Software product lines adoption in small organizations (original) (raw)

Linhas de Produtos de Software: Uma tendência da indústria

Resumo Ao longo dos últimos anos uma nova abordagem de reuso de software tem ganhado atenção tanto pela indústria quanto pela academia. Esta abordagem é conhecida como Linhas de Produtos de Software na qual é baseada na reutilização sistemática de artefatos de software, através da exploração de pontos comuns ea gestão de variabilidade entre os produtos, que são estabelecidos sob uma mesma arquitetura.

A referencial model for small companies of development software


Abstract This article has as intention to present a proposal of a reference model for software development directed to small companies. Although the importance that represents the small companies who development software in Latin America, the fact of not to have models for its real necessities, has servant serious difficulties to improve its processes and also, in the quality certification.

Aplicação do método ágil scrum no desenvolvimento de produtos de software em uma pequena empresa de base tecnológica Implementation of scrum agile methodology in software product project in a small technology-based company

Gestão & produção, 2012

This study presents the result of an action research that was carried out in a small technology-based company, in which the Scrum agile methodology was applied in software product project. The company object of this research operates in Itajubá/MG, and its main products are software systems. Studies have shown that the software industry is inefficient and ineffective. Micro and small technology-based companies have an even greater challenge, considering their limited resources. Furthermore, traditional methods of software product development are expensive. Considering that the strategic importance of micro and small technology-based companies in regional development, Scrum should be compatible with their processes, so that they could become more competitive and reap its benefits The objective of this paper is to monitor and assist the implementation of Scrum agile methodology in new software product development in a small technology-based company to understand and measure the impact of the use of this methodology in the company. The final results of the research show that this methodology increased the team's motivation, reduced the cost, time, and risk of the project, and increased productivity. Therefore, with these results, the organization tends to be more competitive since a successful product development management is crucial to the success of a technology-based company.

Linhas de Produto de Software: riscos e vantagens de sua implantação


This paper presents the newly founded concept of Software product- lines engineering. It will hold special attention to the advantages and disadvantages of the model, as well as to the risks of its implementation. Finally, some models of viability assessment will be described and considerations to the researches being made will be presented. Resumo. Esse artigo abordará o conceito do

Aplicação de uma linha de produtos de software (LPS) no contexto de uma PME


A software product line (SPL), is a set of products which shares common features and are developed in a systematic way, from a set of software elements. The software development approaches based on SPL, have revolutionized the way that organizations make software engineering. Getting economies of scale, in the conception and distribution of new products, from the reuse of the SPL's software base elements and the instantiation of respective variants, is one of the main benefits in adopting this approach. In a SPL, the reference software architecture goes besides the dichotomy design/ code of traditional software architectures. Its documentation includes the SPL's software architecture representation and respective variability points, as well as the description of the products instantiation process. In a small and middle enterprise (SME), the human, technical and financial resources are scarce. The viability of the SPL implementation must be seen in a context of operational costs reduction and efficiency improvement of the software products production process. This work goal is the development and application of a methodology for SPL implementation and management, which is appropriate to the reality of a SME. The main contributions of the work done include: a) a methodology for the SPL implementation and management, appropriate to a SMB, which provides the definition of SPL software architecture based on a set of already existent products, b) the representation of SPL software architecture, supported by UML models and extended through an UML Profile, based on a 3+1 architecture perspectives: features, implementation and execution views. The (+1) view or "products view" is an instantiation of the other three views, in the particular context of the SPL or a specific product development, at a determined moment in the time. The proposed methodology was applied to ARQUO ™ solution, a real solution, in production in several organizations.

