Soenov V.I. THE PILLAGED BURIAL OF WARRIOR FROM THE CEMETERY VERH-UIMON (IN RUS.)/Нарушенное воинское погребение на могильнике Верх-Уймон // Древности Сибири и Центральной Азии. Горно-Алтайск: ГАГУ, 2017. № 8(20). С. 117-142. [Электронный ресурс]: 1 электрон. опт. диск (DVD). ISBN 978-5-91425-145-8. (original) (raw)

Радюш О. А., Васильев А. А. Погребение с оружием на могильнике черняховской культуры Дальний (Выдрин) в Курской области / BURIAL WITH WEAPONS AT THE BURIAL GROUND OF THE CHERNYAKHOV CULTURE DAL'NIY (VYDRIN) IN THE KURSK REGION

The Lower Volga Archaeological Bulletin / Нижневолжский археологический вестник, 2022

For the first time, the article introduces into scientific circulation the materials obtained during the excavations of the Dal'niy (Vydrin) soil burial ground in the Bolshesoldatsky district of the Kursk region (the upper reaches of the Sudzhа River-the left-bank basin of the Dnieper). In the course of research in 2021, a burial of a man of 35-40 years old was discovered, accompanied by a large amount of pottery, a glass goblet and weapons. The article provides a detailed description of the burial and grave goods, which included 16 vessels (pots, bowls, a jug, a vase, pottery and glass goblets, two brass buckles, a brass fibula, an armchair, an amber mushroom-shaped pendant, a whip part, a cutout blade in a sheath with a belt ring. The data of the anthropological examination of the remains carried out by Irina Reshetova (the Institute of Archeology, Russian Academy of Sciences) demonstrating a physically developed male subjected to regular physical exertion and constant horse riding, which formed a complex of individual signs and features. The blade was placed at the head of the buried individual; due to preservation of the organic matter it was possible to identify it as a dagger in a wooden sheath made from a fragment of a Damascus steel sword with a complex pattern on the blade, the scabbard was suspended using a simple ring with a bracket. These observations introduce new important data into the discussion about the functional purpose of a category of finds widespread in Europe mainly related to the 4 th-5 th centuries. Taking into account the traditions of the Chernyakhov funeral rite, the buried individual can be attributed to representatives of the military nobility. As a result of a detailed typological analysis of chronological indicators from the burial, and primarily buckles and a glass goblet, the authors have come to conclusion that the burial date is later relative to the chronology of Chernyakhov antiquities, most likely within late 4 th centuryearly 5 th century. The representative of the tribal nobility, as well as some other individuals buried in the burial ground, could have been serving in the court of highest nobility representatives in the barbarian society of the area. In the immediate vicinity of the necropolis, there is a unique single "princely" burial in the village of Bol'shoy Kamenets (known in the literature as the so-called "Starosudzhansky (Old Sudzha) treasures" of 1918/1927). For the present, the discovery of a military burial of such level with weapons and rich inventory is unique for the Dnieper left-bank area of the Chernyakhov culture.

Зозуля С.С., Седых В.Н. История исследования курганного могильника у деревни Большое Тимерёво. К 150-летию изучения памятника // Археологические вести. Вып. 39. СПб., 2023. С. 267–278.


S. S. Zozulya, V. N. Sedykh. The history of investigation of the kurgan burial ground near the village of Bolshoye Timerevo. To the 150th anniversary of the studies at the site // Archaeological news. 39. Saint-Petersburg, 2023. P. 267–278. The history of the investigation of the burial ground near the village of Bolshoye Timerevo in Yaroslavl Oblast begins on May 25, 1972, with excavations of the Finnish researcher Johannes Reinhold Aspelin who uncovered two mounds (Fig. 1). By the 150th anniversary of the ÿrst archaeological explorations it seems necessary to sum up some results of the investigations of the necropolis. Following J. Aspelin, a search for Merya skulls was conducted in the beginning of the august of 1878 by A. I. Kelsiyev for the Anthropological Exhibition expected in Moscow. He exca-vated 34 burials (Fig. 2, 1). Fairly scarce information is available about two interments near the western edge of the cemetery excavated on August 15, 1887, by participants of the VII Archaeological Congress in Yaroslavl (Fig. 2, 2). Fourteen kurgans were explored on August 22–25 of 1900 by the prominent Yaroslavl researcher I. A. Tikhomirov (Fig. 3, 1). ¡e mounds of two burials were excavated in 1908 by I. S. Abramov (Fig. 3, 2); one burial was investigated by the lieutenant colonel I. M. Novitskiy on September 2, 1912, and two other kurgans — on May 3 of 1913 (Fig. 3, 3). ¡e last pre-war works were investigations by Ya. V. Stankevich who excavated 26 burials in 1938–1939 (Fig. 4, 1). Two stages of the explorations by an expedition headed by M. V. Fechner from the State Historical Museum (Mos-cow) came to be the most extensive works over the entire history of the studies of the necropolis: 282 mounds were excavated in 1959–1961 and still other 96 in 1974–1978 (Fig. 4, 2). In 1973, 1976 and 1984–1990, the investigations in the territory of the burial ground were conducted by an expedition of the Leningrad State University under the direction of I. V. Dubov, later under V. N. Sedykh (Fig. 5, 1, 2). In total, 17 burials had been excavated including the kurgans disturbed by tillage (Fig. 6). Thus by now we possess data on 480 kurgans investigated over the entire history of the excavations of the cem-etery near the village of Bolshoye Timerevo (Table 1). ¡e absolute majority of the mounds are localized in the plan drawn in 1959 and supplemented during the subsequent years (Fig. 7). Despite the so long history of the studies at the necropolis, the large-scale excavations of 1960–1970s, the inclusion of the site into the administrative area of the modern city of Yaroslavl and the active economic development of this territory, the burial ground near the former village of Bolshoye Timerevo still has good perspectives for archaeological exploration.

