Lesson Study Based Contextual Mathematics Learning Quality in Elementary School of Selo Boyolali (original) (raw)

Mathematics Learning Management at Elemantary School Post Merapi Eruption

International Journal of Education, 2012

This first year study is aimed at describingmathematics learning management done by elementary school teachers. Specifically it is acted to describe room and media management, teaching learning materials, and their interaction in teaching learning process held by the teachers at Selo, Boyolali, Central Java, Indonesia. Wholly, this study is in the frame of research and development (R & D) but for the first, qualitative approach is selected. The informants cover principal, teachers, and the students. For collecting the data, the writer uses observation, in depth interview, and documentation, then the collected data are analyzed by flow method. The results of this study show (1) room and media management done properly makes mathematics learning effective, productive and arising motivation on concept understanding, (2) learning material management makes optimal learning outcome and reflective thinking of the students, (3) interaction management makes teaching learning process lively and happily and finally optimal learning objectives are reached.

Analysis of Mathematics Learning at Sma Negeri 2 Masohi


This study aims to analyze the ability of math teachers in learning plan, implementation of learning, and assessment of the learning process in the implementation of the 2013 curriculum. The research was conducted at SMA Negeri 2 Masohi, involving 5 math teachers, namely the first teacher (G1), the second teacher (G2), the third teacher (G3), the fourth teacher (G4), and the fifth teacher (G5). The data was collected by using an assessment of (1) the lesson implementation plan was prepared by each teacher, (2) the learning process was carried out by the five mathematics teachers, and (3) teachers in the assessment process and the learning outcomes of the students. The instruments consist of 3 (three) assessment formats, namely: (1) RPP assessment format, (2) learning assessment format, and (3) learning result assessment format of learners using assessment scale 0-4. The results of the study are as follows: (1) The average RPP assessment of the five teachers is 74.40 and fall into the good category (B), (2) The average learning ability score of the five teachers is 80.00 in the good category (B), and (3) The average ability score of the five teachers in carrying out the assessment of the learners' learning outcomes is 80.71 and fall into the good category (B).

The Influence of Scientific Approach and Contextual Approach on Mathematics Learning Outcomes of Class VII Student SMP Negeri 2 Jeruklegi

AdMathEduSt: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Pendidikan Matematika, 2017

Learning activity in SMP Negeri 2 Jeruklegi, Cilacap Regency at mathematics still being dominated by teachers and make students passive in class. This condition has made students in trouble and influence the learning outcomes. The purpose of this study is to know differences in mathematics learning outcomes using scientific, contextual and conventional approaches, and compare what is better to student grade VII mathematics learning outcomes in SMP Negeri 2 Jeruklegi in Cilacap Regency in 2015/2016 academic year. The population in this study is student grade VII at SMP Negeri 2 Jeruklegi, Cilacap Regency of even semester in the 2015/2016 academic year, which is split into seven classes and total students are 222. Sample is taken three classes using a random sampling technique, VII C as experiment class of scientific approach, VII E as experiment class of contextual approach, and VIII D as experiment class of conventional approach. Data collected by documentation and test. This study using experimental with perfect random design. The instrument test includes a validity test, reliability test, and the difference test. Data analysis to condition test include normality test with formula Chi-Quadrate, Homogeneity test with Bartlett Test, and hypothesis test using variance analysis and average test after anava. Based on variance analysis with significance level α= 5%, df numerator v1= 2 and df denominator v2= 92 show that: there is difference between mathematics learning outcomes of students using scientific approach, contextual and conventional approach those are showed by Fcount= 6,303458 > Ftable= 3,09543 and based on RNK test, obtained that contextual approach is better than mathematics learning using scientific and conventional approach to students' mathematics learning outcomes.

Academic Performance of Grade 6 Pupils in Candelaria District, Schools Division of Zambales Vis-À-Vis Instructional Strategies in Mathematics

Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal , 2022

The study aimed to determine the perceptions of the grade 6 pupils on the teaching strategies of Mathematics teachers in Candelaria District, Schools Division of Zambales. Likewise, it attempted to determine its relationship to pupils' academic performance. For a meaningful analysis of the data, the hypothesis tested was: there is no significant relationship between pupils' academic performance and teaching strategies of teachers. The descriptive type of research was used in this study using lottery technique in choosing its sample. The researcher used frequency distribution and percentage to quantify the data and employed Pearson r to test the hypothesis at .05 level of significance. From the given findings, the following conclusions were drawn:1) The academic performance of the pupils in terms of Mathematics Ratings and Grade Weighted Average were generally Very Satisfactory and Satisfactory, respectively; 2) The teaching strategies of teachers as perceived by the participants were under the qualitative index of "Always"; 3)Only the second grading in Mathematics Rating and second grading in Grade Weighted Average were significantly related to teaching strategies of Teachers; and 4) No significant relationship was noted between the perceptions of grade 6 pupils on instructional strategies used by their teachers in Mathematics and their academic performance.

