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3. Revisiting Definitions and Challenges of Intangible Cultural Heritage
Open Book Publishers, 2024
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GUEST EDITORIAL: Intangible Cultural Heritage: Successes, Disappointments, and Challenges
Santander Art and Culture Law Review
In October 2003, the UNESCO General Assembly adopted the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (the 2003 Convention). In the less than fifteen years that have followed, the 2003 Convention has been ratified by 178 countries, making it the second most successful cultural heritage treaty in the world (after the 1972 World Heritage GUEST EDITORIAL
intangible Cultural Heritage: Understanding and Manifestation
Intangible Cultural Heritage are skills, practices, expression and instruments which form the transmitted practices of local cultures through generations and provide sense of identity, continuity, respect, diversity and creativity to the concerned communities. Lack of identification on intertwining ICH leads to uncertainty on which of the many ICH is important to be safeguarded in order for the others to sustain. UNESCO (2003) emphasizes that ICH of a certain domain can be manifested in another domains. The five domains of ICH are (i) Oral Tradition and Expression, (ii) Performing Arts, (iii) Social Practices and Festive Events, (iv) Knowledge and Practices, and (iv) Traditional Craftsmanship respectively. This means that the practices of a certain ICH practice influences the practices of other ICH practices. For example the practice of Ethnic Languages may encourage ICH practices within the second, third and the fourth domains of ICH. Therefore the indication on the relationships between ICH practices is important to acknowledge which ICH needs attention in order to enhance others. Additionally, strong relationships between different ICH practices are favorable for the community as it implies that the progress of one ICH practices positively encourage other ICH practices. This paper reviews a statistical analysis on intertwined ICH in one of the inscribed World Heritage Site, Malacca. A total of 640 survey forms have been gathered from four locations of residence situated in the Core Zone and Buffer Zone of the inscribed area. The analyses are conducted by using the SPSS, specifically Chi-Square for Independence. The findings are useful for the conservation and tourism planning to assist the community in safeguarding crucial ICH manifestations in order for other intertwined ICH to independently improve.
Where the Value Lies: the importance of materiality to the immaterial aspects of heritage
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