How Agile Methods Can Help Software Teams of Small and Medium Size Companies to Software Development Issues: A Research Proposal 1

Software teams often face difficulties to accomplish their work, such as ineffective communication and lack of coordination. These difficulties are frequently exacerbated in small and medium size companies due to the lack of qualified human resources and well defined working practices. At the same time, globalization has imposed additional challenges to software teams. Now they have to work in a faster pace and to accomplish higher quality products to better satisfy a competitive IT market. Agile methods aim to facilitate work in such new scenario. In this paper we present our research proposal to investigate how agile methods can help small and medium size companies to address software development issues. Our goal is twofold: we aim to map software development issues to agile practices and to develop an expert system to provide online consultation to the proposed mapping. We presented our research strategy and anticipated results in details, and discuss our expected contributions to industry and academia.

Aplicação do método ágil scrum no desenvolvimento de produtos de software em uma pequena empresa de base tecnológica

Gestão & produção, 2012

This study presents the result of an action research that was carried out in a small technology-based company, in which the Scrum agile methodology was applied in software product project. The company object of this research operates in Itajubá/MG, and its main products are software systems. Studies have shown that the software industry is inefficient and ineffective. Micro and small technology-based companies have an even greater challenge, considering their limited resources. Furthermore, traditional methods of software product development are expensive. Considering that the strategic importance of micro and small technology-based companies in regional development, Scrum should be compatible with their processes, so that they could become more competitive and reap its benefits The objective of this paper is to monitor and assist the implementation of Scrum agile methodology in new software product development in a small technology-based company to understand and measure the impact of the use of this methodology in the company. The final results of the research show that this methodology increased the team's motivation, reduced the cost, time, and risk of the project, and increased productivity. Therefore, with these results, the organization tends to be more competitive since a successful product development management is crucial to the success of a technology-based company.

Fatores determinantes de sucesso na adoção de softwares livres em empresas privadas: algumas evidências empíricas


Nowadays, the free software has been presented as an alternative to the acquisition structure of proprietors’ softwares licenses, being adopted by a large number of companies. This study presents the analysis, through a case study, of a project of proprietors' software migration for free platforms. The main purpose was to identify decisive factors of success in the adoption of free softwares for private companies. For this, was used the single case methodology of study, presented by Yin (2005). The theoretical referential approaches issues related to the definitions and the historic of the free software, the resistance to information systems and the change resistance. The idea is to look for the fundamentals to support the researcher’s understanding of the situations observed in the field. The data found at this research was analyzed using a meta-frame, which has as the main point the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Information Technology, developed by Venkatesh et al. (...

Software derivation requirements from improved business processes model: an experience at an academic office

Revista Gestão da Produção Operações e Sistemas, 2018

Derivação de requisitos de software a partir de modelos de processos de negócio melhorados: uma experiência em secretaria acadêmica O presente artigo apresenta trabalho de análise e melhoria do processo de requisições de alunos no setor do registro acadêmico de uma instituição federal de ensino, utilizando modelagem de processo na notação BPMN, ferramentas da qualidade e técnica de derivação de requisitos de software. A metodologia utilizada para se alcançar tais objetivos baseou-se em reuniões com funcionários do setor para modelar o processo atual, aplicação de ferramentas da qualidade, para identificar os problemas e suas causas neste processo, a fim de melhorá-lo, e validá-lo, para que haja um aperfeiçoamento com a direção do setor. Foi feito também um levantamento bibliográfico sobre técnicas de derivação de requisitos de software a partir de modelos de processos de negócio, tendo sido escolhida a técnica REMO para a aplicação neste estudo de caso. São apresentados como resultados o modelo do processo atual, as técnicas de qualidade aplicadas, o modelo do processo melhorado e os requisitos extraídos. Palavras chaves: Modelagem de processos. Qualidade. Requisitos de software. This paper presents a work of analysis and improvement of the students' requisitions process in the academic registrar department of a federal teaching institution, using process modeling in BPMN notation, quality tools and derivation technique of software requirements. The methodology applied to achieve these goals entailed meetings with employees of the department to model the current process, quality tools application to identify the problems and their causes in this process, in order to improve it, and the improved process validation with the directorate of the department. A survey was also conducted on techniques for software derivation requirements from business process models, and the REMO technique was chosen to be applied in this case study. The results of the current process model include the applied quality techniques, the optimized process model and the extracted requirements.