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Impac Analysis of Farmer Groups Performance towards Farmers' Income of Rice Farming System in South Manokwari District, West Papua Province. The existence of farmers' groups has a strategic role to improve the productivity and income of farmers in West Papua; therefore, it is required to enhance their performances through several approaches including monitoring. This study aims to analyze the performance of farmer groups and to assess the income of rice farmers. The research was conducted in Oransbari District, South Manokwari Regency, West Papua Province, around June 2014. Data collection was done through interviews with a semi-structured questionnaire involving 40 farmers, which were selected using simple random sampling method. Data collected was analyzed with a quantitative descriptive analysis and a non-parametric statistical analysis. The study illustrated that the performance of farmers' respondents are in the category of good. They are also close to the ideal organizational nature and supportive of local government. The result also showed that farmer organizations have a strong legality. Farmer cooperators provide a greater absolute income than non-cooperators where the difference is very significant according to statistical tests. However, the relationship between organizational performance farmers group and revenue is still weak. The reason could occur due to weakness of the implementation of technical and institutional innovations as well as the lack of monitoring system. It is suggested that the assistance program can be improved both in term of intensity and quality including the synergy of technical innovation and institutional. ABSTRAK Keberadaan kelompok tani (poktan) memiliki peran strategis dalam upaya peningkatan produktivitas dan pendapatan petani di Papua Barat. Oleh karena itu perlu ditingkatkan kinerjanya melalui berbagai cara termasuk pendampingan. Pengkajian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kinerja kelompok tani dan menganalisis pendapatan usahatani padi petani yang dilakukan di Distrik Oransbari, Kabupaten Manokwari Selatan, Provinsi Papua Barat, pada Juni 2014. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dengan bantuan kuesioner semi terstruktur terhadap 40 orang petani yang terpilih secara acak sederhana. Data yang terkumpul di analisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif dan dipertajam dengan analisis statistik non parametrik. Hasil pengkajian menunjukkan bahwa kinerja poktan binaan termasuk dalam kategori baik, memiliki karakteristik yang mendekati sifat organisasi ideal, mendapat dukungan dari pemerintah setempat, serta memiliki legalitas yang kuat. Secara statistik usahatani padi petani kooperator berbeda nyata dengan usahatani petani padi non kooperator. Pendapatan absolut usahatani petani kooperator lebih tinggi dari non kooperator, sehingga layak untuk dikembangkan. Namun demikian, hubungan antara kinerja organisasi kelompoktani dengan pendapatan masih lemah, kontribusinya relatif rendah. Hal ini dapat disebabkan karena kurang sinergisnya sistem pendampingan pada saat implementasi inovasi teknis dan kelembagaan. Untuk itu disarankan agar program pendampingan perlu terus ditingkatkan, baik intensitas maupun kualitasnya, termasuk sinergitas implementasi inovasi teknis dan kelembagaan. Kata kunci: kelompok tani, kinerja organisasi, usahatani padi, pendapatan
ABSTRAK - Padi merupakan komoditas yang setrategis di Indonesia, dalam perkembangannya kebutuhan akan hidup sehat mulai diperhatikan oleh sebagian masyarakat, sehingga perlu dikembangkan produk yang bebas dari bahan kimia dan aman untuk dikonsumsi. Terdapat dua jenis usahatani padi yaitu usahatani padi organik dan organik, dimana keduanya memiliki keunggulan masing-masing. Tujuan penelitian ini yang pertama mengetahui seberapa besar perbandingan produksi dan pendapatan petani antara usahatani padi organik dan anorganik, kedua mengetahui seberapa pengaruh faktor produksi terhadap produksi usahatani padi di Kota Batu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa produksi usahatani padi anorganik lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan padi anorganik dimana selisih rata-rata perhektar adalah 64,48 Kg. Sementara pendapatan yang diperoleh dari usahatani padi organik lebih tinggi dari usahatani padi anorganik, selisih mencapai Rp.1.860.800,19/ha. Dari hasil analisis faktor yang mempengaruhi produksi diperoleh bahwa bahwa penggunaan benih, pupuk NPK, pestisida dan tenaga kerja berpengaruh nyata terhadap produksi pada tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Sementara penggunaan pupuk kompos, Urea, KCL dan TSP tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap produksi. Kata Kunci : Padi, Produksi, Pendapatan, Organik
The aims of this study were to increase the net return of farmer at Subak Lumbung and encouraging subak members to practice the organic farming system on their plantations. According to the vision of Bali and Tabanan government to spread the organic agriculture system in Bali, this activities will force the communities action to more aware about organic system. Furthermore to build the activities sustain, subak members have to show the success of the organic farming system. This plot demonstration will use two treatments of farming system such us: 1) the farming system based on organic fertilization and 2) the conventional system which use the chemical fertilization. The differences of net return of the two system was 20 % different which the organic system higher than the conventional ones. Despite the differences of net return, the other advantages of organic farming are the sustainability of soil fertile and environment and also produce the healthy product compare to conventional system agriculture.
