Related papers
The perception of the values of urban space by senior citizens of Valparaiso
Journal of Aging Studies, 2010
This paper is framed within the context of the Fondecyt Research Project (No. 1061179) entitled “Senior Citizens' quality of life in an Urban Habitat: Valparaiso, a Case Study.” It investigates how certain topographical conditions in the urban habitat impact on the quality of life of the population's most senior age group. Following a theoretical approach, we discuss some of the initial results obtained in our field research, integrating a quantitative technique of territorial analysis, GIS maps, and the qualitative techniques of Focus Groups and ethnographic interviews. The study of senior citizens' perceptions of their quality of life in Valparaiso indicates that the city's irregular topography and character as a heritage city mediate how the elderly perceive the urban space, creating social networks and a sense of community uniquely their own.
Valparaíso-Chile: towards a senior-citizen-friendly town?
Ecology and the Environment, 2007
The development of global cities with a cultural potential-as in the case of Valparaíso, recently declared Patrimony of Humankind-offers some exceptional opportunities in Quality of Life for their inhabitants, as long as those cities are set up as friendly and inclusive. However, the dynamics of a Global City accelerate some processes of social differentiation and exclusion in which senior-citizens-the subjects of our study-are an especially vulnerable group. On the other hand, these dynamics show new trends of population migration between cities that, according to their calling, attract or repel different age groups. This paper falls within the context of a Research Project (FONDECYT # 1061179) titled "Calidad de Vida del Adulto Mayor en el Hábitat Urbano: Estudio del Caso de Valparaíso" (Quality of Life of the Senior Citizen in a Urban Habitat: Valparaíso, a Case Study). This paper starts by integrating the concepts of Quality of Life, Sustainable City, Aging, and Neighborhood, in order to establish the possible relationships between aging and quality of life in the urban context of Valparaíso. This implies to investigate how certain conditions in the urban habitat impact the quality of life of the eldest group of the population.
Papeles de Población, 2009
"The research examines the problems of aging in the living space (housing and neighborhood) for elderly people in the city of Granada (Spain). The methodology is based on the analysis of databases, surveys on elderly people and a geographic information system at district level, neighborhood and urban section. The results indicate that the habitability of the environmental context by the elderly in the city is determined by the space experience, which combines the socio-economic factors (income, housing conditions, equipment) and subjective factors of space (proximity to family and neighbors, sense of place, rootedness). Also, the results allow us to explain that the habitability of living space (housing, neighborhood) for the elderly, is explained in greater extent (71.48% of the total variance) function depending on socioeconomic factors (income, conditions housing, urban facilities) subjectivity and spatial factors (proximity to family and neighbors, sense of place, roots). In the same vein, we hypothesized that the remainder of the total variance (28.52%) is explained in terms of factors associated with meeting the expectations of personal satisfaction and its relationship to the habitability of the environmental context (subjective well-residential) satisfaction, rather than by environmental factors related to the conditions of the home and neighborhood. The conclusions warn on the deterioration of the socio-spatial problems of the elderly in the absence of planning gerontology in city. La investigación analiza los problemas de envejecer en el espacio habitado (vivienda y barrio) para los adultos mayores en la ciudad de Granada (España). La metodología se basa en el análisis de bases de datos, encuestas a las personas ancianas y un sistema de información geográfica a escala de distrito, barrio y sección urbana. Los resultados indican que la habitabilidad del contexto ambiental para el adulto mayor en la ciudad está determinada por la experiencia espacial, que relaciona los factores socioeconómicos (ingresos, condiciones de la vivienda, equipamientos) y los factores de subjetividad espacial (proximidad a familiares y vecinos, sentido del lugar, arraigo). También, los resultados nos permiten explicar que la habitabilidad del espacio habitado (vivienda, barrio) para el adulto mayor, se explica en mayor medida (el 71,48% de la varianza total) en función de función de factores socioeconómicos (ingresos, condiciones de la vivienda, equipamientos urbanos) y factores de subjetividad espacial (proximidad a familiares y vecinos, sentido del lugar, arraigo). En la misma línea, planteamos la hipótesis de que el resto de la varianza total (28,52%) se explica en función de factores asociados al cumplimiento de las expectativas de satisfacción personal y su relación con la habitabilidad del contexto ambiental (bienestar subjetivo, satisfacción residencial), y no tanto por los factores ambientales ligados a las propias condiciones de la vivienda y del barrio. Las conclusiones advierten del empeoramiento de los problemas socioespaciales de los adultos mayores ante la falta de planeación gerontológica en las ciudades."