Суворов А.В. Ярусное погребение № 19 мезолитического могильника на памятнике Минино I // Тверской археологический сборник. – Тверь: Тверской гос. объединенный музей, 2000. – Вып. 4. – Т. I. – С. 161–169.

Тверской археологический сборник, 2000

U nited Museum with the participation of Tver Scientific-Research Historical-Aгchaeological and Restoгational Centгe and under financial suppoгt of the Institute "Open Society" (Soгos Foundation, grant No ААВ 833). The materials of the 5th meeting of scientific seminar "Tver Land and Neighbouгing Teпitories in Ancient Times" (March, 24-28, 1998), which has been held on the base of Тvег State United Museum since 1994, аге also in the content of the issue. The 1 st vo\u111e of the 4th issue of Tver Archaeological Collection contains of the repoгts геаd at the seminar and at the section "The Stone Age and the Bгonze Age" of the Confeгence. Chronologically the 1 st volume encloses peгiods fгom the Late Palaeolithic to the Bronze Age. The гesults of studies гeported at the meetings of " The Early Iгon Age and Еагlу Middle Ages" and "The Medieval City " sections of the Confeгence and partly at the seminaг аге to Ье pгinted in the 2nd volume ofthe issue (Tver, 2001). New data gained fгom the field and laboratшy studies, both purely aгchaeological and inteгdisciplinaгy, as well as theoretical researches аге intгodнced in scientific circulation. The aгticles reflect contemporaгy 111ethods of гesearch and suggest new principles of studying aгchaeological objects. Artifacts of mateгial and spiгitual culture of various epochs are presented. Seveгal aгticl es put fo1•waгd vaгious ргоЫеms and аге disput aЫe. The collection as а whole diгectly гelates to the study of antiquities of the Тvег land and its connections with other teпitoгies. The book is intended fог archaeologists, histoгians , museu111 members, students and all inteгested in the most ancient past of Russia and the Tver land. The given volume of the issue is puЬ!ished due to the means gained Ьу the Тvег State United Museнm fог commeгcial pгotective aгchaeological excavations.

Соенов В.И., Константинова Е.А. Деревообрабатывающие инструменты из могильника Верх-Уймон (Алтай) / WOOD-WORKING TOOLS FROM VERKH-UIMON BARROW (Altai) // Теория и практика археологических исследований. 2013. Выпуск № 2(8). С. 42-57. DOI: 10.14258/tpai(2013)2(8).-04

The article evaluates the level of crafts development among the population of the Bulan-Koba culture of Altai during the Gunno-Sarmat period (2nd century BC – 5th century AD) and considers a range of iron wood-working tools found in the Verkh-Uimon barrow. These tools are represented by adzes, cuttercrankawls, cutter-chipper knives and chisels. The findings of specialized tools (radius chisel and spoon chisel) serve as an important and definite indicator of the developed wood-working handicrafts among the population of the Bulan-Koba culture. The uses of these tools can be supported by the following findings from the barrows: hollow woodenware such as cup-shaped containers with round bottoms, jars, bowls, scoops etc. In the opinion of the authors the use of specialist chisels by the Bulan-Koba people makes woodworking handicrafts a separate sphere of activity. Various polyfunctional edge tools, instruments for their sharpening and items with the traces left from processing are also characteristic of developed wood-working handicrafts. Keywords: Altai, the Gunno-Sarmat period, Verkh-Uimon, barrow, the Bulan-Koba culture, crafts, wood-working, tools.