Случай массовой полимелии у озерных лягушек (Rana ridibunda Pall., 1771) Киева (original) (raw)

Новые данные о распространении пресноводной амфиподы Gmelina pusilla Sars, 1896, занесенной в Красную книгу Украины


The study of rare species of animals listed in the Red Book and discovery of new habitats is important. Where the species are found, it is necessary to create a natural and protected areas. Gmelina pusilla Sars, 1896 - Ponto-Caspian species. according to the literature data in Ukraine is found in the Kakhovka Reservoir, in the channels Seversky Donets - Donbass, Dnepr - Donbass, Dnepr - Krivoi Rog, in the Severokrymskom channel and in the Dnieper-Bug estuary (Vasilenko, 1969; In Lischuk, 1974, Grigorovich, 1989). Morphological characteristics of this type the following: additional flagellum of first antenna odnochlenikovy, the body is smooth with no Gorbikov length 4-8 mm

Міграції білого лелеки (Ciconia ciconia) в Україні у 2021 р.

Berkut, 2021

Migrations of the White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) in Ukraine in 2021.-V.N. Grishchenko.-Berkut. 30 (2). 2021.-Data were collected using Facebook and other sources in the Internet as well as own observations. In total, I have obtained information about 407 first arrival dates for the whole country. Weekend bias was absent. I marked the points with arrival dates on the map. Observations continued also in summer and autumn. During the autumn migration 62 dates of the start of passage and 55 dates of the last departure were registered. 247 migrating flocks and single storks were observed in spring and 178 ones-during autumn migration. 71 nomadic flocks were found since May to July. I obtained also information about 8 cases of wintering of single storks in natural conditions. First birds in spring were observed on 2-4 March. First flock (3 storks) was found on 6 March. The arrival became regular since 7 March (it was registered every day in two and more points). The migration during the second ten-day of March passed slow. Only in last days the frequency of arrival registrations increased rapidly and at the beginning of the third ten-day the main wave of passage went with the maximum on 22 March. An other peak was observed on 1 April. In total, the period of White Stork arrival lasted 44 days till 14 April. The average date for the whole country was 25 March (24.7 ± 0.4 days (in all cases ± se), median: 24 March). Migratory flocks were observed up to 16 May. They numbered on average 13.2 ± 1.2 individuals (range: 1-200). Nomadic flocks began to be found since the first ten-day of May. They included on average 31.3 ± 4.3 storks (range: 1-204). Very large gathering of storks was observed in the Biosphere Reserve Askania-Nova since the second half of May to July (up to 560 birds). The autumn passage started in late July. The average date was 10 August (10.1 ± 0.8 days; median: 10 August; range: 30 July-4 September). The majority of migrating flocks flew during the second ten-day of August. The average date of the last departure was 30 August (30.1 ± 1.2 days; median: 29 August; range: 12 August-26 September). Migrating flocks during autumn passage had on average 60.7 ± 8.0 individuals (range: 1-1000). [Ukrainian].

Антропогенные изменения фауны мошек (Diptera, Simuliidae) Украинского Полесья

Научные ведомости Белгородского государственного университета. Серия: Естественные науки, 2009

Argentisimulium и Simulium). Последние исследования не подтвердили обитание на изучаемой территории 6 видов (C. pallipes, N. angustitarsis, W. pseudoequina, Od. deserticola, Od. rotundata, Sim. venustum) и доказали обитание 19 ранее не встречавшихся видов. В мелиоративных каналах зарегистрировано 25 видов мошек из 9 родов, из которых 11 видов, принадлежащих к 6 родам, ранее не отмечались в водотоках данного типа. Ключевые слова: мошки, фауна, преимагинальные стадии, антропогенные изменения, Украинское Полесье. Введение Общеизвестно, что хозяйственная деятельность оказывает существенное влияние на окружающую среду. Особенностью природных условий Украинского Полесья является то, что оно находится в зоне избыточного увлажнения. Поэтому высокий уровень развития сельскохозяйственного производства не возможен без применения мелиорации. Влияние человека на фауну и биологию гидробионтов, в том числе мошек, различно. Создание широкой сети мелиоративных каналов в Украинском Полесье способствовало расширению ареалов и увеличению относительной численности симулиид [1, 2, 3]. В последнее десятилетие интенсивное развитие сельского хозяйства и промышленности приводит к загрязнению проточных водоемов отходами производства, а это, в свою очередь, уменьшает видовое разнообразие и численность мошек. Материалом для написания данной работы послужили сборы и наблюдения за фауной мошек, которые проводились с 1983-2008 гг. на территории Украинского Полесья. За это время были обследованы крупные, средние, малые реки, ручьи и мелиоративные каналы. Сбор материала производился путем маршрутных исследований и на стационарных пунктах. Сбор водных фаз осуществляли по методикам И.А. Рубцова [4] и З.В. Усовой [5]. В теплый период (с марта по октябрь) сбор личинок и куколок производился один раз в 5-6 дней, в зимнее время (с ноября по февраль)-один раз в месяц. Для успешного обнаружения личинок и куколок были исследованы участки водотоков с быстрым течением (перекаты) и медленным, плавным течением (плесы). Для диагностики видов использовали соответствующие определители [6, 7, 8, 9]. Изучение мошек Украинского Полесья в целом длится более 70 лет. Начиная с 1930 года усилия ученых были направлены на исследование видового состава преимагинальных фаз развития мошек и установления медико-ветеринарного значения кровососов. В 60-е годы на данной территории было выявлено 30 видов мошек, принадлежащих к 11 родам:

