П. Георгиев, П. Лещаков, М. Иванова, Р. Комп, И. Петри, К. Димитров. ГЕОМАГНИТНО ПРОУЧВАНЕ НА МНОГОСЛОЕН ОБЕКТ В М. ЮРТЛУКА, ЗЕМЛИЩЕ НА С. ЦАРЕВЦИ, ОБЩИНА АВРЕН. - Археологически открития и разкопки през 2016. София 2017, 739-741.

The geomagnetic survey was conducted with a 16-sensor geomagnetic survey system Magneto MX v2, property of the German Archaeological Institute. A 26 ha section of the site was covered, including the complete fortification and the adjoining area to the N, E and SE. The survey documented an outer fortification wall, rectangular in plan, encompassing an area of c. 8.6 ha. In front of the fortification wall there is a 4 m wide ditch with size of c. 360 x 290 m. The inner fortification is clearly visible in the NE section of the surveyed area. It has an elongated rectangular plan oriented E-W and measures 122 x 82 m (c. 1.2 ha). The walls reached width of 2.5 m and were probably constructed with stone blocks. A large number of anomalies in the interior of this fortification indicate most likely the remains of buildings. To the E-SE of the fortification were documented traces of 2 rectangular structures, the western one disturbing the ditch, as well as isolated circular anomalies.

Totko Stoyanov, Rumen Mikov, Tanya Dzhanfezova. Early Hellenistic tumulus near the village of Kabyle, Yambol district. - Bulgarian е-Journal for Archaeology (Бе-JА), 2013, 2, 245–314. (in Bulgarian, English summary)

A b s t r a c t In the summer of 2009, rescue excavations of a tumulus were conducted in relation to the construction of the 'Thrace' motorway. The tumulus was located to the northeast of the village of Kabyle, Yambol district and it is known as the Big Tumulus (Golyamata mogila) among the locals. Only one grave was uncovered in the northeastern part of the mound. It is of a pyre-grave type, not particularly common for pre-Roman Thrace. The deceased has been placed on a wooden bed construction in the pyre together with his personal belongings and armor. The observations made in the course of excavations point to the conclusion that most of the inventory has been put in the pyre during the quenching of the fire by soil, after which, the piling of the primary mound began. Probably wine was used in this ritual, as revealed by an extant Thasos amphora. The armor consists of a sword and more than ten spearheads with butt-spikes. A bronze horse-bit, parts of a gold laurel wreath and more than one wreath with gilded leaves and fruits, two iron strigilae and not the least, a golden stater of Phillip II type have also been documented. Most probably, the coin was put in the mouth of the dead as a Charon obolus. The pyre-grave should be dated to the 30s or 20s of the 4 th c. BC., and could be interpreted as a funeral of an officer from the Macedonian garrison of the town of Kabyle. K e y w o r d s

Светлана АНДРУХ, Геннадий ТОЩЕВ. КУРГАН У Г. ТОКМАК (ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ 2011 Г. // Revista Arheologică, serie nouă, vol. VIII, nr. 1-2, 2012, p. 121-136

Tumulul de lângă or. Tokmak (investigaţiile din anul 2011). Autorii introduc în circuitul ştiinţific materialele tumulului din preajma or. Tokmak, reg. Zaporož'e, Ucraina, investigat în anul 2011. Mantaua de formă cvasiovală, cu înălţimea de 1 m şi diametrele de 40x32 m, a fost ridicată deasupra M.9, atribuit culturii Jamnaja. Ulterior au fost efectuate înmormântările nr.7, 8 şi 10 aparţinând aceleiaşi culturi, mai târziu – cele cu nr.3-6,12 şi 13 din perioada culturii Katakombnaja, toate amplasate în cerc în jurul centrului tumulului, cu o distanţare la nord. Dintre aceste morminte se pot deosebi unele mai timpurii (nr. 5-6,12-13), altele mai târzii (nr. 3-4). Complexele funerare nr.11 şi 14 pot fi atribuite epocii bronzului. Cronologic, a urmat M.2 aparţinând sarmaţilor şi M.1, cuman. Inventarul mormintelor se încadrează în standardele obişnuite pentru acest teritoriu. Materialele arheologice recuperate în procesul cercetării tumulului, în linii generale, corespund antichităţilor descoperite în lunca r. Moločnaja prin săpăturile din anii 1951-1952. Публикация вводит в научный оборот материалы кургана у г. Токмак Запорожской области раскопанного в 2011 г. Насыпь подовальной формы, высотой 1 м, диаметрами 40 х 32 м, возведена над ямным погребением №9. Позже в нее были впущены ямные же захоронения № 7-8, 10, катакомбные № 3-6, 12-13, расположенные по кругу вокруг центра с разрывом на севере. Среди них выделяются ранние (№ 5, 6, 12, 13) и более поздние (№ 3-4). Захоронения 11 и 14 в целом могут быть отнесены к эпохе бронзы. Последующие по времени захоронения принадлежат сарматам (п.2) и половцам (п.1). Набор инвентаря стандартный для погребальных комплексов этой территории. Материалы иссле-дованного кургана в целом соответствуют разновременным древностям, выявленным в пойме р. Молочной более ранними раскопками (1951-1952 гг). A tumulus near Tokmak town (excavations of the field season2011). The article presents a description of artifacts from the tumulus near Tokmak town of Zaporojie region, excavated during the field season of 2011. The mound is sub-oval shaped, 1 m high, diameters 40 x 32 m, situated over the pit burial Nr. 9. Later, pit burials Nr. 7-8, and 10, and catacomb burials Nr. 3-6, 12-13 were introduced. Those accessory burials are arranged in a circle around the center with a break in the north. The burials 11 and 14 belong to the Bronze age. Younger burials belong to belong Sarmatians (m. 2) and Kipchaks (m.1). A set of standard equipment for the funerary complexes of the territory is reported. Archaeological implements of the studied mound generally correspond to the antiquities of various ages and cultures discovered earlier (1951-1952) in the valley of Molochnaia River.


The present article is devoted to the burial complex of Kurgan No. 8 from Kovalyovka Cemetery located in the south of the Volga-Don interfluve, in the basin of the Aksay Yesaulovsky river. In the center of the burial mound surrounded by a circular ditch, archaeologists uncovered an empty grave pit without any skeletal remains or grave goods. In the peripheral part of the burial mound, an interesting Middle Sarmatian female burial was investigated. Grave goods found in this burial include mainly imported things: a pitcher, a red-lacquered platter, a fragment of a mirror pendant, a Roman fibula. They highlight the direction of trade and economic relations of the Volga-Don steppe Sarmatians in the 1st – early 2nd centuries AD. The article hypothesizes that the location of the graves in the middle and in the periphery of the kurgan could be a special ritual typical of high-status burial complexes in the Middle Sarmatian culture and in the initial stage of the Late Sarmatian culture.