Lansium, 2019
ABSTRAK Serangan penyakit pada budidaya padi sangat beragam tergantung kondisi lahan. Pola tanam dan penggunaan pupuk akan berpengaruh terhadap keseimbangan habitat lahan budidaya, hal ini akan berpengaruh terhadap produksi padi yang dihasilkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan membandingkan perkembangan penyakit tanaman padi lahan konvensional dan pertanian organik dan membandingkan perkembangan secara agronomis tanaman padi pada tanaman padi pada lahan konvensional dan pertanian organik. Organik. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian penyakit yang dominan menyerang dilapangan hawar pelepah daun (Rizoctonia silani), dan bercak cercospora (Cercospora oryzae). Perbedaan tingkat serangan penyakit serta sebabkan beberapa hal yaitu : sistem pola tanam, penggunaan pupuk dan cara pengendalian oraganisme penganggu tanaman (OPT). Secara agronomis pertumbuhan jumlah anakan dan berat gabah perumpun tanaman padi organik lebih baik dibandingkan padi anorganik. Hal ini berkorelasi negatif terhadap produksi yang diperoleh pada padi organik produksi padi lebih rendah (5,18 ton/ha) dibanding padi anorganik (6,98 ton/ha). Rendahnya produksi perhektar pada padi organik diduga jumlah populasi tanaman padi organik lebih sedikit. Namun secara kualitas dan ekonomis produksi padi organik lebih unggul dibanding padi organik, sehingga sistem budidaya padi organik masih terus dikembangkan. ABSTRACT The disease attacks on rice cultivation vary greatly depending on the condition of the land. Planting pattern and the use of fertilizer will affect the balance of habitat of cultivated land, this will affect the production of rice produced. This study aims to compare the progression of conventional rice plant diseases and organic farming and compare the agronomic development of rice crops in rice crops on conventional and organic farms. Organic. Based on the results of research dominant disease attacking the field of leaf blight (Rizoctonia silani), and spotting cercospora (Cercospora oryzae). Differences in the rate of disease attack and cause several things: planting pattern system, the use of fertilizer and the way of controlling ways of plant disturbance organism (OPT). Agronomically, the growth of number of tillers and the weight of grains of organic rice crops is better than inorganic rice. This is negatively correlated with the production obtained in lower rice organic rice (5.18 tons / ha) compared to inorganic rice (6.98 tons / ha). The low production per hectare on organic rice is thought to be less organic plant population. However, the quality and economics of organic rice production is superior to organic rice, so that organic rice cultivation system is still being developed.