Распространение, фенооблик и сезонные особенности инвазивного вида Harmonia axyridis (Pallas, 1773) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) на территории Украины

Известия Харьковского энтомологического общества , 2016

Nekrasova, O. D., Tytar, V. M. The expansion, phene pool and seasonal peculiarities of the invasive species Harmonia axyridis (Pallas, 1773) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in Ukraine. The Kharkov Entomol. Soc. Gaz. 2016. Vol. XXIV, iss. 1. P. 22–30. In the recent decades there has been an active worldwide spread of the Asian ladybird Harmonia axyridis. Over an eight-year period (2009–2016) our research resulted in finding this ladybird species in 83 localities (points) of 25 regions of Ukraine. We also made a digital photo collection of the insects and retained samples from different regions of Ukraine. Since 2009 (initially the species was recorded in the Zakarpattya and Kyiv regions), the Asian ladybird has been gradually expanding its range in an eastward direction. This process has been observed in the city of Kyiv and its surroundings, and throughout Ukraine. In 2009, the ladybird was found in 10 localities, whereas in 2012 over 80 such populated localities were recorded in Kyiv and surrounding area. The presented inventory of the ladybird records made in Ukraine was compiled in a chronological order. Mapping and data visualization were carried out using computer software OziExplorer and MapInfo. A study of the morphological features of H. axyridis has revealed 5 phenotypic classes (forms) of the species, 4 of which have naturalized (conspicua, spectabilis, axyridis, succinea). The only specimen belonging to the form aulica was found in the Odessa region. Individual samples and mass records of the species most commonly consist of the light-colored form succinea (73.1 % in Kyiv). As exemplified by the Kyiv urban metropolis, the percentages of various forms found in the populations are depend on the season and the gradient of urbanization. Dark-colored (or ‘black’) forms appear to be more common in the autumn within the vicinity of the metropolis, and their percentage increases by one and a half closer to the end of the year. In the autumn H. axyridis dominates the local ladybird community and its numbers are 10–40 times higher compared to the native species, in this way frequently displacing them. We have also recorded marked phenological (i.e., seasonal) features of Asian ladybird: after the winter period they appear earlier and leave for hibernating later than native species do and reproduce up to 4–5 times per year. These described phenological and biological features of the Asian ladybird give it an advantage over native species, allowing the invader to successfully naturalize and gain an advantage in terms of numbers in certain regions of Ukraine. It was found that despite the harsh conditions of the winter with long-lasting freezing temperatures, limiting the development of harlequin ladybirds, in Ukraine, the invader is likely to adapt to them and may soon become the most common and abundant species.

Состояние популяции белого аиста (Ciconia ciconia) в Украине в 2013 г.


