Call for articles Between Cultures and Transitions: Gender Perspectives in Youth Studies (original) (raw)
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Gabriella Valera, 2013
The International Studies and Documentation Centre for Youth Culture, newly grounded at the departement of Humanities of the University of Trieste considers the Youth Culture, also and investigated thorugh the self-reflecton of Young people about themselves as a strategic research field for continuously reassessing the relations between Culture/Cultures and "Paradigms" (scientific, cultural, institutional). The Mission of the Centre from the regulation: Art. 3 - Mission The Centre carries out activities of collection, recording, research and promotion in every field of youth culture, in all its forms and linguistic codes. • addresses to young people as subjects producers of culture rather than users of educational programs, regarding them as key actors for the reflection on open cultural models, that require the taking on board of differences, difficulties and complexity; • holds, investigates and fosters multiple level of elaboration, on the base of age and of peculiarities of young people’ background and native culture; • promotes self-reflection of young people about themselves, about their role in the developing of conceptual frames that stand – for their intrinsic nature – between a present made by the past (the heritage of ideas acquired through the educational traditions) and a fully open future (the space outlined by not yet formalised models of society); • for its own characteristics, the International Studies and Documentation Centre for Youth Culture offers also a place for analysis and research about intergenerational cultural paths. Consistently with such aims the Centre • acts for the networking of the places of production of youth culture that will be assessed according to the research and analysis guidelines above mentioned; • collects the products of youth culture in all its forms and languages, and also the studies about youth culture; • promotes surveys on youth culture, in particular by fostering the elaboration of BA and PHD dissertations; • organises meetings, forums and conferences about the relevant topics; • publishes volumes, translations and any materials that could help the reflection on the themes of dialogue in the intergenerational and intercultural perspectives that emerge out of the youth cultural production. The activities of the Centre will develop with the goal of establishing a number of Focuses on specific issues and from peculiar points of view, through a spectrum of inevitably multidisciplinary methodologies, also on the base of ambitious, puzzling and strongly motivating value choices.
Mario Corona, Donatella Izzo (eds.), Queerdom. Gender Displacements in a Transnational Context
Between, 2011
pp. Nella sua articolata introduzione a Queerdom (Introduction. What Do We Talk About When We Talk About Queerdom), Mario Corona pone le basi operative, processuali e "transitive" delle indagini presenti in questo volume che, in occasione del decimo anniversario della fondazione del Center for Studies on the Languages of Identities dell' Università di Bergamo, offrono una stimolante "narrazione metodologica" dell'attuale «queer approach to literary texts as well as to cultural structures and situations» (8). Il volume raccoglie nove saggi di giovani studios* interessati, nella loro natura (a)disciplinare, sia a mostrare la permeabilità di qualsiasi protocollo di interrogazione che a verificare la resa strumentale di pratiche di lettura ibride e decentrate (in displacement, appunto). Se del resto le funzioni paratestuali mantengono una loro portata esplicativa, la collana scelta per questa pubblicazione, Le Zebre, sottolinea la doubleness propria dei punti di attraversamento e l'esposizione di zone di frattura critica e teorica. È dunque all'interno di queste "faglie" che si muovono questi studi, interessati a destabilizzare qualsiasi dato di immanenza, sia esso legato al gender o as/soggettato alla perimetria identitaria della n(arr)azione. Come afferma Corona «these essays prove how queer definitely cuts across the borders of its original territory, of its separate though adjacent neighborhoods, and of its distinct nomenclature (gay, lesbian, etc), and how vastly and subtly it can travel in time and space, in conspicuous
Review of Queer Crossings in ALTRE MODERNITA' N. 9 – 05/2013, pp. 249-250
Per i practitioners più moderni di quel recente approccio critico che va sotto il nome di ecocriticism, il volume offre una visione inedita del medioevo e della sua natura, rivelando un rapporto per noi sorprendente e lontano dalle visioni stereotipate delle fusioni paniche medievali. Qualche perplessità può forse giungere dall'amplissimo time-span prescelto (un millennio: dal 500 al 1500), oltre che dall'analogamente smisurato territorio posto sotto osservazione (dall'Inghilterra alla Spagna, dal Baltico all'Europa orientale), ma senza che questo infici l'utilità di uno studio che si pone, per la medievistica, come importante backgound reading di chi vuole rileggere testi classici, e non, alla luce dei rapporti spesso travagliati tra uomo e ambiente. (PC)
The editorial board is pleased to issue a call for submissions for Number 4, 2017 of gender/sex-uality/italy (g/s/i), a peer-reviewed, digital open-access journal on gender studies in Italian culture. The journal includes four sections: 1. Themed Section, 2. Open Contributions, 3. Invited Perspectives, and 4. Reviews. The themed section will investigate "Girl Cultures in Italy. Transhistorical and Transnational Perspectives." The Open Contribution section welcomes excellent scholarly contributions concerning topics that are consonant with the main focus of our journal, but are not related to the current call for submissions. The Invited Perspectives will host multimedia contributions by practitioners, journalists, philosophers, artists, and other individuals invited by the editors whose contributions may be instrumental to the further development of the current issue. The Reviews section welcomes book and media reviews pertinent to the scope to the journal. Please submit your article through the journal website by December 1, 2016. For further details, consult the Submission Guidelines or inquire at The accepted contributions will be published online in Number 4, 2017 of g/s/i.
The Conference (26-28th of November 2019) aims to focus on some textual and visual paths that allow the construction of a first typology of images, situations, motifs, and Pathosformeln linked to the representation of women who not only disrupt the system of gendered attributes, but also challenge the validity of such a binary system. We welcome abstracts (in English or Italian) for 20-minute papers from PhD students, post-doc students and advanced researchers. We will also accept proposals for complete panels of up to 3 papers. Submission deadline is 30th June 2019.
This volume takes a closer look at women’s perspectives on (post-)migration and explores the uncertainties, frictions, struggles and opportunities emerging from that context. It revolves around African and Afrodescendant female writers and artists and refers to the uncomfortable stories they tell, stories about what it means to have migrated to, live in, or have been born in Romance-speaking Europe. Their voices reveal positionings of the ‘female Other’ that oscillate between alienation and belonging, moving between African, European and other (diasporic) spaces. The scholarly articles, from the disciplines of literary and cultural studies, explore literature, theatre, film and the internet and cover a variety of countries and Romance languages. The volume engages simultaneously in a dialogue with writers and activists: it includes short and micro stories by Melibea Obono and Ubah Cristina Ali Farah as well as interviews with Amina Marini, Mimina Icir Di Muro and Aminata Aidara, Kaha Mohamed Aden, Igiaba Scego and Desirée Bela-Lobedde.
Studi Culturali, 2017
In the last decades sociological research documented a fragmented and changing plurality of practices, identities, forms of aggregation and youth models. Studies on musical subcultures are a privileged field for the confirmation of survey results; in this field we can see the contrast between the positions based upon the orthodox categories of Birmingham’s Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies (CCCS) – though adequated to new contexts and integrated with references to previously disregarded subcultures (McRobbie and Garber, Willis, Stanley Cohen, Clarke, Frith) – and the positions inspired by postmodern theories, proposing a post-subcultural studies approach. Examples of the latter are Thornton’s studies on subcultural capital, Redhead’s, Melechi and Rietveld works on hedonistic subcultures, and the studies on fluid and emotional “neo-tribes”, theorized by Maffesoli and analyzed in the field of marketing by Cova and in the field of lifestyle by Shields, Hetherington, Muggleton, Malbon and Bennett.