The Mathematics Learning Model’s for Early Grade Students: Contextual or Problem-Based Learning

AKSIOMA: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika

This research aimed to know the appropriate learning model was applied in early grade mathematics learning by showed the differences in mathematics learning outcomes of students who use contextual teaching-learning and problem-based learning. This research method was quasi-experiment with a posttest only control group design. The population of this research were 3rd grade students of SD Negeri Wonosari, Semarang City. The sampling technique was used to cluster random sampling with two experimental classes. The first experimental class used contextual teaching-learning and the second experimental class used problem-based learning. The data were analyzed using a one-way ANOVA test. The results showed that there were differences between student mathematics learning outcomes in three classes. Student learning outcomes that applied contextual teaching and learning were better than mathematics learning outcomes of students who applied problem-based learning or conventional learning becau...

Eksperimentasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Group Investigation Dan Team Assisted Individualization Dengan Pendekatan Contextual Teaching and Learning Pada Pokok Bahasangaris Dan Sudut Ditinjau Dari Sikap Siswaterhadap Matematika Kelas VII SMP

Journal of Mathematics and Mathematics Education

The objectives of this research were to find out: (1) which learning model of the GI with CTL approach, TAI with CTL approach or conventional learning results in a better learning achievement in mathematics; (2) which students attitudes toward mathematics of the positive, neutral, or negative types results in a better learning achievement in mathematics; (3) in each students attitudes toward mathematics, which learning model of the GI with CTL approach, TAI with CTL approach or conventional learning results in a better learning achievement in mathematics; and (4) in each learning model, which students attitudes toward mathematics of the positive, neutral, or negative types results in a better learning achievement in mathematics. This research used the quasi experimental research method with the factorial design of 3x3. Its population was all of the students in Grade VII of State Junior High Schools in Ngawi regency. The samples of the research were taken by using the stratified cluster random sampling technique. The data of the research were analyzed by using the unbalanced two-way analysis of variance at the significance level of 5%. The results of this study showed that: (1) the GI and TAI with CTL approach learning models result in the same good learning achievement in mathematics, but both result in a better learning achievement in mathematics than the conventional learning model; (2) the mathematics learning achievement with positive attitudes toward mathematics was better than that with neutral and negative attitudes towards matematics, that with neutral attitude towards matematics was better than that with negative attitudes toward mathematics; (3) in each students attitudes toward mathematics type, the GI and TAI with CTL approach learning models result in the same good learning achievement in Mathematics, but both result in a better learning achievement in mathematics than the conventional learning model; (4) in each learning model, the mathematics learning achievement with positive attitudes toward mathematics was better than that with neutral and negative attitudes towards matematics, that with neutral attitude towards matematics was better than that with negative attitudes toward mathematics.

Mathematics Learning Activities Of Students Of SMP Negeri 5 Tondano In The Transitional/Post Pandemi Covid-19 Period

Journal on Education

This study aims to describe mathematics learning activities during the co-19 pandemic and after the co-19 pandemic at SMP N 5 Tondano. Approximately 2 years of the brave learning process was carried out, which might make students experience problems in terms of ethics or attitude because while learning, the brave teacher also lacks in supervising students' attitudes and behaviour, so with this change in learning, the difference is very visible. This research is qualitative descriptive research. Data was collected using observation techniques, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that students' mathematics learning activities during the transition/post-covid-19 pandemic were going well at school following the schedule of learning activities the school had prepared. However, students' mathematics lessons are less effective in the process. This is evidenced by observational data, which shows: 1) Teachers are less creative using various learning models, 2) Stude...

Correlation of School Literation with the Results of Learning on Mathematic in the Situsari 01 Elementary School


This research is about the correlation study with the school literacy as independent variable and result of learning mathematics as dependent variable. The main purposes of the research is for find out relation between school literacy with result of learning mathematics. The research implemented at March 2018 and use survey research with correlational approachment. The subject on the research are students four grade in the Situsari 01 Elementary School with 101 students. Sampling from formula calculation is 50 student using Taro Yamane formula with 10%. The technique of data analysis are regretion technique analysis and simple correlation. Regretion technique analysis and simple correlation produce a relation model otherwise in type equation Ŷ = -22,12 + 0,86x, with Fhitung is 48 bigger than Ftabel with the real level 0,05 with 4,04, and be based on contribution the outcomes of research is 94%, so can summed up that there is a positive and significant relation between school literac...


This study assessed the mathematics learning styles of the grade six pupils of Talaga Elementary School, School Year 2013 -2014 as basis for a proposed enhancement plan. Descriptive correlation method was used in the gathering of data. A researcher -made questionnaire as the main instrument and various adapted survey questionnaires were utilized in collecting the data.

Efforts to Improve Students’ Mathematical Problem Solving Ability Through Contextual Teaching and Learning at SMP Negeri 1 Binjai


ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to know whether contextual teaching and learning (CTL) approach could improve students’ mathematical problem solving ability (SMPSA) in eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Binjai. The type of this research was Classroom Action Research. The subject of this research was students in class VIII-9 which consisted of 20 students. The object was SMPSA on cube and cuboid topic in eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Binjai Academic Year 2015/2016.This study consisted of two cycles. Each cycle had two meetings. SMPSA was tested in the end of cycle. Instrument used to collect data in this research were test and observation sheet. After giving a treatment to students, in the first cycle, the average score of their mathematical problem solving ability was 2.30. Ten of 20 students (50%) obtained score ³ 2.67. The average score of teacher’s activities in observation sheet was 2.66, which classified as good category. The average score of students’ activities in obser...