I trascendentali tommasiani ens, unum, multiplicitas nel cosiddetto “tomismo analitico” (original) (raw)
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"Io devo capire". Una breve e parziale nota sull'epistemologia trontiana
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Le figure della differenza ontologica nel tomismo del Novecento (seconda parte)
This study presents the significant differences between some of the greatest twentieth-century Thomists regarding what they consider to be the key to Thomistic metaphysics; namely, the real composition of essence and the act of being in created substance and the consequent ontological difference between ens and its esse. Four philosophers are studied in chronological order: Etienne Gilson, Jacques Maritain, Cornelio Fabro and Marie-Dominique Philippe. Their respective positions are systematically analyzed –––––––––– 80 Di recente, un tentativo di rilettura di Metafisica Z alla luce dell’actus essendi è stato proposto da M. BALMÈS, Pour un plein accès à l’acte d’être avec Thomas d’Aquin et Aristote, Réenraciner le De ente et essentia, prolonger la Métaphysique, L’Harmattan, Paris 2003. L’Autore si iscrive nella linea di Marie-Dominique Philippe, di cui fu discepolo. 81 Sulle dottrine non scritte, cf. il classico volume di G. REALE, Per una nuova interpretazione di Platone, Rilettura della metafisica dei grandi dialoghi alla luce delle «Dottrine non scritte», Vita e Pensiero, Milano 1995. Per un primo raffronto con la problematica del presente studio, si veda il c. 7 della IIa parte, 214-227, nonché il c. 14 della IIIa parte, 435-453. Quella che potrebbe essere la «differenza ontologica» platonica, in questa ottica, viene descritta così a p. 225: «È questo il nocciolo della protologia platonica: l’essere è prodotto da due principi originari, e quindi è una sintesi, un misto di unità e molteplicità, di determinante e indeterminato, di limitante e illimitato. E su questo tema Platone si spingerà addirittura a presentare uno scorcio negli scritti, in particolare nel Filebo» (i corsivi sono del Reale). Il lavoro che auspichiamio è già stato iniziato negli studi di CRISTINA D’ANCONA COSTA, “La doctrine néoplatonicienne de l’être entre l’antiquité tardive et le moyen-âge. Le Liber de Causis par rapport à ses sources”, Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale 59 (1992) 41-85, nonché di Giovanni VENTIMIGLIA, Differenza e contraddizione, Il problema dell’essere in Tommaso d’Aquino: esse, diversum, contradictio, Vita e Pensiero, Milano 1997, pp. 62-82. Alain Contat 250 according to four criteria: 1) the epistemological locus of the ontological difference within the third theoretical science; 2) the exact “nature” of essence and esse and their mutual relationship; 3) the consequences which this position poses regarding the problem of the subsistence of the suppositum and the problem of accidental esse; 4) and finally the judgment made by each author on the relationship between the ontological difference in St. Thomas and the Socratic metaphysics of Plato and Aristotle. Two opposing “figures” of the relationship between essence and the act of being emerge: 1) Gilson and Fabro – despite their disagreements on other points – consider essence by itself and in se as the measure of the act of being by way of potency, meaning that it does not enjoy any actuality until it is actuated by its act of being. 2) Maritain and Philippe, on the other hand, in accordance with the Dominican Thomism of Cajetan and John of St. Thomas, hold that essence is a formal act, the specifying actuality of which does not owe anything to the act of being, which has the exclusive role of making the essence exist. Prof. Contat concludes his extensive inquiry explaining why the first “figure” is the only one that fully agrees with St. Thomas’s texts and principles, and invites scholars to delve more deeply into the four series of problems from a historical and speculative point of view..
Le figure della differenza ontologica nel tomismo del Novecento (prima parte)
This study presents the significant differences between some of the greatest twentieth-century Thomists regarding what they consider to be the key to Thomistic metaphysics; namely, the real composition of essence and the act of being in created substance and the consequent ontological difference between ens and its esse. Four philosophers are studied in chronological order: Etienne Gilson, Jacques Maritain, Cornelio Fabro and Marie-Dominique Philippe. Their respective positions are systematically analyzed according to four criteria: 1) the epistemological locus of the ontological difference within the third theoretical science; 2) the exact “nature” of essence and esse and their mutual relationship; 3) the consequences which this position poses regarding the problem of the subsistence of the suppositum and the problem of accidental esse; 4) and finally the judgment made by each author on the relationship between the ontological difference in St. Thomas and the Socratic metaphysics of Plato and Aristotle. Two opposing “figures” of the relationship between essence and the act of being emerge: 1) Gilson and Fabro – despite their disagreements on other points – consider essence by itself and in se as the measure of the act of being by way of potency, meaning that it does not enjoy any actuality until it is actuated by its act of being. 2) Maritain and Philippe, on the other hand, in accordance with the Dominican Thomism of Cajetan and John of St. Thomas, hold that essence is a formal act, the specifying actuality of which does not owe anything to the act of being, which has the exclusive role of making the essence exist. Prof. Contat concludes his extensive inquiry explaining why the first “figure” is the only one that fully agrees with St. Thomas’s texts and principles, and invites scholars to delve more deeply into the four series of problems from a historical and speculative point of view...