ПРАВОВА РЕФОРМА: концепція, мета, впровадження. Зб. наук. праць. Матеріали VIІІ міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. (Київ, 23 лист. 2017 р.) / за заг. ред. Н.М. Пархоменко, М.М. Шумила. - Київ : Ніка-Центр, 2017. – 480 с. (original) (raw)
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Исследуются современное состояние и перспективы совершенствования правового регулиро-вания государственного управления в сфере стимулирования развития информационных техно-логий, в том числе для формирования цифровой экономики в Российской Федерации. На основе анализа российского законодательства определены ключевые элементы правового механизма государственного управления в сфере стимулирования развития и внедрения технологий в раз-личных областях. Изучение документов стратегического планирования и информационного за-конодательства позволило обосновать ряд предложений по совершенствованию правового регу-лирования в рассматриваемой области. В частности, нужно законодательно закрепить положе-ния о стимулировании развития информационных технологий, выявлении и устранении правовых и организационных барьеров их развития.
Acta Paedagogica Volynienses, 2021
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Рабінович П., Рабінович С., Панкевич О. Праворозуміння – концептуально-методологічний фундамент формування та розвитку правової доктрини (за матеріалами журнальної дискусії 2021–2023 рр.). Право України. 2023. № 3. С. 18–33., 2023
LAW UNDERSTANDING – THE CONCEPTUAL AND METHODOLOGICAL FOUNDATION OF THE FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF LAW DOCTRINE (BASED ON THE MATERIALS OF THE 2021–2023 JOURNAL DISCUSSION) ABSTRACT. In Ukrainian jurisprudence, the issue of the formation and development of law doctrine has been brought up recently, an issue that constantly remains in the field of attention of the world legal community. The purpose of the proposed article is to provide the author’s interpretation of the general concept of law doctrine and demonstrate the role of law understanding as a conceptual and methodological foundation for the formation and development of the latter. In view of the multiplicity of legal phenomena “lawfulness” and “legality” can hardly be considered as their single-meaning characteristics. The property of “legality” can be associated only with those social phenomena that are the result of the state’s manifestation of will, the power-regulatory activity of state bodies. From such positions, only such doctrine, which is directly pronounced, supported, and used by governmental bodies in their legal and regulatory practice, will be considered legal. The basis of the given interpretation of legal doctrine is the understanding of law as established or sanctioned by the state, while among other types of law understandings, in particular, “natural” or sociological, state-regulatory activity is most often not mentioned at all. It seems reasonable to consider a law doctrine as a complete, logically agreed, dynamic system of worldview-conceptual views of a general, instructive-directive nature regarding such human life activity, the concept of which is denoted by the term “lawful”. Given the well-known historical pluralism of law understanding, the pluralism of law doctrines is and, obviously, will be insurmountable in the future. The conceptual distinction between law and legal doctrines in itself does not disprove the fact that both of the just mentioned types of doctrines can have their own socionecessary and conceptual sources of plurality, one way or another. Instead, the conceptual basis for a monistic, unified interpretation of the concept of legal doctrine today, as before, is only a state-centric approach to the understanding of law. KEYWORDS: doctrine, law understanding, law doctrine, legal doctrine; lawfulness; legality.
Paziuk, Andrii V. Regulation of Information Sphere by International Law (theoretical and practical aspects). – Manuscript. Thesis for a doctor degree in law by specialty 12.00.11 – international law. – Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. – Кyiv, 2015. The thesis is the first in Ukrainian science of international law comprehensive analysis of the international legal aspects of information (cyber) sphere regulation. International information law body as a comprehensive branch of modern international law has been identified. Applicability of all existent general principles of international law to interstates relations in information sphere is demonstrated and specific principles of international information law are systemized. The author provides overview of historical background of international efforts to codify freedom of information by League of Nations and the UN, examines different approaches of Soviet block and Western countries to the framing freedom of speech in 50-70th. UNESCO efforts to promote more inclusive world communication order in 80-90th followed by WSIS first outcomes in 2003-2005 are analized. The special part of the thesis is devoted to freedom of speech concept, diffrerent regulatory approaches and their practical usage for some types of speech by courts in European and American legal systems were analyzed. Types of harmful speech are classified and problem of hate speech regulation by international law is demonstrated. Special attention is also paid to erga omnes obligations imposed by general international law with regard prohibition of illegal information (propaganda of war, racial hatred, propaganda of genocide / atrocity crimes and terrorism, child pornography). Particular legal problems of framing transboundary legal relations in cyberspace have been analyzed, including identified various international legal instruments used to ensure freedom and control of cross-border information flows, current trends and forms of establishing an international legal framework for ‘responsible behavior’ of State in infosphere (cyberspace). The concept of ‘umbrella’ of freedoms online is proposed to cover different dimensions of Internet freedoms and measurement purposes for evaluation of the level of Internet freedoms in particular country (political freedom, universal access freedom, economical freedom and freedom to participate in Internet governance). The role of international law to ensure the future development of the global information society and international cooperation especially in the field of Internet governance through multistakeholder participation by all stakeholders ‘in their respective roles’ (government, business and civil society) has been examined. The author offered his own vision of the concept of state sovereignty in information sphere by using ‘responsibility to protect’ doctrine for information security issues. The theoretical provisions are laid on the realm of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. Author examines limitations of transboundary broadcasting imposed by Ukraine with regard harmful propaganda from Russia to their consistency with obligations under international law. The author provides with proposals for Ukraine to improve the national mechanism for human rights protection of Internet users in order to bring it into accordance with the Council of Europe standards, to extend directions and advance forms of participation in international cooperation on Internet governance, freedom of Internet and other Internet-related public policy issues. Keywords: international law, international information law, complex branch, freedom of information, prohibited information, information aggression, state sovereignty, Internet governance, multistakeholder participation, WSIS