Archival Theory and the Dutch Manual

Archivaria, 1996

Theodore Van Riemsdijk, Archiviste gtntral d '~t a t de la Hollande entre 1887 et 1912, des fondements de la thtorie archivistique, par I'observation et I'analyse minutieuse des phtnomhes d'organisation en utilisant son expertise en diplomatique afin de comprendre le processus de crtation des documents avant de se tourner vers la mtthodologie archivistique. Cependant, Muller et Fruin favoriskrent une approche normative de la mtthodologie archivistique, laquelle ttait codifite dans le manuel. Cette codification et cette standardisation, ttapes du processus de professionnalisation des archivistes hollandais ont bloqut le dtveloppement de la thtorie archivistique pour un long moment. La science archivistique moderne tente, comme I'avait dtj2 compris Van Riemsdijk, une interprttation fonctionnelle du contexte entourant la crtation des documents dans le but de comprendre I'inttgritC du fonds et les fonctions des archives.

The Dutch Association of Archivists Marks Its Centennial

The American Archivist, 1990

The founding of the Dutch Association of Archivists (VAN) in June 1891 was related to developments in the organization of public records in the Netherlands at the end of the nineteenth century. That organization, which continues today, is described by the author. The role of the Dutch association, especially in the commissioning of a manual to provide practical interpretation of archival principles, and in the drafting of the first and subsequent Dutch national archives laws, is also discussed.

Current developments in the archival network in the Netherlands

Arhivski Vjesnik, 2000

UDK 930.25(492)(091) Izlaganje sa znanstvenog skupa Rad daje kraću povijest arhiva i bavi se suvremenim razvojem arhivske mreže u Nizozemskoj, gdje postoje tri razine javne uprave: država, provincija i municipij. Početkom 19. stoljeća u Haagu je osnovan Nacionalni arhiv. Mnogi su stari gradovi imali svoje vlastite arhive, a u jedanaest glavnih gradova provincija posto jala su provincijska spremišta za arhivsko gradivo prethodnika provincija. U razdo blju od 1877. do 1888. godine država je preuzela provincijske arhive. Jedini je ra zlog preuzimanja bila želja da se osigura zaštita regionalne arhivske baštine.

Changes in archives' philosophy and functions at the turn of the 20th/21st centuries

In the last 20-30 years the archives in Europe have undergone tremendous changes. Although the archives have always been ever changing but the changes have accelerated in the 1980s. Nowadays the archives have different requirements, way of thinking and values, they act and react differently as 30 years ago, i.e. they have a different philosophy. The new philosophy can be described in a few words: popularisation, transparency, openness, market approach, media culture and information-centricity.

A New Paradigm of Archival Science

Journal of Social Research

Archival science as a discipline that studies the management and maintenance of archives has existed for a long time. However, with the development of information and communication technology, as well as the demands of increasingly complex information needs, the old paradigm of archival science needs to be updated. Therefore, this research was conducted to identify and explain the new paradigm of archival science that is relevant to the times. The purpose of this study is to study and analyze the dynamics of Archival Science by looking at the development and progress of Science and technology, especially information and communication technology which is growing very rapidly. The research method used is a qualitative approach through literature studies, observation and observation of archival and archival phenomena. Analysis and discussion of the phenomenon of archives and archives in Indonesia shows changes in thoughts, attitudes and behaviors of the apostolic community so that ther...