Smart City Development and Other Urban Development Programmes In India For Urban Reconstruction And Urban Rejuvenation (original) (raw)

Urban Development Through Smart Cities in India

International Journal of Civic Engagement and Social Change, 2016

India is on the path of developing its smart cities at a faster pace in near future. But what constitutes a smart city and what is purpose of this focus remains to be explored. Through in depth literature review and grounded approach this paper, appraises the genesis of smart city to develop a better understanding of urban problems. It explores how smart cities intend to relate the infrastructure, operational functioning, planning through management, control and optimization to ensure equity, fairness for realizing better quality of city life. The paper also attempts to review how informed participation creates shared knowledge for democratic governance. Anticipated paradigm shifts that will occur in this area of research and the expected impacts in developing and planning smart cities in general and in particular the steps being taken in India in development of smart cities is delved into.

Creation and Development of Smart City in India

IJERA, 2017

Smart city is an emerging concept. This concept is being used all over the world with different nomenclatures context & meanings. A smart city is a city that is well planned, and it provides the cost efficient services, environmental efficiency, and technological sound services for the welfare of the citizens. Smart solutions can be helpful in controlling the ever increasing population in the cities. The Smart Cities can be abbreviated as Sustainable Management Action Resource Tools for Cities. Smart cities is the latest concept when it comes to building the cities of the future. Smart cities are expected to be the key to combining sustainable future with continued economic growth and job creation. This paper emphasizing a review on "Creation and Development of Smart City in India." based on some scholastically reviewed research articles and online databases.


Cities are engines of economic growths, especially for a vast and developing country like India. As per the Census 2011, nearly 31 % of Indian population lives in urban areas and contributes 63 % of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). As the population India's shifts to urban territories, policymakers are pressed for answers to overcrowding, pollution, budget limitations, aging infrastructure, resource constraints and the requirement for continuing growth. India has recently committed to the development and construction of 100 Smart Cities to meet the demands of its rapidly growing and urbanizing population. This effort will include construction of new municipalities and renovation of existing cities as the rural population shifts into urban areas. Smart city concept can be used for transforming any city into a smart city. Smart cities have various overwhelming advantages & it a win –win situation for both, government & the citizens. Smart solutions can be helpful in controlling the ever increasing population in the cities. This paper focuses on the concept of Greater Warangal smart city on water, waste water, solid waste management, Health care, Transport as the Government of India launched the smart city project for developing 100 smart cities (now 98 smart cities) in the country and also concentrates on the challenges as well as the key areas for development of smart cities in India along with the case study of Greater Warangal smart city in Telangana State..

India’s Urban Challenges and Smart Cities: A Contemporary Study

Scholedge International Journal of Business Policy & Governance ISSN 2394-3351

After coming to power in 2014 Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government announced the ambitious programme of building 100 smart cities in India. The idea behind is to rejuvenate the ailing urban system, improve urban infrastructure, quality of life and achieve sustainable and inclusive development besides other things. Tremendous demographic pressure, inadequate infrastructure and resources to cater to the population which runs in billions, unplanned growth of the peri-urban sprawls characterize India's urban environment. Socioeconomic imperatives are the key factors behind the rapid urbanization in India. Livelihood, security and prosperity are some prime movers. Ironically, cities, which on the one hand are considered the growth engines of economy, also attract poverty (socio-economically marginalized population) in large proportion. Consequently posh urban sprawls in Indian cities exist amidst impoverished habitats called slums where the poor inhabitants are condemned to live in subhuman condition. Reconciling growing affluence and abject poverty in cities is a difficult task too. In the backdrop of India's urban challenges this paper seeks to examine some critical issues associated with the development of smart cities to understand: Will smart cities serve India's aspiration or fulfill its urban needs? Can it address the contemporary and future needs of India's urbanization? How will it ensure the participation of the urban stakeholders? How will it ensure social inclusion and finally, whether India needs smart cities or smart urban solutions for sustainable development?


