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Prilog proučavanju gramatičke terminologije Franjevačke turske slovnice iz Fojnice
U radu se, na osnovu opcih ortografskih osobitosti gramaticke terminologije anonimne i nedatirane turske gramatike / slovnice koja se cuva u Franjevackom samostanu u Fojnici, kao i usporedbom te terminologije sa terminologijom iz drugih gramatickih djela koja su se koristila u Bosni u 19. stoljecu, pokusava odrediti kojoj gramatickoj tradiciji pripada spomenuta slovnica i kada je mogla nastati. Tabelarni prikaz i usporedba terminologije u Slovnici sa istom ili slicnom terminologijom u drugim djelima ukazuje na to da se radi o osobenoj terminologiji tzv. južnoslavenske gramaticke tradicije, koja se razvijala odvojeno od osmanskoga obrazovnog sistema u Bosni u tom periodu. U radu ponuđena analiza potvrđuje da se u Bosni u 19. stoljecu gramaticka terminologija za opis turskog jezika razvijala unutar razlicitih gramatickih tradicija. Slovnica je jedna od rijetkih bosanskohercegovackih gramatika turskog jezika iz 19. stoljeca gdje se koristi iskljucivo domaca gramaticka terminologija. Re...
The effect of family size on processing Serbian nouns
Psihologija, 2007
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Tvorba riječi u hrvatskim dopreporodnim gramatikama
Rasprave: Časopis Instituta za Hrvatski Jezik i Jezikoslovlje, 2013
research on the word-formation process as described in Croatian pre-standard grammars (kašić, križanić and grammars of the kajkavian literary language) has shown that word formation is described in all grammars examined to a greater or lesser extent, but no separate chapter is devoted to this subject. These descriptions of the word-formation process are more implicit than explicit, except in križanić’s grammar. ključne riječi: tvorba riječi, dopreporodne hrvatske slovnice key words: word-formation, pre-standard grammars
Sveučilište u Zagrebu. Filozofski fakultet. Odsjek za lingvistiku., 2020
This thesis presents a corpus linguistic research on lexical creations in German in the period between the 1990s and the second half of the 2010s as well as their translatability into Croatian. The research is based on the following underlying hypotheses: 1) The most common parts of speech among lexical creations are nouns; 2) All lexical creations, neologisms and nonce words, are coined by the same mechanisms; 3) The most common method of making lexical creations is word-building; 4) German lexical creations are usually translated into Croatian by combining two or more techniques of translating culture-specific items. The aim of the research is to describe recent tendencies in the word-building of lexical creations in the German language, to emphasize the importance of nonce words when analyzing lexical creations and to outline possible techniques for translating German lexical innovations into Croatian. Lexical creations are the result of changes a language undergoes on a nearly daily basis, attracting considerable attention from scholars and the general public. On the one hand, lexical creations emerge as a direct response to the need to refer to new concepts and phenomena that must be designated, while on the other hand, they reflect the speaker's desire for expressive communication. Thus, lexical creations are necessarily linked to a particular language community at a given point in time and to the innovativeness of their authors, i.e. the context in which they emerged. Lexical creations are a genuinely interesting linguistic topic addressed by a number of linguistic disciplines, such as lexicology, lexicography, morphology, diachronic semantics, contact linguistics, sociolinguistics, pragmatics and stylistics. The role of language policy must not be neglected, since lexical creations can at the same time be a result of the susceptibility of a language to the influence of other languages, but also a result of linguistic purism. In this thesis, the term "lexical creations" is considered to be the superordinate of the terms "neologisms" and "nonce words". Reference sources in linguistics mostly refer to "neologisms", whereas "nonce words" are either not mentioned at all, or are not considered relevant, or are referred to as "neologisms" in a broader sense of the term. The thesis opens with a theoretical framework which identifies lexical creations as a phenomenon of linguistic change, emphasizing their essence: the necessity to meet the communication and cognitive needs of the members of a particular language community (Schippan 2002). We will analyze the motivation underlying the creation of lexical creations, which can be extralinguistic or intralinguistic (e.g. Fleischer 1987, Kinne 1998, Muhvić-Dimanovski 2005, Steffens 2010). We will also provide a possible classification of the mechanisms by which lexical creations are created, the most prominent of which are wordbuilding, borrowing, creation of multiword expressions, and semantic change (e.g., Muhvić
Književni jezik, 2019
The author etymologizes Persian language lexemes, presenting commonly used persisms in Bosnian onomastics. In particular, the etymology of the examples of persism presented refers to the vocabulary present in the Bosnian language, which makes it universally applicable. The Bosnian language is extremely rich in words from other languages, especially Oriental languages (Arabic, Turkish and Persian), hence the author devotes his work to lexemes that include adaptations and borrowings from the Persian language. In the first place, it was sought to determine for which persisms incorporated into the Bosnian language it is possible to determine the most thorough etymological sequence, and then to enrich the vocabulary of the Bosnian language with the etymological sequence represented by the persisms recorded in the languages of the Persian language family of Iranian languages.
