Ibn Khaldun, is one of the medieval geographer who serves as a bridge between antiquity and the modern era, was born in Tunis in 1332. The great thinker has made many important task through his life such as; vizier, clerk, sheikh and judge. He spent most of his life in Maghreb, Andalusia, Egypt and during this period, he travelled a large part of North Africa. In 1406, he died in Cairo where he spent the last twenty-four years of his life. Like many Medieval scholars, Ibn Khaldun has interested in different sciences and he has revealed various opinions in such as; geography, history, economics, philosophy, sociology, literature and politics. In the thesis, the human geography views of Ibn Khaldun have been discussed. In this context, Ibn Khaldun's Muqaddimah, which is an introduction to Kitâb’ul Iber (general history) and usually considered as an independent study, has been analyzed by geographical perspective. The subjects in Muqaddimah such as seven climate regions, geographical determinism, settlement geography, political geography and economic geography are taken by geographical perspective and they have been compared with modern geography. Ibn Khaldun's geographical ideas have been tried to compare with the views in modern geography that emerged hundreds of years after him. Therefore, the thesis focuses on the similarities and differences between Ibn Khaldun’s views and modern geography.