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Otra forma de ver el paisaje: “paisaje sacro” y topoastronomía en Viveiro (Lugo, España)

Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 47(1), 169–206, 2021

Interdisciplinary ethnoarchaeological analysis of the sacred landscape of the territory of Viveiro (Lugo, NW Spain) as an empirical approach to improve the existing methodology to interpret the “sacred landscape” as an ap-proach to the mentality and imaginary of pre-Roman society, a methodology that opens new avenues of research.The geographical characteristics and their territorial articulation with the Landrove river, a Celtic hydronym, as its axis are analyzed. Il has been identified that the Castro da Croa de Landrove was the Celtic hill-fort of *Landobriga, a sacred center of the territory, possibly with a quadripartite Celtic organization, whose inhabitants could be called the *Landi, “The men of the plain”.Of particular interest is the topo-astronomical orientation of many sacred places, with associated legends and rites of pre-Roman origin and with topo-astronomical alignments to determine the equinoxes, solstices and the Celtic mid-season festivals, Imbolc, Beltaine, Lugnasad and Samain, of according to the Celtic ritual calendar and cosmology, a fact that highlights the meaning and importance of these topo-astronomical analysis