Inscriptions are known for their brevity and this characteristic participates in the definition of the epigraphic discourse. Nevertheless, the linguistic and graphic means which allow these texts to be short have not been studied. Our goal is thus to understand how and why these texts are brief, beyond the material constraint, until create a real esthetics. Select the information, condense the words thanks to rhetorical processes, give rhythm to the speech, evoke and suggest the ideas rather than to develop them, such are the verbs which guide the authors of inscriptions. The epigraphic brevity is not only a consequence of the support, the material, the space or still the cost. On the contrary, it allows inscriptions to exercise at best their function of communication and universal and long-lasting advertisement. This research for conciseness is visible both on a linguistic and graphic plan. It confers then on the epigraphic writing —in the broad sense— a specific esthetics.

Le corpus des manuscrits et des chartes en écriture wisigothique et caroline en Espagne

Revista de História da Sociedade e da Cultura 19 (2019): 13-39, 2019

Palaeography is essentially a visual discipline. It is difficult to explain the history of writing without a good collection of facsimiles of their characteristics and evolution. Therefore the interest of paleographers improving reproduction of images of these graphic examples. The collections of plates, facsimiles and photographies have succeeded each other until the development of the electronic publishing. But, given the fragility of the computer systems, the complete disappearance of the traditional publications in paper would not be desirable. In fact, it is not only necessary to facilitate the study of the characteristics and evolution of the script, but also to contribute to the conservation of this graphic monuments. This paper raises several questions about the cataloging method related to monuments copied in Visigothic and Caroline script from Spain, the author proposes several reflections regarding this matter, and at the same time presents other possible catalogues.