The EU, International Order, and the European Social Model (in Japanese) (original) (raw)

From Alien to Backward: Reconceptualizing Difference in Modern Japan (特集 共生の可能性と限界プロジェクト) -- (多文化主義)


1 はじめに 渡辺公三 3 開発事業にともなう社会影響評価 (Social Impact Assessment)の手法 岩崎・グッドマン まさみ 25 土地所有にかかわる「伝統」と「近代」の相克をめぐる 幾つかの論点について─メキシコ・チアパスの事例を参照項に─ 崎山政毅 41 「先住民共同体」はいかに「構築」されたのか? ―ニカラグア;1880~1920― 佐々木祐 55 コンゴ東北部イトゥリ地方における民族間対立と土地問題 澤田昌人 69 先住民と「土地」―大地をめぐる言説と現状― スチュアート ヘンリ 79 墓を通じた土地と人との関係についての小論 ―韓国・済州道の墓地管理活動「伐草」の事例から― L村竜平 97 グァテマラのマヤ系先住民と荒蕪地 ―現地調査の成立と「伝統的共同体」の分節に関する覚書― 中田英樹 115 アメリカ人類学の発生現場を検証する ―モーガンとインディアン「土地問題」へのメモ― 渡辺公三

Usefulness of JapanSCORE^|^mdash;Comparative Study of the Usefulness of the JapanSCORE and the Logistic EuroSCORE

Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery, 2013

Risk analysis models are becoming more important in various aspects of the clinical setting. We have used the logistic EuroSCORE as a risk analysis model, but there is divergence between the model and actual clinical reality in our country. The Japan Score is a risk model based on the Japan Adult Cardiovascular Surgery Database and it is considered to be better reflect from Japanese clinical results. We compared the logistic EuroScore(ES)and Japan Score(JS)and their predictive accuracy, using our clinical results. Between October 2006 and June 2011, 733 operations suitable for evaluation by the Japan Score were performed at our institute. Isolated coronary artery bypass grafting(CABG)was 94 2012 年 5 月 11 日受付,2012 年 9 月 26 日採用 Corresponding author : Nobuhiro Umehara 東京女子医科大学心臓血管外科 〒 162-8666 東京都新宿区河田町 8-1 performed in 151 cases, valve surgery(Valve)in 346 cases and aortic surgery(Aorta)in 236 cases. In these cases we calculated 30-day mortality using the EuroSCORE and JapanSCORE and compared the results and prediction accuracy, by calculating the receiver operating characteristic curve(ROC curve) and the area under the ROC curve(AUC). We also calculated 30-day mortality and morbidity by the JapanSCORE and analyzed it by the same method. In the entire group, logistic 30-day mortality by ES and JS was 7.28 and 4.05% respectively. The AUC was 0.740 and 0.806, while 30-day mortality and morbidity calculated by JS was 17.72% and the AUC was 0.646. In the CABG group the 30-day mortality by ES and JS was 5.7 and 3.18% respectively, the AUC was 0.636 and 0.770, the 30-day mortality and morbidity was 13.37% and the AUC was 0.631. In the Valve group 30-day mortality by ES and JS was 6.00 and 3.79% respectively. The AUC was 0.715 and 0.794, 30-day mortality and morbidity was 17.54% and the AUC was 0.606. In the Aorta group 30-day mortality was 10.17 and 4.99% respectively. The AUC was 0.720 and 0.827. The 30-day mortality and morbidity was 20.83% and the AUC was 0.640. The 30-day mortality calculated by JS was significantly lower than that of ES(p<0.001). The prediction accuracy of both of the ES and the JS was satisfactory but the prediction accuracy of JS was better than that of the ES. The prediction accuracy of the logistic 30-day mortality and morbidity were not as accurate as 30day mortality. JS was a good risk analysis model not only for prediction of surgical results but also for improving surgical outcome.

ヨーロッパに多言語主義は浸透しているか : ユーロバロメーター2001,2005,2012からの考察


En s'appuyant sur les conclusions du Conseil européen de Barcelone en 2002, l'Union Européenne a encouragé depuis cette date, par des moyens divers et multiples, une éducation linguistique basée sur le multilinguisme. Dans cette étude, nous avons considéré la pénétration du multilinguisme en Europe à partir de l'analyse des résultats de l'Eurobaromètre, sondage d'opinion publique réalisé pour la Commission européenne, de 2001, 2005 et 2012. Après examen des résultats, il semble possible d'affirmer que la conscience citoyenne sur l'importance du multilinguisme s'élève graduellement, surtout du point de vue économique. D'un autre côté, il apparaît aussi que cette prise de conscience ne s'est pas encore étendue aux aspects pratiques de la question, comme par exemple le nombre et le niveau de langues acquises, ou la fréquence et les situations d'utilisation de celles-ci. Face à cette réalité, ce que doit être la politique de l'enseignement des langues nécessite d'être mis en question dans tous les aspects de l'éducation scolaire et adulte.