Culturicon model: A new model for cultural-based emoticon (original) (raw)

A New Model for Cultural-Based Emoticon in Distributed Collective Interaction via CMC

— Emoticons have become the prominent language, especially in distributed collective interaction via computer-mediated communication. This is because emoticons are capable to avoid misunderstanding of the message content, save the attention to optimum and improved the communications among different native speakers. However, as emoticons been widely used in distributed collective interaction where the participants may come from different geography and culture, the study of emoticons in cultural perspective are still less. Besides that, there are also demand for the cultural-based emoticons to be developed particularly for culture that are different from the culture of developer. Since emoticons are crucial in global communication, culture should be one of the extensively research aspect in distributed collective interaction. Therefore, this study attempt to explore and develop model for cultural-based emoticon by utilizing the 3 cultural models that have been used in Human Computer Interaction studies which are the Hall Culture Model, Trompenaars and Hampden Turner Culture Model and Hofstede Culture Model.

Emoticon Style: Interpreting Differences in Emoticons Across Cultures

AAAI International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media, 2013

Emoticons are a key aspect of text-based communication, and are the equivalent of nonverbal cues to the medium of online chat, forums, and social media like Twitter. As emoticons become more widespread in computer mediated communication, a vocabulary of different symbols with subtle emotional distinctions emerges especially across different cultures. In this paper, we investigate the semantic, cultural, and social aspects of emoticon usage on Twitter and show that emoticons are not limited to conveying a specific emotion or used as jokes, but rather are socio-cultural norms, whose meaning can vary depending on the identity of the speaker. We also demonstrate how these norms propagate through the Twitter @-reply network. We confirm our results on a large-scale dataset of over one billion Tweets from different time periods and countries.

The Faces of Messenger Emoticons in the Virtual Communication


The present study examines the virtual communication-related habits on Yahoo Messenger, focusing especially on the role of the potentially emotion expressing icons in the online speech. The basis of the research consists of structured i nterviews that are completed by spontaneous instant messaging conversations of which three are presented in the paper. The interview subjects/discussion partners are individuals in th eir twenties, most of them are graduates. Apart from rating the emotico ns into categories, the study - inter alia - seeks answers to the following questions: what kind of general and individual meanings are associated with the emoticons by the users of the Messenger, how do smileys complete written communication, furthermore what does their presence indi cate regarding the relationship between discussion partners.


Meaning is described as "the system of mental representations of an object or phenomenon, its properties and associations with other objects and/or phenomena." For human beings, meaning is reflected in the form of sensory information, images and concepts.” (Bedny & Karwowsky, 2004). It is either denotative or connotative. Connotation basically includes: pragmatic and semiotic levels. Connotation and denotation are often described in terms of levels of representation or levels of meaning. Roland Barthes adopted from Louis Hjelmslev the notion that there are different orders of signification (Barthes, 1957; & Hjelmslev, 1961 in Herring, 2009). The first order of signification is that of denotation: at this level there is a sign consisting of a signifier and a signified. Connotation is a second-order of signification which uses the denotative sign (signifier and signified) as its signifier and attaches to it an additional signified. In this framework connotation is a sign which derives from the signifier of a denotative sign (so denotation leads to a chain of connotations). For most semioticians both denotation and connotation entail the use of codes. Structural semioticians who highlight the relative arbitrariness of signifiers and social semioticians who stress multiplicity of interpretation and the importance of cultural and historical contexts are hardly likely to accept the notion of a 'literal' meaning. The denotative meaning of a sign would be broadly agreed upon by members of the same culture, whereas 'nobody is ever taken to task because their connotations are incorrect', so no inventory of the connotative meanings generated by any sign could ever be complete, just because they are language specific. (Bamard, 1996 in Herring, 2009) The present research paper relies on the social semioticians' concept with the null hypothesis that emoticons are interpreted in the cultural and historical contexts of any specific language. Methodology is of qualitative research type and the technique favored for data collection is field notes and diaries. Participants in the project included two post graduate candidates, each comprising 16 tech literate students. Students in group A were TEFL majored and those in group B were majored in Persian literature. They were asked to communicate through emoticons, while storing them in databases already developed to that end. Data elicitation was basically based on e-mailing system and the databases. The candidates were given positive feedback for developing novel, identifiable, comprehensive and mutually exclusive emoticons. This process was continued for one semester. Number and exactness of emoticons saved in each candidate’s database and the usage made out of them were effective factors in data analysis. The qualitative analysis of the results, which were tabularized, significantly rejects the null hypothesis. Discussion: Based on the finding, it is safe to say that the students’ field of study does not affect the semiotic interpretation and understanding of the connotative meaning of emoticons. The performance

Culturicon Design Model for Social Mobile Application

International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM)

The usage of emoticon in computer-mediated communication has been growing rapidly among users, especially in social media. Emoticon has been used to express feelings, emotions, gestures, actions and places. Despite the growing number of emoticon users around the world, study on the cultural elements of the emoticon is still lacking. This research aims to propose a model for the development of Culturicon, which is Cultural-Based Emoticon. In doing so, a verification process must be done to the proposed model to ensure that the model is well verified. Expert review method was used for the verification method. Experts from the field of Human-Computer Interaction, User Experience and cultural study especially the academicians were chosen. In addition, application developer and graphic designer also were chosen as expert from the industry. The experts were approached by email and performed the verification by answering online questionnaire provided. The result obtained from these experts...

