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Las tierras altas de Chiapas / The Chiapas Highlands
Guía de arquitectura y paisaje mayas. The Maya. An Architectural and Landscape Guide (C. Valverde, R. Liendo y G. Gutiérrez, coordinadores), pp. 450-481, CEM, IIFL, UNAM, Junta de Andalucía, Agencia Española de Cooperación al Desarrollo, Sevilla, 2010
Zoque, A Grammar of San Miguel Chimalapa (Johnson)
Zoque, A Grammar of San Miguel Chimalapa (Johnson)
Roberto is also the one who encouraged me to make a quick trip to San Miguel Chimalapa at the end of my first summer in the field, and told me which documents to get to impress the Fulbright board. Without his advice, I would probably not have won the grants, and thus not been able to pursue this research. My deepest and most heartfelt thanks go to Germán Sánchez Morales, my principal consultant, advisor, caretaker, and dear friend. He is an extraordinary teacher of languages, with infinite patience and an amazing capacity for paraphrasing and re-phrasing and interpreting my lousy Zoque accent and my highly-variable Spanish. "I could speak with a mute!", says Germán, and that is nothing but the simple truth. He is also a kind, cheerful, good-natured, intelligent, honest, and hard-working man, who was my collaborator in every stage of this project. He made this enterprise his own, and this grammar, as well as the v dictionary and the collection of texts, are a testament to his vast knowledge of and love for his language. I would also like to thank his wife, Teófila Jimenez Cruz, and his children, Griselda, Cecilia, Homero, and Rosa, for welcoming me into their family circle during my stays in San Miguel. They fed me, housed me, encouraged me, and taught me how to behave, with endless kindness and affection (not to mention the excellect cooking). Last, but certainly not least, I want to thank all the people of San Miguel Chimalapa. They made me welcome in their community in every way, which I sometimes failed to appreciate at the time, but will never forget. They held the bus for me in Juchitán, they guided me, they explained customs and traditions, and they shared their own histories with me. I wish I could offer them more than a grammar, and I hope that someday this work will help someone remember what a truly fine and wondrous thing it is to be a Zoque of San Miguel Chimalapa. vi
Aportes a la Docencia. Por los caminos de la nación. Volumen 1 (versión en inglés)
Aportes a la docencia, 2019
Reflections: The Guatemalan Revolution of 1944. Contributions to the teaching field is a publication made by the School of History of the University of San Carlos of Guatemala. The papers signed hereinafter are the sole responsibility of their authors. The original copies received will not be returned. The content used in this magazine shall be used freely provided the original source is quoted. Índice Presentation Films and revolutions: Pueblo en Marcha, a movie about Jacobo Arbenz's presidential campaign Edgar Barillas, Ph.D. The October Revolution of 1944. A glance from the 21 st Century Ángel Valdez Estrada, Ph.D. From a revolutionary process to "their" revolution: The revolution that did not make it into existence Mauricio José Chaulón Vélez, M.A. Hegemony and utopia: The defeated October Revolution and the communism in Guatemala Gabriela Grijalva, M.A. Brief thoughts on social thinking and its influence on the cultural policies within the constituent proposal of 1945, in Guatemala Jaime A. Chicas Zea, B.A.
Cambio de uso del suelo en la cuenca del río Sabinal, Chiapas, México
Con el propósito de conocer que los factores promueven el cambio en la cobertura del suelo en la cuenca del río Sabinal, Chiapas, este trabajo analiza la relación entre mapas de cambio en la cobertura del suelo y estadísti-cas socioeconómicas. Se elaboraron mapas de la cobertura del suelo de 1992 y 2009 con imágenes satelitales de alta resolución; también se colectaron y analizaron datos socioeconómicos relacionados con el uso del suelo. La comparación de los mapas muestra que la tasa de deforestación es del 0.5 %, la cual es más baja que la reportada en otras zonas de bosque tropical seco; la población rural se ha mantenido a niveles similares de 1990, pero la población urbana creció más del doble. La supercie promedio de potreros por productor se ha duplicado, pero la de cultivos se mantiene similar a 1992, ya que los campesinos prerieron sistemas de producción extensivos. Los terrenos agrícolas han disminuido en extensión y se han desplazado a zonas de mayor pendiente debido a la expansión de las áreas urbanas. Se encontró una alta dependencia de insumos de otras regiones del país, pero la producción de alimentos básicos en la cuenca se ha mantenido a niveles de 1991.
Down by the Riverside in Chiapas
It’s 7:30, late morning in San Benito, already steaming hot with no hint of breeze. Through the open doorway of our thatch roof hut I watch the chickens strut and scratch and peck, their clucks joining the chirping birds and buzzing insects and the occasional complaint of the community horse, whose fate is to be tied up in a jungle clearing until a heavy load needs to be transported to or from the two dugout cayucos on the banks of the muddy Lacantun River. The women have been up since before dawn, grinding corn and patting the mass into flat tortillas to toast on the comal over a wood fire. A shyly smiling girl in a brightly embroidered huipil brings our morning ration of warm tortillas, which I transfer to a plate to return the wrapping cloth. The men have already had their tortillas, perhaps with some reheated black beans, and headed out with machete in hand to their milpas to tend the corn. Anna is still asleep in her hammock, which she has tied shut at the top to keep from fall...
Chiapas: territorio de inmigración, emigración y tránsito migratorio
Papeles de Población, 2008
El objetivo de este trabajo es explorar la condición del estado de Chiapas como territorio de movilidad laboral transfronteriza, así como su creciente participación en la emigración intrarregional, nacional e internacional y su situación como espacio de tránsito migratorio ...