Medical Sciences and Multidisciplinary Approaches, 2022
Creating age-friendly cities and communities has become a priority in urban agenda as a result of the global impact of demographic change. The emergence of a variety of housing, community, and environmental needs among elderly persons imposed the idea of ageing in place, supporting people in their own homes and environments for as long as possible. Considering the increasing aging population trend in Türkiye follows a decade behind, the emergent issues could be formulated and performed by defining some priorities in the field. To do so, comparing the perceptions of elders and other age groups about sociospatial characteristics of the urban neighborhood might be a useful starting point. The majority of published research on aging focuses on urban environments in developed countries. The measures for age-friendly urban spaces must be determined within the context of Turkish cities and culture since its unique sociocultural characteristics shape the urban space sociospatially. The pentagon model was adapted? adopted to assess the socio-spatial aspects in comparison to different age groups since it gives a novel viewpoint on human-environment relations sociospatially, as well as embracing the community context. The pentagon model provides five dimensions: person (demographic and household characteristics), place (transportation, walkability, social infrastructure, and shopping), people (neighborliness, and activities with neighbors), perception (attachment, satisfaction with home and neighborhood, and safety and security), and process (participation). A questionnaire survey is conducted in Karsiyaka, Izmir, and resulted in 288 valid samples. The results show that +60 ages and other age groups had considerably differing sco-res in the indicators such as walkability, attachment, satisfaction with home and neighborhood, and activities with neighbors. In detail, alt - hough +60 ages are satisfied as much as the other groups in terms of the provision of social infrastructure and shopping opportunities in the neighborhoods, they are not satisfied with their proximity and ac-cessibility by walking. The age group over 60 had a significantly hig-her score than the other age groups for subcomponents of attachment, except place dependence. In addition, the +60 age ones want to stay in the same house and same neighborhood in the future, whereas the other age group is more willing to move to another one. The elders are more active with their neighbor relations, they salute and chat when they meet, visit each other in their homes, and go shopping or parks together. The results provide valuable insight into the future urban spaces in Türkiye, as an aging population in a developing country. The population projection for 2030 and 2050 shows that as the population ages, cities will face new challenges and possibilities in fulfilling the preferences and requirements of this demographic group. The critical question is whether these sociospatial neighborhood characteristics differ for the elderly and other age groups, and which factors vary through age, or whether they are perceived the same for all ages. By addressing these questions, the significance of ageing issues and urban space priorities might be determined from a viewpoint informed by evidence-based research, for future studies of environmental geronto-logy in Türkiye and other developing countries. Successful aging and the idea of ageing-in-place are dependent on planning, designing, ad-justing, and optimizing the residential areas and built environment for a better relationship between elderly individuals and their sociospatial environment.
Papeles de Población, 2008
The study describes the process of demographic aging of the rural localities in the IV District of the State of Tamaulipas, one of the regions with greater indicator of marginalization in Mexico and Latin America. In addition, rural tourism is recommended as an alternative for regional development by including elder people in the planning and development phases of the tourist space. The methodology applied, initiated with a generous bibliographical revision, followed by the analysis of data bases and subsequently a field work which lasted more than two years and was based on personal interviews that allowed us to perceive the situation of elder people from these municipalities; and also to identify their predisposition to collaborate in alternatives for rural tourism based on their knowledge of the natural surrounding area. Results have been extremely positive and allow us to settle on collaboration strategies and social incorporation of elder people in ecological development, extended to other Latin-American regions. Key words: ecotourism, regional development, demographic aging, perception, rural localities, Tamaulipas, Mexico. La investigación describe el proceso de envejecimiento demográfico de las localidades rurales en el IV Distrito del Estado de Tamaulipas, una de las regiones con mayor índice de marginación de México y Latinoamérica. Asimismo, se propone el turismo rural como alternativa de desarrollo regional a través de la implicación de las personas mayores en la planeación y desarrollo del espacio turístico. La metodología parte de una amplia revisión bibliográfica, el análisis de bases de datos y un trabajo de campo de más de dos años basado en encuestas personales que nos han permitido percibir la situación de las personas mayores de estos municipios y conocer su predisposición a colaborar en alternativas de turismo rural basadas en su conocimiento del medio natural. Los resultados de la experiencia han sido muy positivos y permiten apostar por estrategias de colaboración e integración social de las personas mayores en actividades de ecodesarrollo extensibles a otras regiones de América Latina. Palabras clave: envejecimiento demográfico, planeación, turismo rural, desarrollo regional, percepción, localidades rurales, Tamaulipas, México.
Socio-spatial change in the world heritage site Valparaíso
Die Erde; Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin
Valparaiso's old town is one of five world heritage sites in Chile. Its districts of Puerto and Financiero on the coastal platform, together with the surrounding hills of Cerros Concepcion and Alegre make up 0.9 % of the total urbanised area. The unique urban ensemble with its heritage of early industrialisation, the harbour installations and the many wooden funiculars have led UNESCO to make these districts a protected area. However, protection does not only mean conservation. Many morphological, functional and socio-spatial changes have taken place since the declaration as a heritage site. Some of them are due to the effects of natural and man-made disasters, but many are a result of the new function as a heritage site. Based on a morphological and functional analysis and a deeper look at the socio-spatial changes, the study returns contradictory results. Initial trends of gentrification can be observed, which may favour the conservation of the built environment, but weaken th...