Research on Emoticons: Review of the Field and Proposal of Research Framework


Emoticons are string of symbols representing body language in text-based communication. In Natural Language Processing (NLP) emoticons have been considered as unnatural language entities. We argue that, in over 40-yearlong history of text based communication, emoticons have gained a status of an indispensable means of support for text based messages. This makes them fully a part of Natural rather than Unnatural Language Processing (UNLP). We argue further that the reason the emoticons have been ...

Analysis of Emoji and Emoticon Usage in Interpersonal Communication of Blackberry Messenger and WhatsApp Application User

International Journal of Social Sciences and Management, 2017

The aims of this research are: 1) to know the display of emoji and emoticon in Blackberry Messenger and WhatsApp application, 2) to know the usage of emoji and emoticon in Blackberry Messenger and WhatsApp application on interpersonal communication, and 3) to know the role of emoji and emoticon usage on interpersonal communication. In this research, the method used was qualitative research method. This research was based on media richness theory. Through the communication channel, the message will have high noise level so that it could be conveyed perfectly. Research results showed that emoji and emoticon have very important role in interpersonal communication. In media richness theory, Blackberry Messenger and WhatsApp media had fulfilled the criteria. 1) Ability of communication channel in conveying message signals such as facial expression, body movement, and vocal inflection; 2) Feedbacks are directly given by the message receiver as response to every chats, 3) Variety of langua...

Accentuating Illocutionary Forces: Emoticons as Speech Act Realization Strategies in a Multicultural Online Communication Environment

3L The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies, 2020

The global acceptance of emoticons has acknowledged the development of digital symbols in a communication setting when language alone can become a barrier in expressing certain intentions and feelings. This paper discusses how emoticons help indicate the illocutionary forces in texts and serve as part of various conversation strategies in the online communication environment. To achieve the research objective, a documentation of naturally occurring conversations on Facebook was made over a 12-month period to compile daily updates and conversations posted by youngsters in Malaysia. 120 online users were identified using a purposive sampling technique. A corpus of 324 362 words was established and processed. This whole set of naturally occurring conversation was then analysed based on Searle's (1976) five categorisations of illocutionary acts using Content Analysis and Wordsmith Tools 5.0. The findings demonstrate some emoticons that accentuated illocutionary forces of speech acts in the online communication environment. Discussion of the findings also explores the purposes and functions of emoticons in Malaysian digital communication platform and the way users of a multicultural society employ emotion-symbols to achieve social cohesion and embrace cultural diversity.

Emoticons and social interaction on the Internet: the importance of social context

Computers in Human Behavior, 2007

The present study examines the influence of social context on the use of emoticons in Internet communication. Secondary school students (N = 158) responded to short internet chats. Social context (task-oriented vs. socio-emotional) and valence of the context (positive vs. negative) were manipulated in these chats. Participants were permitted to respond with text, emoticon or a combination of both. Results showed that participants used more emoticons in socio-emotional than in task-oriented social contexts. Furthermore, students used more positive emoticons in positive contexts and more negative emoticons in negative contexts. An interaction was found between valence and kind of context; in negative, task-oriented contexts subjects used the least emoticons. Results are related to research about the expression of emotions in face-to-face interaction.


BMVR, 2023

With the advent of computer-mediated communication, the manner in which communication is engaged has totally changed globally. The existence of this form of communication via social media platforms has narrowed geographical barriers as communication can be exchanged with another individual a continent away from the sender. Besides the communication, the tool used for the communication is also salient and for this study, the focus was on emojis. The emoji is very popular in computer-mediated communication and has a lot of users. Therefore, the paper examined the effectiveness of the emoji as a communication tool. The theoretical underpinnings for the study was the symbolic interactionism. The survey method was adopted while 100 respondents (WhatsApp users) were selected for the study population. The findings of the study revealed that emojis that represent happy and joyful emotions are the most used by the respondents. Also, emojis are mostly used to express feelings and the symbolism of the emoji serves as a major factor in making it an effective communication tool. However, just like other tools for communication, the emoji is subject to ineffectiveness in communication through misrepresentation but at a minimal level. Overall, the emoji on WhatsApp is an effective tool for communication and it has improved the communication effectiveness on the platform as well as made the IM platform a prominent choice for communication.