Rationeel religieus geloof zonder argumenten.pdf (original) (raw)
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Before the Covid-19 crisis, churches organized many activities in church building, De Nieuwe Stad in Amsterdam Zuidoost, including serving free meals for everyone who wanted them. When this was no longer possible because of the Covid-19 measures, the international churches Treasures International Ministries and Maranatha Community Transformation Centre and Diaconie Evangelisch-Lutherse Gemeente Amsterdam decided to work together and start delivering meals to people’s houses. As one, relatively small project, operating alongside other aid initiatives, the meals project soon received many more enlistments than anticipated, and the Covid-19 crisis lasted longer than expected, which raised questions regarding the underlying needs and how to proceed in the long term. Together with researchers, they started a practical theological research project. On the basis of this project, that included action research, this article describes the meals project, its context and the research method tha...
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Scheiding van kerk en staat en de ontwikkeling van de kerk tot een zelfstandige geloofsgemeenschap
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This study describes how the interpretations, aspirations and school identity development of Islamic primary schools developed in the period 1988-2013. It gives an overview of the most important turning points for Islamic education and how these turning points have influenced identity development.In this study, the administrators and directors of Islamic primary schools who have at least 10 years of experience in identity development are interviewed. This research shows how complex and diverse the identity of Islamic primary schools is. The main internal and external factors and actors that have influenced the development of school identity are discussed. National and international events have led to a social debate in which the role of Islamic primary schools regarding the integration of Muslims has been questioned. Partly because of this negative attention, Islamic schools have changed from introverted to extroverted organisations. This discussion has also led to unequal treatment...