Assessing the Quality of Life of Elderly People: Valparaíso (Chile) as a case study
The aging of the population and urbanization constitute two constantly advancing trends that are typical of today’s globalized world. This article links these two processes of contemporary development by articulating the quality of life of elderly people with their urban habitat. To this end the results of a research project developed in Valparaiso city are analyzed. A methodology and significant indicators are proposed for the evaluation of quality of life of senior adults, highlighting the need to take into consideration both objective and subjective aspects. The operative definition of the concept “quality of life,” based on three research projects on this theme, supports the proposed methodology. Following a presentation on the demographic, geographic and environmental connotations of Valparaiso, the concept of quality of life is discussed. The methodology is described and the main results are discussed. These results make evident both the most deficient urban aspects and those that provide greater well-being to the Valparaíso target group. Some conclusions are derived on some city’s friendliness or non-friendliness and on possible local or national policies to be implemented inherent to city services, environment and structures, in order to promote greater well-being, better quality of life and an “active aging” for the city’s older adult residents.
Senior-friendly concepts in the theory and practice of spatial planning – policy frameworks
MATEC web of conferences, 2024
With the current converging trends of urbanisation and population aging, but also shifting of the age limit for active aging and virtualization of daily activities, it is important to focus attention on the most vulnerable groups of citizens living in urban areas, who, in a rapidly changing world, face the threat of loneliness and isolation due to the degradation of physical or psychological health, social or cultural isolation, barriers in space, technological and communication barriers and the like. Seniorfriendly approaches in spatial planning concern mainly seniors (or persons at the end of an active life), but there are natural overlaps also towards the needs of other groups with specific needs, as well as other persons of every social inclusion. The article summarizes the key opinion making institutions efforts (mostly United Nations and WHO) to help cities on their way to build an environment more friendly to older people, to facilitate the exchange of experiences and provide them with a supportive framework, and focuses on zooming in on the content of the WHO manual Measuring the Age-Friendliness of Cities. A Guide to Using Core Indicators, which represents a helpful tool for setting policy frameworks for cities by indicating a set of core and additional indicators for monitoring and evaluating progress in the friendliness of the urban environment to age. The manual was created in 2015 as the result of a structured preparation process with inputs generated from more than 40 communities across 15 countries, and a final pilot study involving 15 communities across 12 countries.
Papeles de Población
" The study describes the process of demographic aging of the rural localities in the IV District of the State of Tamaulipas, one of the regions with greater indicator of marginalization in Mexico and Latin America. In addition, rural tourism is recommended as an alternative for regional development by including elder people in the planning and development phases of the tourist space. The methodology applied, initiated with a generous bibliographical revision, followed by the analysis of data bases and subsequently a field work which lasted more than two years and was based on personal interviews that allowed us to perceive the situation of elder people from these municipalities; and also to identify their predisposition to collaborate in alternatives for rural tourism based on their knowledge of the natural surrounding area. Results have been extremely positive and allow us to settle on collaboration strategies and social incorporation of elder people in ecological development...
This paper explores empirical accounts of perceived insecurities and accompanying issues that make urban place problematic and can impact older adults' well-being and overall quality of life. Findings reported derive from the project 'Place-Making with Older People: Towards Age-Friendly Communities' which investigates both barriers and facilitators to developing age-friendly cities. Drawing on interviews with older adults in three cities in the United Kingdom (UK), the analysis demonstrates that physical and social vulnerabilities, along with the characteristics of the built and social environment, play a role in influencing older adults' behaviours, routines and habits in the community. The results are discussed with a view of influencing practice and policy priorities relating to age-friendly cities. RESUMEN Este artículo explora informes empíricos sobre las inseguridades percibidas y problemas asociados que tornan el lugar urbano en problemático, y que pueden afectar al bienestar y calidad general de vida de las personas mayores. Los resultados obtenidos derivan del proyecto Place-Making with Older People: Towards Age-Friendly Communities ('Haciendo lugar con personas mayores: hacia comunidades adaptadas a la tercera edad'), que investiga los obstáculos y elementos facilitadores para el desarrollo de ciudades adaptadas a distintas edades. Partiendo de entrevistas con personas mayores en tres ciudades del Reino Unido, el análisis muestra que las vulnerabilidades físicas y sociales, junto con las características del entorno construido y social, ejercen un papel influyente sobre los comportamientos, rutinas y hábitos de las personas mayores en sus comunidades. Los resultados se discuten con la intención de influir sobre las prácticas y las prioridades de las políticas públicas en el desarrollo de ciudades más adaptadas a las personas mayores.