State of the White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) population in Ukraine in 2013. - V.N. Grishchenko, E.D. Yablonovska-Grishchenko. - Berkut. 22 (2). 2013. - P. 90-103. Monitoring observations on the White Stork population in Ukraine have been carried out since 1992. Their results for the year 2013 have special interest because of a sharp and long cold snap in the third decade of March. We analysed its influence on the population. Data were obtained on 146 monitoring plots in all the regions of Ukraine. They had 1856 occupied nests on the overall area 10.6 ths km2. Migration and breeding phenology, number dynamics and breeding success were studied. The spring migration of storks started early and passed intensively but it was interrupted by the strong cold snap with frosts and snowfalls. It covered whole Ukraine and lasted about a week (22–30.03 in Central Ukraine). The cold did not affect distinctly neither timing of spring migration nor breeding phenology. The mean first arrival date was one of the earliest for the whole period of observations. In separate regions deviations of mean first arrival dates from long-term mean dates (1992–2013) fluctuated from –6.9 to +2.3 (–3.58 ± 0.55 days (± se), 19 regions). Young birds left the nests since 6.07, majority of broods started to fly since mid July. Mean date of the fledge was 22.07 (± 1.2 days, n = 38). The autumn passage went also in usual terms. The first migrating flocks were observed on average on 15.08 (± 1.9 days, n = 10, lim: 6–24.08). Last departures were registered since 14.08 till 29.09 (average – 31.08 ± 1.9 days, n = 33). Rise of the stork population could be expected based on its dynamics in previous years and favourable conditions of wintering but number increasing was fully absent. The average gain of number on study plots made in whole Ukraine only 0,4 ± 1,3 % (n = 119). We found that it was the main consequence of the cold weather in March. This phenomenon manifested differently in various parts of the country. The cold did not affect the stork number in West Ukraine located in the core part of breeding range. It rose in 3,5 ± 1,9 % (n = 44). This value is close to rates in 2011–2012. At the same time, the number in peripheral part of the population near the border of areal (East and South-East Ukraine) decreased (–4,4 ± 2,9 %, n = 19). Differences with West Ukraine are significant (p < 0,05). The population declined also in Central Ukraine. At the local level the picture of number changes was very motley. Tendencies frequently differed even on the nearby plots. We supposed that a part of storks has not reached their habitual breeding areas and settled en route. To it testify also the violation of usual order of nest occupation in many places. Some always occupied “popular” nests remained empty but birds built new ones and renewed deserted habitations. Monitoring observations in the Northern Crimea showed number decreasing and reduction of breeding grounds in 2012–2013. Breeding success was in 2013 very high. Reproductive parameters belong to the best since 2000. Storks raised on average 2.86 ± 0.04 fledged youngs per breeding pair (JZa) and 3.08 ± 0.04 fledged youngs per successful pair (JZm). Only 7.2 ± 0.7 % pairs bred unsuccessful. It was the lowest value of this parameter for all years of monitoring observations. Productivity of breeding rose from the west to the east. Broods had from 1 to 7 fledglings. Majority of stork pairs in Ukraine raised 3 youngs (39.7%, n = 1669). One brood had 7 fledglings (only second case during 22 years) and 4 ones – 6. Despite of high productivity, we found increased proportion of broods with the single fledgling. The degree of this excess rised from the west to the east. It was one more consequence of the cold snap in March. Some part of storks have been weakened and could not bring up more than one chick. In the whole, the year was quite favourable for storks despite of weather cataclysm. The population has successfully sustained the impact of elements. [Russian].

Современное состояние фауны млекопитающих Ботанического сада имени В. Н. Ржавитина (г. Саранск)

Vestnik of Orenburg State Pedagogical University, 2024

В статье впервые представлены результаты изучения фауны млекопитающих в Ботаническом саду имени В. Н. Ржавитина (г. Саранск). Приводятся список видов млекопитающих и относительная численность грызунов и насекомоядных. Исследования основаны преимущественно на методах отлова мелких млекопитающих и наблюдениях авторов в разные годы. В ботаническом саду зарегистрировано 24 вида из 20 родов, 10 семейств и 5 отрядов. Доминируют в составе териофауны ботанического сада представители отрядов Rodentia и Insectivora. Среди четырех участков, где проводилось изучение млекопитающих, в большей степени схожи по видовому составу древесно-кустарниковые насаждения и участок местной дендрофлоры. Фрутицетум, туэтум и участок отдела декоративных растений имеют наименьший коэффициент сходства видового состава млекопитающих с другими участками, но здесь отмечаются практически все редкие для ботанического сада виды. Редкими видами млекопитающих в ботаническом саду являются Crocidura suaveolens Pallas, Neomys fodiens Pennant, Micromys minutus Pallas, Cricetulus migratorius Pallas. Ключевые слова: видовой состав, млекопитающие, распространение, ботанический сад, редкие виды, Саранск. Для цитирования: Андрейчев А. В., Каршаева А. Д. Современное состояние фауны млекопитающих Ботанического сада имени В. Н. Ржавитина (г. Саранск) // Вестник Оренбургского государственного педагогического университета. Электронный научный журнал. 2024. № 2 (50).

Пресноводные моллюски (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Lymnaeidae) в понтических отложениях юга Украины

2016_LYMNAEIDAE_ПОНТ_Юг_Украина, 2016

Обобщены данные по распространению понтических пресноводных легочных моллюсков семейства Lymnaeidae на юге Украины. Из нижнепонтических (новороссийский региоподъярус) и верхнепонтических (босфорский региоподъярус) отложений юга Украины (Центральное Причерноморье; Преддобруджа; Восточный Крым) выделено 15 видов лимней, относящихся к одному роду (Lymnaea L a m a r c k, 1771), шести подродам (Lymnaea s.