Contribution of mental training to the improvement of sports performance (original) (raw)
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Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2015
Problem Statement: tests were applied on athletes aged between 11 ± 5 and 15 ± 3. The group of athletes is part of the Romanian Olympic Judo team and ski groups of sports clubs in Gheorgheni (HR), Baia-Sprie (MM), Topliţa (HR), Sibiu (SB) and Petrosani (HD). Purpose of Study: through this study, we analyse the correlations between the three psychological processes: emotional distress, attention and anxiety. Methods: the methods we have applied contain the following tests: AMconcentration and attention, AD-distributive attention, AP-perceptive attention, EMAS-emotional distress, PDEanxiety. These were the initial tests we have used as starting points in our research. The purpose was to increase the sports performance through the application of mental training techniques. Findings and Results: to compare the scores / ranks on cognitive tests applied to the two groups of athletes, we have used nonparametric Mann-Whitney test (U) for unpaired samples. Materiality was α = 0.05 (5%), α = 0.01 (1%) or α = 0.001. To detect the correlation between two quantitative variables, we continued by using the Spearman rank correlation coefficient of (ρ). The analysis of correlation between coefficients was performed using Colton's rule. Polynomial regression was the method used to derive the mathematical equation of dependence of a continuous variable by another variable. Conclusions and Recommendations: the comparative analysis of the cognitive test scores applied on studied groups with statistical significance revealed positive correlations; except for the group ski EMAS, where the test values were negative.
Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Sportmenlik Düzeylerinin İncelenmesi
İnönü Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 2020
Bu çalışmada, lisans düzeyinde spor eğitiminin alan ve alamayan örgün üniversite öğrencilerinin demografik değişkenlere göre sportmenlik düzeyleri ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmaya, seçkisiz örneklem yöntemlerinden kolayda örnekleme yoluyla belirlenen 118 erkek (%59) ve 82 kadın (%41) olmak üzere toplam 200 üniversite öğrencisi katılmıştır. Veri toplama araçları olarak Çok Boyutlu Sportmenlik Yönelim ölçeği ile katılımcıların demografik özellikleri tanımlamak için 5 adet soru yöneltilmiştir. Verilerin analizinde demografik değişkenleri tanımlamak için frekans değeri testleri ve iki bağımsız grup arasında fakın belirlenmesi için, Mann-Whitney u testi uygulanmıştır. Analizler neticesinde Mann-Whitney testinde hem ölçek genelinde hem de ölçeğin alt boyutlarının hepsinde kadın katılımcılar ve erkek katılımcılar arasında sportmenlik düzeylerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark olmadığı görülmemiştir. Ayrıca gerçekleştirilen Mann-Whitney testinde hem ölçek genelinde hem de ölçeğin alt boyutlarının hepsinde okul düzeyinde Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi (SBF) ' nin sportmenlik düzeyi Yabancı Diller Yüksekokulu (YDY)' na göre istatistiksel olarak yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ek olarak 1. Ve 3. Sınıflar ile 1. Ve 4. sınıflar arasında gerçekleştirilen Mann-Whitney testi neticesinde 3.sınıf öğrencileri ile 4.sınıf öğrencilerinin sportmenlik düzeyi istatiksel olarak anlamlı olduğu görülmüştür. Lisans düzeyinde alınan spor eğitiminin sportmenlik ya da centilmenlik düzeyinde pozitif yönde etki ettiği düşünülebilir.
The purpose of this research was to determine the relationships between performance of agility T-test and selected physical fitness measures as indicators of performance in elite adolescent handball players. These measures included, explosive power of the lower limbs (PP LL) forcevelocity test, jumping, sprinting abilities (velocities of the first step VS and the first 5 m V5). Performance of agility T-test was closely related to with the forcevelocity test to PP LL. Significant relationships were observed between total time of agility Ttest and (SJ) and (CMJ). Agility T-test is also positively related to (VS) and (V5). In conclusion, the agility T-test is much correlated with the majority of specific qualities determining the activity of handball, and could be used to evaluate the familiar potential athletic performances in adolescent handball players. Хермаси Сухаил, Фатхлун Мурад, Щелли Мохамед Сухаил, Бен Себаа Абделкрим. Взаимосвязь между ловкостью двигательных действии (T-test) и некоторыми показателями физической подготовленности у юных гандболистов. Целью этого исследования было определить отношения между оценкой ловкости двигательных действии (опрелена T-test) и некоторыми показателями физической подготовленности у юных гандболистов. Эти показатели включают в себя, взрывная сила нижней конечности (PP LL) определенна оценкой скоростной силы, прыжками вверх (плиометрические SJ и CMJ), спринтерскими способностями (скорости бега на первом шаге VS и на 5-ом шаге V5). Показатели ловкости (T-test) тесно связаны со скоростно-силовыми результатами на (PP LL). Были замечены существенные взаимоотношения между общим временим (T-test) с результатами (SJ) и (CMJ). Оценка ловкости (T-test) также положительно относится к (VS) и (V5). В заключении, ловкость двигательных действий (T-test) значительно коррелируется с большинством особых качеств, определяющие игровую деятельность гандбола, и может использоваться как оценка специфического потенциала физических возможностей у юных гандболистов. Хермасі Сухан, Фатхлун Мурад, Щеллі Мохамед Сухан, Бен Себа Абделкрім. Взаємозв'язок між спритністю рухових дій (T-test) і деякими показниками фізичної підготовленості у юних гандболістів. Метою цього дослідження було визначити відносини між оцінкою спритності рухових дії (попрілості t-test) і деякими показниками фізичної підготовленості у юних гандболістів. Ці показники включають у себе, вибухову силу нижньої кінцівки (ppll) визначену оцінкою швидкісної сили, стрибками вгору (плиометрическом sj і cmj), спринтерськими здібностями (швидкості бігу на першому кроці vs і на 5-му кроці v5). Показники спритності (t-test) тісно пов'язані зі швидкісно-силовими результатами на (ppll). Були помічені істотні взаємовідносини між загальним часом (t-test) з результатами (sj) і (cmj). Оцінка спритності (t-test) також позитивно відноситься до (vs) і (v5). У висновку, спритність рухових дій (t-test) значно корелюється з більшістю особливих якостей, що визначають ігрову діяльність гандболу, і можуть використовуватися як оцінка специфічного потенціалу фізичних можливостей у юних гандболістів.