Engineering Sciences International Research Journal, Volume 6, Issue-2, , 2016

As per the World Bank data for year 2015, 33% of Indian population lives in urban areas. Surprisingly, only 63% of this urban population has accessibility to improved sanitation facilities. By 2050, it is projected that, India will have the largest urban population in the world, of 1.6 Billion, followed by china with a population of 1.4 Billion. The adoption of mixed economy post independence resulting in development of public sector undertakings and private sector businesses played a major role in urbanization in India leading to rural urban migration. Hence to strategically accommodate and serve this increasing urban population there is a need of intelligent planning mechanism at both national and regional level which will require equal participation from all the stakeholders. An ideal city is one which has a tight knit urban structure with high density and medium rise buildings with immediate accessibility to key services to its residents via a well adopted public mobility system. The cities need to be adaptive to the changing environment quickly and intelligently and allow its built fabric to be more accommodating and flexible. The concept of smart cities first emerged during the last decade as a fusion of ideas about how information and communication technologies might improve the functioning of cities , enhancing their efficiency, improving their competitiveness and providing new ways in which problems of poverty , social deprivation and poor environment might be addressed. This paper will be discussing in detail how urban regeneration tools like Brownfield development, Infill development, and conservation of urban heritage, up-gradation and modernization of social and physical infrastructure through use of technology can help in making smart cities, with improved energy efficiency and decreasing ecological footprint.

Smart Cities for Sustainable Development in India: Opportunities and Challenges

European Journal of Sustainable Development

The concept of Sustainable development underlines the long lasting development of an economy by an efficient resource use fulfilling the economic, social and environmental aspects together. The SDGs by the UNDP focus on 17 goals for all countries to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity.The mission of Smart Cities in India is to promote cities that provide core infrastructure and give a decent quality of life to its citizens, a clean and sustainable environment and application of ‘Smart’ Solutions. The focus is on sustainable and inclusive development of the Mega cities, an indispensable outcome of the development process and urbanization implied in it. During the course of economic development over last 70 years in India, many cities have emerged as unsustainable and highly vulnerable to manmade calamities.This paper would elaborate on the details of Smart city project in India in the light of Sustainable development. The Smart citie...


Smart cities optimize the use of technology in the design and operation of infrastructure and buildings in a way which meets the current and future needs of their citizens. To be truly ‘smart’ they also require consideration of governance and growth, urban development and infrastructure, the environment and natural resources, society and community. Physical digital integration of infrastructure will be of utmost importance for the success and survival of the next generation of cities. From mandating the con struction of energy efficient buildings to create intelligent networks, cities are seeking to become “smarter

Analysis of Major Parameters of Smart Cities and their Suitability in Indian Context

The intent of the paper is to analyze major factors that influence making of a smart city. In today's' global networking scenario where everything thing is technology driven importance of Information and communication technology (ICT) cannot be undermined. They offer swift and real time information and are easily accessible. However, can the cities be labeled as smart just by improvising ICTS or there might be other parameters involved in making a city truly smart. The paper henceforth explores such possibilities of making a city smart by taking case studies of known cities/ neighborhoods that have optimized these standards for success. People participation in using these technologies and the user experience is one of the important considerations so that they are ready to experience a livable smart and organized city. Smart governance, smart planning, smart economy, smart mobility, smart environment and smart living are also the main highlights of the paper on which the case studies are based to analyze smart cities and provide important basis to emphasize if the proposed 100 smart cites in India can really rise-up to the level of smart city parameters and tell a success story. Is it only the ICTs that are responsible for making a city smart or a holistic approach is required? Are we smart enough to embrace a smart city? .

Smart City a Vision of India to Provide People with Better Lifestyle and Move towards a Sustainable Development


Urban transformation is very important with rapid migration taking place from rural to urban sector. Smart city mission which was launched in 2015 , is a revolutionary approach to reform and rebuild old cities and develop 100 satellites based cities which will provide maximum benefit to people at a minimum cost with better infrastructure and services , smart agriculture and smart health care system , the smart cities are environmentally friendly and runs on technology , provide housing for all , it will also help to end poverty and alleviate the issue of urban slums. Smart cities is an area based approach for which India also needs to upgrade its cyber infrastructure and provide digital education to its citizens , a collaborative approach by the state and central government will make India's smart city success. Decent cities which have no space left for accommodation is also rebuilding itself to make the standard of living better for people with sustainable development , promoting green economy , green energy and green funds .

Roll of Smart Cities in the Sustainable Development of India

Cities are engines of growth for the economy of every nation, including India. Nearly 31% of India's current population lives in urban areas and contributes 63% of India's GDP (Census 2011). With increasing urbanization, urban areas are expected to house 40% of India's population and contribute 75% of India's GDP by 2030. This requires comprehensive development of physical, institutional, social and economic infrastructure. All are important in improving the quality of life and attracting people and investments to the City, setting in motion a virtuous cycle of growth and development. Development of Smart Cities is a step in that direction. In the approach to the Smart Cities Mission, the objective is to promote cities that provide core infrastructure and give a decent quality of life to its citizens, a clean and sustainable environment and application of 'Smart' Solutions. The focus is on sustainable and inclusive development and the idea is to look at compact areas, create a replicable model which will act like a light house to other aspiring cities.