Uloga pridjeva u hrvatskome medicinskom nazivlju
Ana Ostroški Anić rođena je u Našicama 1980. godine. Diplomirala je 2005. engleski jezik i književnost i hrvatski jezik i književnost na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu, gdje je 2015. doktorirala na poslijediplomskom doktorskom studiju lingvistike disertacijom Kognitivnolingvistička analiza engleskih i hrvatskih figurativnih konstrukcija u zrakoplovnom jeziku. Od veljače 2008. radi na Zavodu za aeronautiku Fakulteta prometnih znanosti kao znanstvena novakinja prof. dr. Maje Bratanić, s kojom u listopadu 2009. prelazi u Institut za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje na Odjel za opće jezikoslovlje. Od 2019. zaposlena je na mjestu znanstvene suradnice. Sudjelovala je na više znanstvenih i stručnih projekata iz područja terminologije i kognitivne lingvistike. Od siječnja 2013. do studenoga 2014. bila je suradnica na hrvatsko-francuskom bilateralnom projektu Terminologija i stručno prevođenje za međukulturni dijalog i specijaliziranu komunikaciju (COGITO). Od 2014. do 2017. sudjelovala je kao istraživač na projektu Repozitorij metafora hrvatskoga jezika (HRZZ) voditeljice dr. sc. Kristine Štrkalj Despot, a od prosinca 2015. do 2018. na projektu Conmusterm-Problemi temeljnoga suvremenoga glazbenog nazivlja u Hrvatskoj (HRZZ) voditelja akademika Nikše Gliga. Bila je suradnica na pet projekata u okviru programa Izgradnja hrvatskoga strukovnog nazivlja (Struna, HRZZ). Voditeljica je uspostavnoga istraživačkog projekta Dinamičnost kategorija specijaliziranoga znanja (DIKA) koji financira Hrvatska zaklada za znanost (2018.-2023.) te voditeljica projekta Semantički okviri u hrvatskom jeziku (2022.-2025.), koji se provodi u okviru osnovne djelatnosti Instituta. Objavila je samostalno ili u suautorstvu šest knjiga i više znanstvenih i stručnih radova. Sudjelovala je izlaganjima na brojnim domaćim i međunarodnim znanstvenim skupovima te se stručno usavršavala u području terminologije, leksikografije i engleskoga zrakoplovnog jezika. Članica je nekoliko domaćih i međunarodnih lingvističkih i terminoloških udruženja te COSTove akcije Nexus Linguarum iz područja povezanih jezičnih podataka. U tehničkom odboru HZN/TO 37 Hrvatskoga zavoda za norme jedna je od predstavnika Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje od 2010. godine. Od studenoga 2014. do studenoga 2018. bila je članica Odbora Europskoga terminološkog udruženja (EAFT), krovne europske terminološke organizacije.
Društvene i Humanističke Studije, 2020
This paper opens a new perspective of cooperation between linguists and a growing movie industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The authors have translated a Bosnian movie, I am from Krajina – the land of chestnut, an outline of turbulent Bosnian history in its very typical, western border-area, known as Krajina. The paper explores issues of translation of Bosnian culture into English, with an emphasis on translation problems and promotion of B&H culture in contemporary Bosnian movies.Throughtranslation analysis, the authors point at translation solutions based on the criterion of their source-language vs. target-language orientation.
Univerzitetska misao - casopis za nauku, kulturu i umjetnost, Novi Pazar
The paper analyses the semantic equivalence of neologisms in the novel "The Handmaid's tale" in the direction of articulation, from the original text in English to its translation into Serbian language. The aim of the theoretical part of the analysis is to determine terminologically relevant concepts, while the research part will include neologisms in the dystopian landscape and the level of significant similarity in the English-Serbian language relationship. The starting hypothesis of the analysis is that neologisms from the English language are compatible in translation into Serbian. Since dystopian discourse within postmodernism suggests important lexical changes in the codified vocabulary of each language, the paper is the starting point in a series of studies of research on languages of this type.
O hrvatskoj leksičkoj komponenti u Miottovu "Vocabolario del dialetto veneto-dalmata
U članku se obrađuju hrvatske posuđenice koje su uvrštene u Vocabolario del dialetto veneto-dalmata Luigia Miotta (Trst 1984. i 1991). Neujednačena ortografska, fonološka i morfološka adaptacija otkrivaju nam da te riječi često nisu čvrsto uklopljene u dalmatinsko mletačko narječje. Upućuje se na natuknice u kojima autor Rječnika nije prepoznao kroatizme. 3 Filipović (1986, § 2.5.3) preuzima od Haugena razlikovanje triju stupnjeva integracije posuđenih leksičkih elemenata: 1. strana riječ (engl. foreign word) ili model, 2. tuđica (foreign loan) ili kompromisna replika (compromise replica), 3. posuđenica (loanword) ili replika (replica).