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, 2023
Special tests are test instruments used to select prospective students and see their motor abilities to be able to take part in sports practice lectures at the Faculty of Sports Science, Padang State University. However, the lecture scores in the athletic practice course were relatively low for 2 academic sessions, causing various assumptions that the special tests carried out in selecting prospective students played a less role. This study aims to determine the relationship between the results of special tests with the learning outcomes of basic athletic practices of students majoring in coaching at the Faculty of Sports Science. This study uses a correlational research design. The instrument used to obtain data on the results of special tests is through the wall pass test, Basket Ball Throw, Standing Broad Jump, and Obstacle Race, furthermore, the learning outcomes of basic athletic practices through data on the learning outcomes of basic athletic courses for 1 semester. The subject of this research was conducted on sports coaching students of the Faculty of Sports Science, Padang State University with sampling techniques using saturated sampling so that a sample of 39 students who were taking basic athletic courses was obtained. As a result of data verification, only 33 students were used for analysis calculations. Based on the results of the correlation test of special tests with the results of running 100 meters, it was found that the significant value is 0.000 <0.05, which means that there is a significant relationship between special tests and running results in students. The results of special tests with the results of throwing discs are known to have a significant value of 0.000 <0.05, so there is a significant relationship between special tests and the results of throwing discs in students. Furthermore, special tests with basic athletic results found a significance value of 0.000 <0.05, so there is a significant relationship between special tests and basic athletic results in students. The results of this study provide evidence that there is a significant relationship between the results of special tests and the learning outcomes of basic athletic practices in FIK UNP students.
Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology, 2019
Alkol ve madde bağımlılığının bilişsel işlevler üzerinde olumsuz etkileri olduğunu gösteren araştırmalar mevcuttur. Bu çalışmanın amacı kişinin bağımlılık türü, kullandığı madde ve bağımlılık şiddeti ile nöropsikolojik testlerdeki performansı arasındaki ilişkiyi inceleyerek madde kullanım özelliklerinin bilişsel performansla ilişkili olup olmadığı sorusuna cevap aramaktır. Bu amaçla, bir psikososyal destek merkezine başvuran kişilerden klinik ilk görüşmesi sırasında BAPİ-K sorularını yanıtlayan ve örneklem kriterlerini karşılayan ve çalışmaya katılmayı kabul eden kişilere Beck Depresyon Ölçeği, Stroop Testi, Barratt Dürtüsellik Ölçeği ve İz Sürme Testi uygulanmıştır. Katılımcıların bağımlılık şiddetleri ile Stroop testindeki süre farkları arasında anlamlı farklılık bulunmuştur, F(2,78)= 4.41, p<.05. İz Sürme testi B formunu tamamlama süresi ile bağımlılık şiddeti farklı olan katılımcılar arasında anlamlı farklılık olduğu görülmüştür, χ²(2)= 8.59, p<.05. Sonuç olarak; alkol ve madde bağımlısı kişilerin bağımlılık şiddetinin nöropsikolojik test performansı ile ilişkili olduğu görülmüştür. Bulgular kaynaklar ışığında tartışılmıştır. Konuyla ilgili kapsamlı ve genellenebilir veriler ortaya koyabilmek için boylamsal çalışmalar yapılması gerektiği düşünülmektedir.
