Capital concentration and financialization in brazilian private higher education (original) (raw)
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Mergers in Higher Education Practices and Policies, 2019
The conditions of mergers in tertiary education in the Brazilian context of the last decade (2009-2017) can be understood by two different scenarios: the absence of any project of merger within public higher education, on one hand, and on the other, the private educational sector using mergers as a successful expansion strategy. In comparison with a small increase in the number of institutions and student enrolment in public education, the private educational sector enjoyed a significant increase in the number of establishments and students. Notwithstanding the crisis that affected the Brazilian economy and politics after 2012, which may have discredited the promises of access to university, the educational policies have preserved a good reputation in providing low-income student with access to higher education. Concurrently, major private groups have rapidly grown on the tertiary education market through mergers and acquisitions, but the private educational sector shall continue to coexist with the public education because even in the face of reduced participation and inefficiency, public institutions remain with better social prestige.
O financiamento da educação brasileira: uma revisão da literatura
Este trabalho apresenta uma revisao da literatura brasileira sobre financiamento da educacao nacional, a partir de publicacoes das areas educacional, economica e legislativa, no periodo de 1988 a 2004, perfazendo mais de uma dezena de livros e 190 artigos e relatorios tecnicos. A producao nesta area ocupa um lugar destacado e um crescente interesse nas universidades. Os principais temas sao a vinculacao de recursos, os dispositivos da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educacao Nacional de 1996 e do FUNDEF; a escassez de recursos e a falha em sua administracao.
Mergers and Acquisitions in Brazilian Higher Education Companies
Finance & Economics Review, 2021
Purpose: The objective of this study is to detect and measure the occurrence of extraordinary returns to the shareholders of private higher education companies, listed on the Brazilian stock market, B3, when mergers and acquisitions occur. Methods: This study uses the Event Study technique on process data from 46 merger and acquisition events, that occurred in the period of 2007- 2015, involving the three main Brazilian private higher education companies, and applies the Z-statistic to test the accumulated standard abnormal returns. Results: Based on the results, it is possible to affirm that the presence of abnormal returns was not detected after merger and acquisition events. Events of this nature do not promote changes in the short-term value of the company, in the cases of large and publicly traded Brazilian private higher education companies. Implications: The announcement of a merger or acquisition process has wide repercussions in the media and attracts the attention of inves...
Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 2022
In recent decades, universities have experienced substantial change. Several studies in Brazil and abroad adopted a critical perspective on the marketization of higher education. This paper contributes to this stream of research and focuses on the transformation of a large private university in Brazil. After an investment fund acquired an equity stake in this university, the institution implemented new teaching and administrative practices and adopted values embraced by private financial organizations and a set of so-called modern management methods. We present the case and discuss the perspectives for private higher education institutions and their faculties. We also claim that private universities should be theorized as hybrid organizations. Finally, we speculate on the vectors that could contribute to a positive transformation of private universities.
O nível de concentração de capital influencia a estrutura de capital das empresas brasileiras?
Revista de Administração da UFSM
The purpose of the present research is to identify whether the capital structure of the Brazilian listed companies is influenced by the capital concentration level. The sample comprises 104 Brazilian publicly traded companies listed on the BM&FBOVESPA, totaling 1,258 observations for annual data in the period from January 1st, 2008 to December 31st, 2014. By using panel data analysis and taking into account the control variables identified as relevant in the literature, the main results show that (i) capital concentration has a positive relation with market indebtedness and with long-term net debt to market equity; (ii) the variables size, volatility, profitability and tangibility, highlighted in the theoretical archetype, evidence a significant influence on long-term debt to market equity and book equity, and (iii) there are no findings and/or inferences that net debt to EBITDA may bring implications for shareholders´ capital concentration. For future studies, suggestions are: i) t...
Capital-Market Failure, Adverse Selection, and Equity Financing of Higher Education
FinanzArchiv: Public Finance Analysis, 2007
We apply theories of capital market failure to analyze optimal financing of risky higher education. In the market solution, students can only finance their education through debt. There is underinvestment in human capital, because some students with socially profitable investments in human capital will not invest in education due to adverse selection problems in debt markets and because insurance markets for human capital related risk are absent. Legal limitations on the use of human capital in financial contracts cause this underinvestment; without them private markets would optimally finance these risky investments through equity rather than debt and supply income insurance. The government, however, can circumvent this problem and implement equity and insurance contracts through the tax system using a graduate tax. This paper shows that public equity financing of education coupled to provision of some income insurance is the optimal way to finance education when private markets fail due to adverse selection. We show that education subsidies to restore market inefficiencies are sub-optimal. 5088, Fax: +31 -20 -525 4310.
Mergers and Acquisitions in Brazilian Higher Education Companies: Effect on Share Value
Finance & Economics Review, 2021
Purpose: The objective of this study is to detect and measure the occurrence of extraordinary returns to the shareholders of private higher education companies, listed on the Brazilian stock market, B3, when mergers and acquisitions occur. Methods: This study uses the Event Study technique on process data from 46 merger and acquisition events, that occurred in the period of 2007-2015, involving the three main Brazilian private higher education companies, and applies the Z-statistic to test the accumulated standard abnormal returns. Results: Based on the results, it is possible to affirm that the presence of abnormal returns was not detected after merger and acquisition events. Events of this nature do not promote changes in the short-term value of the company, in the cases of large and publicly traded Brazilian private higher education companies. Implications: The announcement of a merger or acquisition process has wide repercussions in the media and attracts the attention of investors that aims to gain abnormal earnings from anticipated post-merger value creation. This study showed that the potential gain in value does not always occur or is reflected in the stock prices of the companies involved, in the short term.
Analysis of the impact of Fies on the stock returns from the higher education sector
Revista Contabilidade & Finanças, 2019
This article aims to analyze if the issuance of Series E Treasury Bonds (CFT-Es) generates abnormal returns in a higher education stock portfolio and verify if the Brazilian higher education market is efficient in its semi-strong form. The main purpose of CFT-Es is to transfer funds to institutions with the aim of providing finance to students enrolled in private universities. These issuances have effects on the capital market, considering that after the program began, the first initial public offering (IPO) of a Brazilian university occurred. Moreover, according to the National Institute for Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira/Ministry of Education and Culture (Inep/MEC), Brazil has the largest market for higher education in Latin America. Several studies have been conducted to analyze the relationship between monetary policy and financial markets, but this has not occurred within the scope of fiscal policy. Such research is appropriate, considering the discussion on t...