Buletin Ilmiah Impas, 2019
Tunmoni Association of Farmers Group (Gapoktan Tunmoni) was a Gapoktan which was assisted by the Food Security Service of the East Nusa Tenggara Province through the Community Food Business Program (PUPM). Gapoktan Tunmoni contributed to the provision of rice through its members who conducted rice farming. However, there had been no studies that examined how much income and the factors that affected the income of rice farming in Gapoktan Tunmoni. Even though those researches were important to evaluate farming. Therefore this research was conducted with the aim to determine the effect of socioeconomic factors on the income of wetland rice farming in Gapoktan Tunmoni in Noelbaki Village, Kupang Tengah District, Kupang Regency. The research was conducted from July 2018 to August 2018. Data were obtained through direct interviews with respondents, while also using the method of literature and documentation. Data were analyzed using income analysis, and multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the income analysis, the average income of wetland rice farming in Gapoktan Tunmoni was Rp.8,307,659. While from multiple linear regression analysis it was known that socioeconomic factors had an effect simultaneously. While partially only formal education, land costs, labor costs, fertilizer costs, pesticide costs, postharvest costs, and selling prices had a significant effect. Based on the coefficient of determination test, socioeconomic factors had an influence of 96.2% on income.
Demand for rice continues to increase, including demand for organic rice. Seeing the high level of demand for organic rice, the government responded by facilitating and supporting facilities and infrastructure in the production process of organic rice. Government response and support is realized by a group approach, so that farmers enjoy farming with good results. The number of farmer groups in Bandung regency until the year 2012 was 1782 group. But the reality, part of the results received are not enjoyed by members of the group. The purpose of this study was to determine: 1) The process of the growth of farmers' groups; 2) The role of the farmer group in development the market for organic rice. The study was conducted in Nurani Sejahtera farmers group ,Bandung regency. This research was a qualitative with case study technique. Informants in this study were the chairman and members of Nurani Sejahtera farmers groups, consumers of organic rice and Bandung District Agriculture Of...
Jurnal AGROINFO GALUH , 2015
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya : (1) Biaya yang di keluarkan dalam usahatani padi organik per hektar per satu musim tanam di Desa Sukanagara, (2) Pendapatan dalam usahatani padi organik per hektar per satu musim tanam di Desa Sukanagara, (3) Titik impas dalam usahatani padi organik per hektar per satu musim tanam di Desa Sukanagara. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survai, dengan mengambil kasus di Desa Sukanagara Kecamatan Lakbok Kabupaten Ciamis. Jumlah responden diambil sebanyak 30 orang dari populasi 600 orang petani dengan menggunakan metode acak sederhana (simple random sampling). Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa : 1. Besarnya biaya yang dikeluarkan dalam usahatani padi organik per hektar per satu musim tanam di Desa Sukanagara adalah sebesar : Rp. 20.724.463,16,-2. Besarnya pendapatan pada usahatani padi organik per hektar per satu musim tanam di Desa Sukanagara adalah sebesar : Rp. 7.484.995,61 ,-3. Besarnya titik impas pada usahatani padi organik per hektar per satu musim tanam di Desa Sukanagara adalah sebagai berikut : Nilai penjualan (BEP np) adalah Rp. 3.080.697,04 ,-Titik impas volume produksi (BEP vp) adalah sebanyak 238,10 kilogram. Titik impas luas lahan (BEP LL) adalah seluas 0,05 hektar.
Jurnal Antropologi: Isu-Isu Sosial Budaya, 2021
The Budi Margomulyo II Farmer Group is a farmer group located in Pontang Village, Ambulu District, Jember Regency who has problems related to the availability of economic resources in rice farming. This study was aimed to determine existing social capital in the Budi Margomulyo II Farmer Group in meeting economic resources needs in terms of resource components, social structure, and actions at the micro and meso levels. The location selection is determined purposively (purposive method), on the reasoning that there is a good potential in the agricultural sector and that Budi Margomulyo Farmer Group is an active farmer group with various achievements and has succeeded in becoming one of the pioneers in establishing a union. This research is qualitative research with purposive sampling used while choosing the informants. Data analysis of this research employed the Interactive Method of Miles and Huberman. The results showed that the economic resource needs of group members can be met...