Application of Different Statistical Tests in Educational Research: An Overview
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2018
Statistics is a branch of science that deals with the collection, organization, and analysis of data and drawing of inferences from the samples to the whole population. The subject Statistics is widely used in almost all fields like Biology, Botany, Commerce, Medicine, Education, Physics, Chemistry, Bio-Technology, Psychology, Zoology etc. While doing research in the above fields, the researchers should have some awareness in using the statistical tools which helps them in drawing rigorous and good conclusions. Major objectives of the present study was to know application of different statistical test in educational research, to identify basic statistical test used in educational research like t-test, z-test, ANOVA, MANOVA, ANCOVA, Chisquare test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Mann-Whitney test, Wilcoxon signed rank sum test, Kruskal-Wallis test, Jonckheere test and Friedman test and to know the different statistical software used in educational research like Statistical Package for the ...
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015
Problem Statement: tests were applied on athletes aged between 11 ± 5 and 15 ± 3. The group of athletes are part of the Romanian Olympic Judo team and ski groups of sports clubs in Gheorgheni (HR), Baia-Sprie (MM), Topliţa (HR), Sibiu (SB) and Petrosani (HD). Purpose of Study: through this study, we analyse the correlations between the three psychological processes: emotional distress, attention and anxiety. Methods: The methods we have applied contain the following tests: AMconcentration and attention, AD-distributive attention, AP-perceptive attention, EMAS-emotional distress, PDE-anxiety. These were the initial tests we have used as starting points in our research. The purpose was to increase the sports performance through the application of mental training techniques. Findings and Results: to compare the scores / ranks on cognitive tests applied to the two groups of athletes, we have used nonparametric Mann-Whitney test (U) for unpaired samples. Materiality was α = 0.05 (5%), α = 0.01 (1%) or α = 0.001. To detect the correlation between two quantitative variables, we continued by using the Spearman rank correlation coefficient of (ρ). The analysis of correlation between coefficients was performed using Colton's rule. Polynomial regression was the method used to derive the mathematical equation of dependence of a continuous variable by another variable. Conclusions and Recommendations: The comparative analysis of the cognitive test scores applied on studied groups with statistical significance revealed positive correlations; except for the group ski EMAS, where the test values were negative.
A study of variations in an athlete's reaction time performance based on the types of stimulus
The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference in the reaction time responses of an athlete based on various types of stimuli. Reaction time is duration between applications of a stimulus to onset of response. The present study was measured reaction time in 197 athletes, for the comparison in groups which were into 3 categories 1. Gender wise (Female and Male), 2. Game wise (Individual and Team), 3.) and correlation was done between the group based on the 3 tests. The VRT, SRT and ViRT was measured by the Jerry (Version: 0.6.4) software. During the reaction time testing visual, sound and tactile stimuli were given for five times and average reaction time after omitting highest and lowest reaction time, was taken as the final reaction time. Results suggest that a comparison was done between the performance of male and female athletes and no significant difference was seen in their performance in all the three test. Similarly a comparison was also done based on athletes playing a team and individual game and a significant difference was seen in all the three test (VRT: F = 11.538, p = 0.001); (SRT: F = 8.546, p = 0.004); (ViRT: F = 27.240, p = 0.001). Further a comparison was also done based on the standard in which the athletes study and it was seen that there is significant difference in two of test (VRT: F = 4.287, p = 0.001); (ViRT: F = 5.434, p = 0.001). Co-relational analysis was also done based on gender, and a significant negative correlation was found in females VRT and SRT (r =-.285, p = .001) and the males showed a significantly positive correlation in VRT and ViRT (r = .243, p = .001) and a significant negative correlation in SRT and ViRT (r =-.353, p = .001). Further, the correlation done based on individual and team game. A significant negative correlation was found in individual game athletes VRT and SRT (r =-.532, p = .001) and a positive correlation between SRT and ViRT (r = .104, p = .001). The team game athletes showed a significant negative correlation in SRT and ViRT (r =-.462, p = .001). The correlation was done based on standards athletes. It was seen that in 5 th standard a significant negative correlation was found between SRT and ViRT (r =-.764, p = .001), in 6 th standard a significant negative correlation was found in VRT and SRT (r =-.554, p = .001), in 7 th standard a significant negative correlation was found between VRS and SRS (r =-.396, p = .001), and SRT and ViRT (r =-.381, p = .001). There was no correlation found in 8 th standard. In 9 th standard a significant negative correlation was found in SRT and ViRT (r =-.446, p = .001). In 10 th standard a significant negative correlation was found in VRT and SRT (r =-.554, p = .001).
study. Besides that, Sports Performance Questionnaire also
Anxiety, as negative emotion, affect perceptions in sports competitions, where a large majority of athletes consider anxiety to be debilitative towards performance, which may result in decreases in performance. Several researches on anxiety among athletes indicated that athletes take drugs to combat anxiety and enhance performance. There are many researches indicating that relaxation techniques benefits athletes by enhancing self-confidence, concentration, performance, reducing anxiety and stress, blood pressure as well as muscle tense. The aim of this research was to find the correlation between different kinds of relaxation techniques and sports performance. The sample consisted of 122 athletes. The sample was drawn from athletes who competed in Sports